Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How Can We Prevent Another Civil War in the USA?, XXIII (Advice to Religions)

In yesterday's blog, I said that the three big Western World religions ---Judaism, Christianity, and Islam --- are teaching falsities because they do not consider in their scriptures the 1920 discovery of symbols, which are unique to the human specie. The 1920 discovery is reported by Susanne K. Langer in her book on 'Philosophy in a New Key.' In this blog, I expand my yesterday's thoughts.

Since the meaning of symbols can be determined only by humans, we must conclude that all current scriptures were made by man. Since all scriptures are man-made, scriptures can never represent the direct or indirect 'Words of God.' Thus, for over three thousand years, it has been wrong to teach scriptures about God and the universe without religious proofs. Since all scientific documents are also man-made, it is also true that scientific documents should never be taught without scientific proofs.

Interestingly, religious and scientific proofs can be found today only in the USA because all true scriptures and all scientific documents can be expressed by the ' Laws of Nature and Nature's God.' These two different laws were identified in the U.S. Declaration of Independence by our founders. Thus, I suggest that the 'Laws of Nature and Nature's God' be considered by every nation on this planet.

Since religions and sciences are seeking truths, it is time to unify the fields of 'religion' and 'science.' This unification becomes possible with the 'Laws of Nature and Nature's God. Through these natural and moral laws, every human can be taught truths. At the same time, I say that all religions and sciences could also teach their best but unproven truths so that every human might recognize future possibilities through the 'best thoughts' of religions and sciences.


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