Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Idealism, Materialism, and US Science

Idealism and materialism are two opposing philosophies that deal with the concepts,f‘thought and being and their relations. The question of these two camps is this: "Did God create the world or has the world been in existence eternally?" An idealist identifies with God and the mind (or thought) whereas a materialist identified only with body (or being). An idealist says that mind is over matter whereas a materialist says that matter is over mind.

Plato is the first idealist and Friedrich Hegel is a significant modern idealist whereas the first significant materialist is Karl Marx. In January 2006, because I was not getting younger, I concluded that it was time to publish my 25-year research on science and theology. It was finally published in June as "The First Scientific Proof of God." Since I did not study and include the works of Hegel and Marx in my book, I discuss them briefly here. In general, my book is aligned to Hegel’s idealism and spiritual development, primarily because I use spiritual atoms to form a single organic universe. In this blog, I use information on Hegel from the book, "Hegel: the Essential Writings" by Frederick Weiss (Harper Torchbooks). I use information on Marx and from the book, "Reader in Marxist Philosophy" by Howard Selsam and Harry Martel (International Publishers).

Hegel’s world is an organism consisting of God and Spirit-bodies. Reincarnation gives spirits the ability to develop higher levels of consciousness by seeking higher ideas and negating other ideas. Marx’s world is purely physical, aligns to Darwin’s evolutionary theory, and develops man into an economic culture through science and without a rich class.

In our modern era, materialism is seen initially in Russia in 1917. But, this materialism lost its communistic power in 1990. Idealism was installed initially in the USA in 1776. However, both idealism and God were lost following the assassination of Abe Lincoln. These losses are growing because all sciences have become aligned to materialism, which has no god. Further, an increasing number non scientists have become atheists. Since the Lincoln assassination, the USA has become a highly confused nation. The future of the USA has become unknown and thus insecure.

To my knowledge, only my book is identifying ways to correct the past and current trend of the USA so that its ‘society’ and ‘government ’can reestablish their world leadership through God and a rational future.


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