Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, November 19, 2012

70 God Is Still Unknown Scientifically

My scientific work is very different than the scientific teachings one finds in bookstores, colleges, and universities.  I learned why this  difference exists, when I discussed the difference between the 'theory' of God and the 'practice' of God with President Brody of Johns Hopkins University. We both agreed that the theory of God (theology) is a different system of thought than the system of thought of the practice of God (sectarianism).  We also agreed that the 'theory of God' could be taught in every college and university without interfering with the practices of religions.

In yesterday's blog, I said that I published the first scientific proof of God in 2006. This proof was rejected in by atheists without rejecting the method that I used in my proof.  But my proof of God was accepted in with reviewing the method I used in my proof,  The proof was accepted by Stephen P. Smith and  Scientific God, Inc.

Today, theories of God are not taught or reviewed by colleges, universities, National Academy of Sciences, and National Science Foundation. Thus, without formal reviews of theories of God, the people of the USA cannot improve their lives and religions with ease. And, without formal reviews of theories of God, nor can U.S. government  develop new laws about the God, which is expressed clearly in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Accordingly, formal reviews of 'Theories of God' are necessary.  These reviews must be made without the interference of any religion because religions use 'scriptures' to make laws rather than 'scientific proofs.'


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