Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Natural Rights, VI

Leo Strauss says that natural rights appeared only after man discovered political life.This statement is true because political life did not exist until man sought his freedom and rights. Accordingly, natural rights were unknown until 'nature' was discovered. In this blog, I discuss the discovery of 'nature.'

The discoverers of nature were the first philosophers of Greece in the 6th century BCE. (click) These philosophers were familiar with the Old Testament. So when the Old Testament was translated into the Greek Bible (Septuagint), Greek philosophical thoughts, and the Greek language were influencing the making of the Septuagint. So these early Greek philosophers were dealing with symbols like 'heaven' and 'earth,' which are found in the Old Testament. My research of the teachings of Jesus Christ indicates that Jesus studied these Greek thoughts and the Septuagint. So we know more about Jesus than Christian leaders teach today.

When the Old Testament writers spoke of heaven and earth, the Greek philosophers spoke of heaven and earth as 'first things.' They spoke of man-made things and things that are not man-made. Thus, nature was discovered when the philosophers searched for first things with their own eyes. But man-made things led to the conclusion that no first things exist other than man. In the continued quest for first things, the philosophers presupposed that first things are 'always and imperishable' and are more truly compared to the things which are 'not always and perishable.' Since these ancient philosophers said, 'no things emerge without a cause,' they were saying that first things must 'jump into existence out of nothing and through nothing.'

These statements about the first things remained unproven until I found the true meaning of the symbol 'infinite' and published my book in 2006 on 'The First Scientific Proof of God.' This proof (page 6) says that 'all finite things are originated by an infinite thing.' The first thing is thus the infinite God. Although we know today that God is incomprehensible, we have access to God's attributes, which are never-ending in number. One of God's attributes is the symbol 'infinite.'

Today, atheists, materialists, evolutionists, and most mathematicians do not consider my book, my proof, my four-year website blogging. Nor do religions consider my book, my proof, and my four-year website blogging. They do not consider my work because they would be embarrassed about their false teachings.


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