Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The New Health Care Reform and the Way an Active God Created Us

My writings on the subject of an active God are advanced compared to other writers. My advances have occurred because (1) I concluded that all scriptures are man-made and (2) because I reject deism, materialism, atheism, and Darwin's evolutionary theory. Further, my studies of the Old Testament (KJV), the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the English Translation of the Septuagint (Greek Bible) confirms my conclusion that all scriptures are man-made. However, this study also tell me that the Jesus Christ is not the Son of God but that the teachings of Jesus Christ have their origin in (1) many different Greek writings, (2) the Septuagint and (3) the writings of Plato and his student, Alexander the Great. Thus, I believe that only an active God should be practiced and worshipped. Thus, deism, the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur'an, should only be used to help develop our knowledge of the active God.

The study of an active God is necessary because all human rights, including the right for health care, originate in an active God and are expressed in His Intelligent Design of our universe. God's design of these rights must be found by us because some of them must be given to the national government so that it can secure all U.S. citizens many different ways. The national government must also secure all U.S. citizens because the Declaration of Independence states that 'all Men are created equal.' Privileges are not for any humans.

Human rights (or natural rights) can be found only if one studies God's creation as St. Paul suggested in Rom. 1:20. Health care can be proven to be a natural right if one studies an active God and His intelligent design and discoveries that an active God is infinite and perfect and that all created things are finite and imperfect. So, at birth, some humans can have imperfections such as diabetes, cancer, autism, etc. Health care must thus care for patients who are born with imperfections or develop imperfections during life.

But our health care systems will not work if its workers reject an inactive God and accept deism, atheism, materialism, and Darwin's evolutionary theory. The health care systems will not work because humans are not mechanical things. All things that an active God creates are wholes. Each created thing thus has an infinite number of parts. Galileo also discovered this fact. So, all health care schools and all practitioners must change.


  • At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Idiot, you are a deist! How can you reject deism when you are one?!
    You do not believe in scriptures, believe they are man made and believe in an active god.

    Deism just means belief without scripture and you are a classical Deist like Voltaire or Herbert.

  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…


    I rejected deism, theism, and atheism when I proved panentheism and concluded that Jesus taught panentheism.

    I have never believed that a scripture is fully true. Since God unifies all opposites, we can't rise up with logic to understand God perfectly. Since I can't know God, I can see God through His acts. Since God cannot be exhausted, God is inactive So, I see God's active work.

    Since I say that we are reborn after death in the universe that God made, I find new understandings of God during each new birth.

    See my newest book: 'A New and Modern Holy Bible.

    George D. Shollenberger


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