Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, March 01, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XXIv (Advice to Christians)

In order to prevent another civil war in the USA, Christianity must change its way of teaching the contents of the New Testament. More specifically, the teachings of Christianity and Christian music must adjust to the 1920 discovery of the philosophy of symbols. This discovery requires every field of thought to use precise symbols so all humans can (1) communicate with each other better, (2) develop new scientific and moral truths, and (3) increase the security of the USA. Essentially, the 1920 discovery will improve the mind of all humans. This discovery will improve man's life and is much like man's discovery of writing about five thousand years ago.

However, Christianity must change for other reasons because man has made other discoveries over the last two thousand years and since Jesus Christ died. For instance, in this period man discovered new knowledge about a monotheistic God and the universe. In this period man was modernized. With this modernization, our knowledge of the teachings of Jesus Christ was also modernized. Some teachings of Jesus are just now being understood. These new understandings will become important to every human, religions, nations, and political leader. The modernization of Christianity might even produce new gospel music by Bill and Gloria Gaither and their singers. But to make this change, Christians must become brave. Jesus' teachings are not flawed. Only Christian teachings have flaws.

My website and Part II of my book on "The First Scientific Proof of God' has lots of new understandings about God, the universe, and Jesus Christ. Some modern facts on God, the universe, and Jesus Christ are as follows:

On God
1. God is active and intervenes into His creation. Thus the God of deism is false.
2. God infinity is not the infinity found in the universe.
3. God is incomprehensible.
4. The attributes of God are infinite in number but can never be fully known.
5. God's attributes are absolute but can reveal the content of the universe. Darwin's evolutionary theory is false.
6. God exists in a higher world. This higher world is connected to our lower world. These two worlds form a single world.
7. God had no beginning and has no end. Thus the Book of Revelation is false.
8.No person can live in God's higher world.

On Universe
1. The universe had no beginning and has no end.
2. The universe is not a container in which variable phenomena would be found.
3. The universe is an organization of things that do not exist in a container. Each thing in this organization has essential phenomena and contingent phenomena.
4. The universe has no vacuums.
5. The universe has an infinite number of indivisible things that form all divisible things. So each indivisible thing is immortal but forms all divisible things in a way in which each divisible thing is unique and purposive. Every divisible thing is mortal.
6.Since all indivisible are immortal, nonliving divisibles have long lives whereas living things have short lives.
7. In the organization of things, each divisible thing is independent but is also dependent on all other divisible things.
8. All immortal indivisibles thing s are reborn.

On Jesus Christ
1.Jesus Christ was a divisible thing and was not the Son of God. Since all immortal indivisible things are reborn, the new life of Jesus Christ would receive a different body. Thus, reborn humans could not be detected. The second coming of Jesus Christ is false.
2. In John 14:20, Jesus Christ teaches the universe of an organization of things.

Since Pope Benedict is modernizing the Catholic Church by building knowledge on subjects such as God's 'infinite' and the universe's 'UFOs,' Protestant churches should consider modernizing their members.


  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Anonymous,

    Very impressing. I woild like to convince all humans how to follow the way Mansour works in the future. Many new children live only in the present.



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