Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Crimes Against the United States

As the blogger of this website, on August 2, 2007 I began to discuss the United States since its beginning on July 4, 1776. In these discussions, I speak of this new nation as the New 1776 Political Experiment. This experiment develops a nation of self-governing citizens who are expected to form a more perfect Union under God.

In 1980, in the search for the root cause of crime at the US Department of Justice, I increased my participation in the development of the new experiment in my private life by studying the 15th century negative theology of Nicholas of Cusa. This study led to many new studies over a 25-year period. In June 2006, I published my study results in a book --- The First Scientific Proof of God: Reveals God’s Intelligent Design and a Modern Creation Theory.

This book is very advanced and speeds the development of the new experiment. It presents a scientific proof of God and new spiritual atoms for use by scientists and theologians. The book also shows government how to propagate the new experiment to all nations. It can unify religions, prevent wars, bring the Iraq War to an end, and can end terrorism and crimes.

However, the information in my book is not being communicated to the US government or to US citizens because atheists interfered with the free propagation of this book in the US economy. The motive of this interference is to destroy the belief in God in the USA so that atheism and Darwinism will increase. Based on my experience with atheists, I conducted research on the laws of the USA and concluded that all practices of atheism in the USA are crimes against the United States of America.

The practice of atheism in the USA has not only affected the propagation of valuable information in my book. Atheists are have had negative effects on all physical sciences and life sciences. The progress of these sciences are essentially stopped. Atheists are having negative effects on many other fields of thought such as the field of entertainment. If allowed to continue, atheists could end the New 1776 Political Experiment and transform the United States into a godless nation in which human rights are man-made.

If you are aware of other atheistic practices against the United States, you, or your organization, you should contact the Attorney General of the US Department of Justice. Please feel to use or reference to my discussions beginning on August 2, 2007 on the history and developoment of United States.


  • At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    In the course of our ongoing study of great historical figures and their "love that dare not speak its name", we discovered that Nicholas of Cusa had a sexual relationship with his friend Heimericus de Campo. So we wonder if your interest in him is purely scientific or also motivated by your own homosexuality (your photo speaks volumes; we love it!).

  • At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, what should we do about the Atheists?

    Do I need to contact my representative to urge new laws against them?

  • At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I know this guy in my neighborhood (D. Bark or Bask or something) who is always trying to talk people out of their Christian belief systems. To be honest, he comes up with pretty strong arguments, but I'd rather he wouldn't bother those people. Also, he is suspiciously secretive about his job. But do you think this is enough to report him?

  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to jeremy boldrick,

    I can't believe your message on Nicholas of Cusa. His work made him as important as any Pope and was widely known. So, if he was homosexual, I do not believe that it could be hidden at all.

    I never read anything about his homosexuality and doubt your source.

    I have four children and eight grandchildren. I lost my wife to cancer in 1999 and am remarried to Lillian.

    I view homosexuality as a mental/ linguistic flaw.

  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to p.hill,

    You should contact you representatives. I already contacted my two senators, representative, President Bush, and Chief Justice Roberts.

    Some new laws will be necessary. For instnce, the ACLU must be stopped by law. Further, we must teach what we know about God in all schools and we must make all levels of government sensitive to God. These laws will not destroy the separations of State and Religion.

    Your representative should be familiar with my postings beginning on August 2, 2007

  • At 9:48 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to joshua ross,

    The person you speak of is Darby Bask. He is one of five persons who conspired to stop the propagation of information in my book to believers. His dirty work was on He seems to work in a security organization of some kind, perhaps for government.

    His argument are weak and ignorant. I will be reporting him. You should report him because all of his teachings are against the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

  • At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You should contact you representatives. I already contacted my two senators, representative, President Bush, and Chief Justice Roberts.

    Some new laws will be necessary. For instnce, the ACLU must be stopped by law.

    But what about Atheist groups, like American Atheists, or the Freedom from Religion Foundation? Should they also be stopped by law? In what way should they be made illegal?

  • At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Sir,

    As someone who has studied the works of Nicholas of Cusa, you'll probably know that he was named Bishop of Brixen (in present Northern Italy) in 1450.

    A few months ago, scholars from the University of Göttingen, who were conducting research in the Brixen archives, accidentaly stumbled upon a series of letters Nicholas wrote to his friend in his native German tongue. The contents shocked them: for example, time and time again Nicholas professes his love and tells his friend ("mein Herzlein" -my little heart of mine) how much he enjoys it when they engage in "unsere körperliche Vereinigung" (our physical union).

    The authenticity of the letters, which against Nicholas' explicit orders were not burnt after his death but remained locked and unread in a wooden box, has been confirmed by renowned historians from Germany and Italy. A book on this stunning discovery will be forthcoming by the end of this year.

    By the way, many gay men are married and will publicly dismiss the whole concept of homosexuality. But in their hearts they know better. You can never deny what you really feel deep inside.


    Jeremy Baldrick

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to p.hill,

    We do not want to make 'thinking' illegal because such a law would eliminate a law of human nature. What we want to make unlawful is the practice of atheism, which is a godless human behavior and works against the development of a nation under God. All citizens must participate in the development of the USA to form a more perfect Union.

    I do not know how any atheist or atheistic organization can think about atheism while simultaneously thinking about developing the USA under God. For this reason, I believe that all atheists will become believers and all atheistic organizations will fade away.

    Joining a religion is not a mandate of any US law.


  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to jeremy baldrick

    Yes, I am aware that nicholas was a Bishop.

    Cusa is one of the sharpest persons I have ever read. He is also a Platonist. Remember, Cusa was a thinker and writer throughout his life. So direct discussions of his writings with people was a rare event.

    The use of the terms 'love' and 'physical union' would express a rare event of Cusa with a close friend who might have expressed a deep interest in Cusa's very difficult negative theology.

    Also, remember that the review of his first book (by John Wenck) was not good. So, finding interested followers was an important necessity of his life. He was a secret person, probably because he did not want to 'rock the boat' in Rome with his new theology.

    The desire for Cusa to find new followers cannot be equated to the desire for sexual relations. People who develop new forces of God seem to lose their desire for sex.

    Thanks, I look forward to the new book.


  • At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is strange: I asked around a bit to find out where this Darby Bask fellow lives, but nobody couldn't give me an answer. They told me that usually he suddenly appears, only to disappear again after a few days. So maybe he doesn't even live in Boston! He might be going from one place to another, distilling his poisonous thoughts and infecting law abiding Christians with it. Last thing he allegedly said was that he was going on a vacation to Baltimore and that he would be heading east from there. I hope this can be of some use for you.

  • At 4:11 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Hi josh,

    Darby Bask is indeed a strange person. removed his book review of my book several times and he kept resubmitted his review. He won this battle because no longer reviews 'book reviews' because of their high cost. has his email address because he can't resubmit without giving it to

    Bask is probably under the eyes of the FBI by this time because he might be part of an organization of foreign terrorists. You might check the Boston Police to see whether they have his name, job, and address.

    Since you are behaving as a great patriot, let me tell you that the atheists have convinced many scientists to be atheists. The result is that US science is deteriorating drastically. Without a continuous flow of new sciences, the USA could be in real trouble.

    Atheism grew in 1963 when Madalyn O'Hair won at the Supreme Court and had pyayers removed from schools. By 1967, she opened the first atheistic organization. By 1970, the atheists transformed many US scientists into into atheism.

    Unfortunately, I have shown often tht, without new knowledge of God, atheists can develop only pseudosciences.

    This is a war. So welcome to the organization of those God/freedom fighters who are fighting for the internal security of USA.


  • At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So the practice of Atheism should be illegal? I think that might be workable. Like arresting that guy who tried to get 'God' taken out of the pledge, right?

    But I still worry about those Atheistic groups, like American Atheists or the Freedom from Religion Foundation. They actually meet, make plans - sometimes they even have conventions.

    If a group of terrorists met in order to make plans to overthrow the government, we'd arrest them. Isn't this the same sort of thing?

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to p.hill,

    Yes, even one's personal, or a group's, initiative to change the pledge allegiance might be treated as criminal behavior against the USA.

    In a nation over two hundred years old, atheists should grow up. They are immature mentally and have not developed their minds properly and know little about their civil responsibilities to the Union. Our government is also making errors.

    Our schools are bad because the word 'diversity'is thought to be be a higher idea than the word 'Union.' Sick minds think wrongly..

    With the many 'absolutes' used wrongly by our youth today, the parts (citizens) are destroying the whole (the Union).

    If atheists cannot tolerate religions, they ought to be jailed and corrected because their minds need to be redeveloped.

    Terroriem is somewhat different than atheism because terrorists have already created a war. However, if atheists continue their criminal behaviors against the USA, their effort could also lead to a civil war, the kind of war that now exists in Iraq.


  • At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm not sure all Atheists are redeemable though. Perhaps life in prison for the really bad Atheists?

    Or perhaps we can create laws to render Atheists less harmful society. Perhaps by legislating some way to recognize someone on the street who has been convicted of Atheism. Perhaps something like the current Sexual Predator laws?

    We could require Atheists to be registered, monitor where they live (and where they are allowed to live too - we don't want them near schools!)

    I'm sure we could come up with something that is reasonable and fair, and perhaps a way of de-registering Atheists when they have learned their error.

    I've already drafted a letter to my congressman in the House. Unfortunately I don't think my Senators will be of much use - I live in California.

  • At 4:16 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to p.hill,

    All criminals can be classified because there is difference associated will them. For instance, a burglar and robber differ even though their motives are same, economic. So, a burglar does not like to confront the victim whereas the roober likes confrontation because the robber carries a gun.

    So, there are classes of atheists. The bad ones are bad listeners. They do not listen because a bad one is either a mind controller or has a mind that is being controlled by a controlling person or group.

    If your representative is a liberal, you will not receive much help. The liberal group contains most of the atheists. I suggest that you try your senators and President Bush next. They should listen to you.

    I have contacted Senator Byrd, John D. Rockefeller, IV, and Representative Capito and gave them my August 2, 2007 blog (in paper). The forthcoming election might be affected by this paper.

  • At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi George,

    At the amazon discussion board about your book this Bask guy has got the nerve of accusing you of being intellectually dishonest! First he falsely "quotes" something you allegedly wrote about something called Plato's negative, and then he goes on to make fun of your statements.

    Here is the "quote":
    "Let me present an example of using Plato's negative. Take the phrase --- to be a Christian. Plato's negative would generate the phrase --- not to be a Christian. The generated phrase is merely something different. Now, change `not to be a Christian' into something positive. Let me choose this positive thing, `to be a US citizen.' With this choice, the phrase, to be a Christian, and the phrase, to be a US citizen, become a relationship that humans created because of their freedom. With Plato, really new positives in the universe can be found. And, if Plato's negative is used again, the double negation will reveal God. Logical reasoning does not have this ability. So, the mind has a power that is higher than logical reasoning."

    This really makes me angry, because you can't possibly have written something so blatantly lacking any philosophical rigor. Doesn't this constitute a criminal act on Bask's part?

    With high regards,

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Hi Josh,

    You are conducting excellent investigations and finding the truth about Bask.

    The mind of Bask is controlled by logicians. This is why his thoughts are unlimited and wht his mind has no ability to reach into the world of God or any of God's attributes.

    In that the quote of Bask, he does not use Plato's negative at all. To move the human mind from something positive, say finite, nagation moves to something positive not something opposed. This is how we move our minds from something finite to something infinite. This infinite thing is an attribute of God. This means that God united all opposites.

    Only poisitive things exst in God's world.

    I stopped teaching Bask after I lkearned that his mind is controlled by some controller.


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