Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XX (The Case of Shaun Herstenboin in Support of Carole Merzenberger)

In my discussions with Carole Merzenberger ( blogs dated 2/17/10 and 2/22/10), Shaun Herstenboin entered this discussion in support of Mrs. Merzenberger. Herstenboin is a chairman of the President's Education Renewal Committee.

However, they did unify only to tell me that I made a grammar error or the error I made about Mrs.Merzenberger on atheism. They came to raise their political power by assassinating my character, by telling people that I tell lies, and charge me with dishonesty. I conclude that they unified primarily to destroy my theory of an active God. I assume that they knew that my theory would prove that their inactive God of deism is false.

My theory of an active God is an organization of created and related things. My universe is not a container of variables. It is a universe of organized things. This containerless universe emerged in 500B.C. in Greece and was taught by Jesus Christ, Nicholas of Cusa, Gottfried Leibniz, Gorrg Cantor, and me.

I said to them, 'mind is epiphenomena of the brain.' I said this statement only to help materialists and Mrs. Merzenberger believe that a universe must have things, which have phenomena. This statement does not apply to my theory of an active God. In my theory, mind and brain brain are distinct and purposive things. All things have purposes and work together in my theory. Technically, things are called singularities. They are independent and immortal. Philosophically, singularities are called 'indivisibles' and become related to each other in order to form 'divisibles.' To the layman, the divisibles are known as 'bodies.' So a relation exists between indivisibles and divisibles or between mind and body.

However, Merzenberger and Herstenboin want to change my statement for their benefit. They want me to agree with their statement --- mind is epiphenomenon of the brain. However, their statement would destroys all things in my world theory. But they want to build a world of variables (varying phenomenon) . This world would become equated to the world proposed by Heraclitus. The world of Heraclitus is today's world of materialism and atheism. But, I say that a world of variables is not possible to know. Since the God of deism depends on knowing the world of variables, the God of deism must be false.

Since materialism, atheism, and deism are nor teachable subjects, I do not understand how Merzenberger and Herstenboin expect to teach children their false statements. However, if materialism, atheism, and deism are taught, a very new and different generations of dummies will emerge in the USA.


  • At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Shaun Herstenboim said…

    Mister Shollenberger,

    You are talking nonsense. Mrs. Merzenberger didn't question the MEANING of the phrase "Mind is phenomena of the brain". She merely highlighted that the GRAMMAR of the phrase was faulty, regardless of its meaning. It is not proper English to say "mind is phenomena/mirrors/extensions of the brain". Proper English is "Mind is a phenomenon/a mirror/ an extension of the brain".

    In view of your hostile reactions and your erratic reasoning the Education Renewal Committee has decided to follow up on Robert O'Brien's idea to name the Idiot of the Month Trophy after you. As of this year each and every US school and university will on a monthly basis hand out the George Shollenberger Award to those who in spite of their ignorance and sloppy thinking pretend to be scientists.

    Shaun Herstenboim (chairperson of the president's Education renewal Committee)

  • At 10:39 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Shaun Herstenboim

    If the phrase "Mind is epiphenomena of the brain" is incorrect using the English language, then the phrase "Mind is an ephenomenon of the brain" is incorrect scientifically.

    Currently, all scientific fields of thought develop their own symbolic languages and give meanings to their symbols. This poses a problem for all national language, like the English language, because it is a communication tool and is not a tool for developing sciences. I have told many people and Mrs. Merzenberger about this problem. But people are not interested, I believe because they do not understand the real problems of developing symbolic languages for science. So I no longer discuss this linguistic problem.

    I already received an O'Brien award. Then, I gave him a George Shollenberger Award for his childish behavior.

    I conclude that you and your friends are sensing the fall of materialism, evolution, atheism, and deism. This falure is certainly on the way.

    The behavior of all real losers are much the same. Your behavior seems to is similar to the behaviors of those people who became unemployed when the space program was reduced drastically by Nixon.


  • At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Shaun Herstenboim said…

    I don't care whether or not the phrase "Mind is an ephenomenon of the brain" is scientifically incorrect. That is not the point! The point is that it is not proper English. That was the only thing Mrs. Merzenberger wanted to point out to you.

    Your reflex reaction against any kind of criticism is denial and retaliation. That's why it took you so incredibly long to realize that you were mistaken in accusing Mrs. Merzenberger of having an atheistic mindset. From a google search I learned that this has been one of your many problems ever since your book received its first reviews on the amazon site.

    The Education Renewal Committee will warn children against this mentality of yours. Learn from your mistakes, Mrs. Shollenberger.

    Shaun Herstenboim (chairperson of the president's Education renewal Committee)

  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    EResponse to Shaun Herstenboim,

    You are not getting my point. Very few scientists have developed an interess in the philosophy of aymbolism. Only the arts seem to know how to use symbols and give them meanings.

    The physical scientists don't realize that the dimensions in the laws of physics are really symbols that have precise meanings. Today, these symbols are the only ones thar revealed 'laws of nature.'

    I encourage Mrs. Merzenberger to improve human communications through improved grammar in the English language. But I am against the use of a national communications language in science becaused the mind will become 'boxed.' We must keep our minds open because my world theory says that we live in a world that has no end.

    You can call me any name you wish or give me many ugly awards. They will not change me. I and my friends say ugly names and ugly awards are childish and ungodly.

    I would never 'accuse' a person of anything other than crime. So I did not accuse Mrs. Merzenberger of having an atheistic mindset. Having a specific mindset is a person's choice.



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