Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea IX (Developing a Nation)

As I showed in my blog yesterday, a nation can either develop or degenerate. Accordingly, a nation has no political middle or center where a citizen can sit without choosing God or atheism. These two paths of thought tell us how God views the freedom he gave us.

However, the development of the USA is confused today as it was when the Constitution was forming and the Federalists and Anti-Federalists were debating and could agree only enough to sign the Constitution. These debates continued today and increased immediately after President Obama won the White House. Fearing the past socialism of the Soviet Union, Republicans seek to amend the Constitution to make free enterprise a permanent right. But U.S. confusions are not abnormal. Our confusion, for instance, will also be found in today’s Russian Federation.

I conclude that today’s reservoirs and sewage systems were eventually needed. And I know that going to the moon revealed an unbelievable number of new technologies for our businesses, industries, hospitals, etc. Further, I represented the U.S. Department of Justice at the White House to discuss President Nixon’s social initiatives in 1971. I was impressed, for instance, to hear about increasing pig protein in the American diet, making a four-day workweek, and managing the underground, which included high speed tunneling systems. I conclude that social programs are necessary. For instance, having all trees trimmed in all neighborhoods should be a government program and should not be a private service only for the rich. Trimming trees would not be done by government. Trimming would be done by private tree trimmers under contract to government. A free market economy cannot serve social programs. The only question for the U.S. government is --- what social project should be funded?

In the early years of our nation, the debates were primarily between farmers and commercial oligarchies. Today, such debates are no longer because government’s agricultural agency was effective and reduced the need for farmers from 70% to 2%. After one generation, a government agency can be expected to become very effective. To create opposites and to unify ‘the people’ and the national government, the national government should increase to 50% of the U.S. population. The current GOP calls for government limits is not well thought about now that we know that we must eventually transport many people to a new planet after this planet begins to fall into our sun.

After some thought, I concluded that all levels of government require a Department of Nation Building. This department should be part of Congress so that politicians stop their stupid debates about pork.


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