When a person says that it is great and safe to build a nation with a melting pot of people, that person does not know anything about the nature of the human mind. The person who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech yesterday was known for his violent writings and was a 23-year old Korean citizen, whose name was Cho SeungpHui. See pic. He thus had a Korean MINDSET, not an American MINDSET. I argue that this difference was the primary cause of Virginia Tech’s deaths. More specifically, the Korean God is very different from the American God. This difference is one reason why the Korean MINDSET is different from the American MINDSET. And, in general, the Korean culture is different from the American culture. The differences of these two cultures hold explosive potentials.
So, police departments and criminologists, please do not look any further for the cause of this Virginia event. Instead, work for the USA to develop the true American MINDSET so it will have no criminal potentials. Do this work in the memory of Virginia Tech’s lost children. This work would make the American MINDSET even more moral compared to what it is today. This means that US atheists must be asked to convert and foreigners must be asked to build their own nation.
A melting pot of people will never be a happy group of people.
At 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have been arguing that the Korean language somehow leads to a mindset which is incompatible with the American mindset and leads to things like the incident at VT. I am curious how you justify this position, and in particular what about the Korean language leads to this?
Or, are you saying that putting a person with a mindset in a culture with a different mindset leads to problems? If this is the case, wouldn't a person with an American mindset put into Korea lead to problems as well?
At 8:31 PM,
George Shollenberger said…
To Harold Smith,
Crime prevntion is a problem that all nations must solve. No nation can allow crime to merely vary, that is, rise, falll, rise, etc. This variation is the positions of crime fighters today when they accept 'acceptable levels of crime.' I disagree with this kind of crime fighting. I worked in the Justice Depratment for 24 years and disagreed with this crime fighting policy.
The MINDSET is a very difficult subject, especially if crime prevention is to be effective. I try to raise the interest of people when I write. I do not heve a solution to every problem. But I know some of the paths of thought that might lead to solutions.
Religious ideas form an important path of thought. For instance,'suicide bombers' and their leaders have MINDSET problems. Receiving rewards from God is not a belief that I hold.
Cultural difference also formss an important path of thought. For instance, poor and rich in the same nation create MINDSET problems. These two MINDSETS are too different to coexist in the same nation.
Hopefully, these wfew ords are of some help.
At 10:10 PM,
Adam Flath said…
Koreans become US Citizens everyday. Do those people have American MINDSETS or Korean MINDSETS.
If they are Korean, then none of us have a true American MINDSET.
If they are America, then your theory is flawed.
At 8:40 AM,
George Shollenberger said…
Hi adam,
My theory is that the concept, MINDSET, exists; that the American MINDSET differs from the Korean MINDSET; and that they differ because of cultural differences.
Now, when a Korean comes to the USA, the Korean MINDSET is subject to change. But, the extent of the change will depend on the openness/closeness of the mind of this Korean.
Any theory, like this theory of mine, is useless without research. With my theory, I am suggesting for new research by agencies and people who have authorities and funds.
At 11:09 AM,
Rev. BigDumbChimp said…
At 9:30 AM,
George Shollenberger said…
No,violence can originate in any nation. I am saying that violence comes as a result of symbolic flaws in any national languge.
At 9:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tell me, Mr Shollenberger, when did your family first come to America? And did their German mindset cause problems?
Your theory is offensive to me, and plenty of evidence exists to discredit it. Both America and the UK are nations which have seen successive waves of immigration. At each point in history, the people whose families arrived more than about 300 years ago react against the newcomers, spreading nasty myths and throwing abuse at them. In fact, examples of people originating in different countries getting along just fine far outweigh cases where serious problems are caused.
Your stirring of hatred at a time of tragedy is unhelpful, and, as I said before, offensive.
At 2:48 PM,
George Shollenberger said…
response to Rebecca Czechowicz,
I am not a racist or believe in slavery. If I am viewed as an offensive person, I haven't been clear in my position on developing a single world language.
The Shollenberger family had is beginning in Philadelphic in the first years of 1770. The German is still used today by the family in the Pennsylvania Dutch area. It caused a problem because the parents wanted their children to use English. It caused another problem because my father was prevented from building a business in refrigiration by the local Masons.
Languages can cause people to suffer many ways, (getting jobs, finding a wife, etc.0
The biggest problem of language is that it can prevent a nation from building knowledge and science.
Since science is the same in all nations and national languages are needed to develop sciences, I believe that a single national language should be used by all nations.
Sciences are needed by all nations in order to develop. So a single national language is the best for people.
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