Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Economy of Lyndon LaRouche

In my blog dated June 27, 2010, I say that Lyndon LaRouche (1922- ) is one of seventeen 'big thinkers.' (click) He became one of these thinkers when he modernized the economy that Jesus Christ spoke about in Ch. 24 of Matthew in the New Testament. There, Jesus spoke about an endless economy because he knew that God's creatures would live forever. Thus, Jesus knew that our sun would eventually darken, that our planet would end, but that our 'words' would never end. To describe the endless economy that LaRouche modernized, Jesus taught about the way fig trees live from season to season and how Noah built an ark to save people from a flood. In Chapter 24, Jesus was thus teaching us how to think clearly about the way God made the world we live.

Many of today's economists are atheists. They are not concerned about the end of our planet and sun because they believe that they have only one life and thus believe that their 'words'' come to an end when they die. These economists are thus concerned only about wealth, money, and money's value and growth. For these economists, a 'free market economy'' is necessary. Other economists are godly and are either deists or theists. The deists are usually Jewish economists whereas the theists are usually Christian or Muslim economists. Unfortunately, the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim economists accept the necessity of a 'free market economy.' They accept the free market economy because they also seek wealth by increasing money because they seem to be ignorant of the teaching of Jesus in Matthew, Ch. 24.

Lyndon LaRouche is a very different economist because he believes that people are immortal and that the words of man are endless. So he sought an economy that is endless. He found this natural economy in the non-Euclidean geometrical work of Bernhard Riemann (1826-1865). Four geometries are found in a natural economy: spiral, growing cone, cylinder, and decaying cone.

spiral cone-- cylinder--cone

A natural economy develops when the spiral begins at the vertex of the left cone and turns and grows upwardly. When the spiral stops growing, the spiral turns and moves around the cylinder. And if the economy begins to degenerate on the cylinder., the spiral moves to the right cone and crawls down and returns to the vertex. Permanent economic growth occurs if the spiral remains on the left cone endlessly. Economic stability occurs if the spiral remains on the cylinder and the size of cylinder remains constant. If the cylinder decreases in size, the cylinder has changed to the right cone and the economy is failing.

The content of the natural economy is measured annually with pie charts. A pie chart example is shown below. As an economy grows, more and more pie charts are necessary to study the natural growth. This natural economy will move humans from planet to planet.Obviously, a free market economy cannot be used to operate a natural economy. Only the national government can operate it because human needs exceed greatly the wants of humans.


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