Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Theological Science* and My Predictions of the New President’s Administration

I believe that the 2008 presidential election debate has distinguished the Democratic and Republican parties clearly for the first time. I conclude that TV and the Internet have produced this new clarity. In this blog, I express my personal predictions of the new presidential administrations.

If the Democratic party wins, I conclude that the power of ‘the people’ will increase greatly and the power of the rich class will decrease. But if the Republican party wins, the power of ‘the people’ will continue to decrease and the power of the rich class will grow. This prediction is based on the current meaning of money defined by the rich class. This economic class views money as an ‘end’ rather than ‘means.’ Stated simply, the rich class says, ‘money talks.’

Because of its ungodly view of money, I believe that the Republican party has turned away from God completely. So, the Republican party is no longer following the Union that the Abe Lincoln saved. But I do not expect John McCain or Sarah Palin to change the Republican party because ‘theological science’ will reject many conservative ideas and Palin’s ‘born again’ Christian view of God. However, theological science concluded that liberal ideas are causing the Democratic party to turn away from God.

Whether the middle and poor economic classes can reject those liberal ideas that are turning the Democratic party away from God will depend on Barack Obama and his administration because the U.S. Supreme Court is quiet on the subject of God. I conclude that the future of the USA depends more on the thoughts of ‘the people’ about God then on the thoughts of any political party and their liberal and conservative ideas or the thoughts of any religion.

In the 15th century, when Germany’s Nicholas of Cusa discovered that God is infinite qua infinite and is thus incomprehensible, the Inquisition was the only religious response. Then, when Ben Franklin was sent to Europe to learn about the discovery of Cusa God, Americans prepared to create a new nation under God. Abe Lincoln was the last U.S. government response to this new nation. Then, when I discovered scientifically that God’s infinity is the origin of all finite things in the universe in 2006, there were no responses from the Bush White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, sciences, or religions.

So, if the next presidential administration of the USA does not consider the importance of these three discoveries, I predict that the development of new sciences in the USA will stop. And when science stops, the Union will fall apart and Civil War II will begin.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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