Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, July 02, 2007

A George Shollenberger Report on Government Obligations in the Civil Society of USA Under God

In the June 30, 2007 blog, I showed that the USA was founded as an indivisible nation under God. I also showed that the error was made by some governing citizens. The error was made by excluding the Declaration of Independence from the US body of laws after the assassination of President Abe Lincoln. Assuming that this error will be corrected, the obligations of the US government in a civil society become clearer. For instance, the rights of people in a civil society and the rights of government are determined by God. So, what is politically right and what is politically wrong do not apply to a civil society. Below, I offer some obligations of the US government. Other obligations will be added to this list the by me as time passes so that US government can understand its obligations beyond the Constitution. If you want to identify other government obligations, please let me know about them on the 'comment section and I will consider them and add them to the list.

1. Government is obligated to be a part of the US civil society and its laws, which must be obeyed to avoid punishment. Since each US citizen gives rights to the government, the freedom of government is limited.

2. Government is obligated to serve and secure all US citizens equally.

3. Government is obligated to recognize God as a reality and must increase its knowledge of God. But, government cannot apply the teaching of any religion to any government activity or decision.

4. Government must consider God in all governmental activities and decisions.

5. Government must function only for the common good of all US citizens. The common good is created and achieved with national goals.

6. Weekly, every government agency must say the Pledge of Allegiance which states "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


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