Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, February 26, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XXI (A Prediction)

A Perceived History of the Active God
The perceived history of the active God by man begins in ancient Greece. Then, Plato spoke of an active monotheistic God in his Parmenides. In this dialogue, his analysis shows that the concept ‘One’ cannot exist alone. So he hypothesized that One exist. If One exists, Plato shows that other things must exist. This analysis of Plato confirms the earlier statement of Anaxagoras, who said that ‘Each thing is in each thing.’

The teachings of Jesus Christ can be connected to these two Greek teachings in the Bible at John 14:20. This verse says, ‘At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.’ So Jesus also confirmed what Anaxagoras said.

These two Greek teachings and the teachings of Jesus can be connected to the 15th century writings ‘On Learned Ignorance’ by Bishop Nicholas of Cusa. In Book II, Ch. Five, Cusa says, ’God is in all things in such a way that all things are in Him.’

With the emergence of modern science, all of the above sayings become scientific sayings. Fir instance, on the subject of building bodies, Galileo says, ‘that a continuous quantity is built up of an infinite number of indivisibles.’ Eventually, Galileo’s 1600s sayings on indivisibles will appear in the New Science of Gottfried Leibniz as the principle of indiscernibles in the early 1700s.

Since Abraham's monotheistic God is One, a monotheistic God must be indivisible. Since I found that a monotheistic God creates of all finite things for the universe, God must also be Infinite. So, a monotheistic God is a thing that is both Infinite and Indivisible.

Since a One, Infinite, and Indivisible God can create by contracting his attributes, God can create many finite indivisibles. Since finite indivisibles are infinite in number, no finite indivisibles are identical. This implies that each finite indivisible has a specific purpose. The infinite number of finite indivisibles are thus the atoms that organize ‘things’ in the universe and can be perceived.

In my book, The First Scientific Proof of God, I use and expand Leibniz’s New System by connecting an infinite God to all finite things. I found that all connection of God to the universe are made with a pair of coexisting opposites, such as 'Infinite and finite.' To date, I have connected God to the universe with coexisting opposites such as 'One and many;,' Equality and inequalities; Union and relations; Indivisible and divisibles; and Independence and dependents. Essentially, this connection unifies the higher world of God to our lower finite world.


The people of the USA are no longer satisfied with the way the U.S. government is working. As a typical citizen, for instance, I found that the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence defines the Lockean ‘Society’ and that the Constitution defines the Lockean ‘Government.’ These definitions originate in the social contract theory of England’s John Locke. But the first two paragraphs in the Declaration never became a law in the USA. This terrible error destroyed the active God because it weakened man’s use of the phrase ‘Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.’ This phrase is found in the Declaration. Unfortunately, this error by the U.S. government opened the practice of false theories such as atheism, materialism, and deism.

If the error made in the Declaration is corrected, I predict that the active God will change our world immediately and will create an unbelievable period of peace and happiness. The rate of this change will depend on how well people respond to God’s intervention. I expect major changes to occur beginning in 2030.


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