Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, April 02, 2010

The New Health Care Reform and the Failures of The Project Reason, the Republic Party, and Deism

I believe that new projects on reason are needed today for two reasons: (1) because many scientific and religious teachings are outdated and (2) because The Project Reason of Sam Harris is no longer posting negative comments and has become political. I was glad to learn about The Project Reason that Sam Harris developed. (click). However, the more I read about Harris' project, the more I rejected it. When I began to turn away from his project, I concluded that Harris' project is connected to (1) many ideas of today' s republicans and (2) the theory of an inactive God known as deism. I believe that these political connections have the force to destroy the new health care reform.

Eventually, I concluded that Harris' Project Reason is tightly connected to the ancient version of deism and the Jews inactive God. This ancient version of deism appeared when some Jews stopped the teachings of Jesus Christ when they convinced Romans to put Jesus to death on the Cross. Because of this anti-science event, humans were fortunate to learn that the teachings of Jesus Christ were recorded by friendly Jews. And since Jesus taught many Greek ideas, humans were also fortunate to learn that the writings of Plato were preserved by the Eastern Christians in Russia. Without these two teachings, the real truth about our world and the truth about an active God would have been hidden and the USA would be a colony of England today. Withs these two teachings, the active God became visible to all people. These two teachings also told us that a single world exists and is expressed as 'All is One.'

This single world has no beginning or end. It will thus destroy deism and atheism and will also destroy The Project Reason of Sam Harris. Below, I show why The Project Reason of Harris is wrong. This project must be challenged before it hides the truths about the an active God and His Intelligent Design of our universe.

Many atheists, deists, and materialists have become followers of Harris' project on reason. Their common thought is a universe that had a beginning and thus has an end. Since many materialists are also atheists, the deists hope for a life after death in Heaven rather than in Hell. However, all of these followers believe in a universe that ends because they follow all of the work of Albert Einstein. Rather than accepting an active God and the teachings of Leibniz, Plato, and Jesus, Einstein accepted an inactive God when he said that God does not play dice. By following Einstein, The Project Reason of Harris says that all living things have their origin in nonliving physical things. To Harris, all humans are mechanisms and thus have no freedom. With Harris' project on reason, our freedom is lost only because Einstein removed the concept of 'independence' from all things in the universe. To these three followers of Harris, freedom has become an illusion. However, I say that Einstein was wrong. His warped timespace is not true because a structureless physical atom has never been found in our atom smashers. But note. The U.S. founders did not remove independence from our citizens.

Why did Einstein make errors? First, Einstein was not a mathematician. He also did not study the works of Nicholas of Cusa. So, Einstein never learned that the absolute maximum and absolute minimum will be found only in God. Thus, he never learned that time = 0 will be found in God but will never be found in any finite thing. For example, anything with length (e.g., a yardstick) has an infinite number of indivisible parts and has no zero part. Galileo found that all bodies have an infinite number of indivisible parts. (See Ch. 6 in "Galileo Galilei, his life and his works" by Raymond Seeger.) Thus, the concepts zero and infinite are not part of our finite or transfinite number systems. So, when Einstein said that universe had a beginning, he was wrong when he added '0' (zero) to the universe.

On the subject of human rights, the project reason of Harris and its followers say that all human values are secular values. Thus, Harris says that God did not include any values in His Intelligent Design of the universe. Harris says that values are universal. But he says that these values originate in our brain rather than in God. Thus, in the phrase, 'Laws of Nature and Nature's God,' which is found in the Declaration of Independence, Harris removes the 'Laws of Nature's God' in this phrase. Thus, The Project Reason of Harris is changing the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

On Republican party thoughts, I agree that the early Republicans were following the work of Abe Lincoln in the 1860s. These Republicans thus thought that 'all Men are created equal.' However, today's Republicans are different and no longer follow the work of Abe Lincoln. Instead of following Lincoln, many of today's Republicans are godless and follow closely Harris; project on reason. Today's Republicans are different because they believe that the purpose of a free market economy is only to build monetary wealth. So, they seek a small government. But these Republicans do not understand that our nation is a Union that has social contract and self-government. The free market economy of Republicans has created a problem because citizens began to view socialism as an enemy of a free market economy. This view is wrong. Socialism is not an enemy of a free market economy because both are necessary to build a nation and prevent the development of unwanted cultures such as the drug culture. A nation is built with two systems: (1) social projects and (2) a free market economy. For instance, without the GI Bill of Rights after WWII and our space program in the 1960s, the USA would have not developed. Building reservoirs, highways, bridges, sewage systems, libraries, parks, and hospitals are examples of necessary social projects. Without social projects, unwanted cultures will develop. When President Obama stimulated many social projects, a Republican argued ignorantly that Obama's stimulus will not return any profit. This Republican neither understands socialism nor the trickle-up economy of England's John Keynes.

In closing, I notice that some republican and democratic ideas are basically wrong. For instance, many medical doctors view a human being as a mechanism. This view is wrong and eliminates our freedom. Currently, many medical doctors do not even try to solve some medical problems such as cancer and diabetes. I say that humans are not mechanisms. My words are supported by the work of Cusa and Galileo. To Galileo, every body has an infinite number of indivisible parts. Thus, the new law on health care reform should open new opportunities for our new and young medical doctors. They should produce major medical changes and develop new ways of thinking about humans. Such new opportunities came to me as a young engineer on the space program in the 1960s. With a few engineers, we changed the nation's analog thinking to digital thinking.


  • At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are wrong again, Republicans did not state Obama's stimulus will not return a profit, but they did ask how Obama's stimulus would be funded. Do you always make up things as you go?

  • At 7:09 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Anonymous

    You are wrong. I did not make that specific statement about Republicans. I said '..., a Republican argued ....' This stupid Republican argument was in a circulating national Email.

    I do not make up things as I go. You merely do not like my blogs.


  • At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "When President Obama stimulated many social projects, a Republican argued ignorantly that Obama's stimulus will not return any profit. This Republican neither understands socialism nor the trickle-up economy of England's John Keynes."

    This is how you stated it. Don't you remember what you write?

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Anonymous,

    No person remembers exactltly what is written at all times. This is why God gave humans memories and man gave us memories via blogs.

    What is wrong with these two statements? You seem to have a problem with my writings.

    These two statements show the ignorance of a single Rpublican. Nationally, the ignorance of this single Republican taught a falsity nationally about Obama's economic stimulus.


  • At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No, you are prejudice. A man may have made that statement, not a republican. Please tell me the man's name that made that statement if you can. Did you read the statement that the republican made on

  • At 1:48 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Anonymous.

    You make statements without facts or proofs. But prejudice might belong to you if you express your thoughts

    The information I said was on my Email. I delete or forward all of them.

    You comments are wasting my time.


  • At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I did a Google search and couldn't find the remark. I believe half that I see, but nothing I hear. So if you don't have first hand proof you shouldn't spread rumors unless your agenda is to spread fallacies. You are bad for the youth of the country for telling lies. This is just the same as what they learn in school.

  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Anonymous,

    MOn this website and in my emailing, people trust me. Only a consistent liar would make false statements. For some reason, you are trying to tell other people of your thoughts about me. They will not accept you at all.

    As a scientis all of my life, telling lies has never been part of my life. If you are not a scientist, you have a real problem of communicating with other people like me.



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