The Double Belief System of Spiritualism vs. the Mechanical Universe of Materialism
Today's materialists search for physical atoms, particles, strings, and a Big Bang substance for its mechanical universe. However, they have only found physical structures with their atom smashers. The first firm belief of the ancient spiritualists was that God and things exist. So they said thought that that ' One is All' But this belief led to idolatry and the death of God because people concluded that 'if All came from God, then God must be dead.' However, Abraham destroyed the first firm belief when he developed monotheism. With monotheism, the first firm belief changed to a double belief system. Scientifically, the Double Belief System is written as 'One is All and All is One.' This statement means that God and things coexist.
The Double Belief System has been maintained firmly by spiritualists in the Western and Far East worlds for thousands of years. I identify seventeen very important spiritualists in a blog in my website on June 27, 2010. However, the Double Belief System should have developed greatly after Jesus Christ taught in at John 14:20. But the importance of this teaching of Christ was not detected. Instead, Christianity degenerated and the backward Middle Ages began. Fifteen centuries would have to pass before Nicholas of Cusa, Galileo, and Leibniz found new knowledge about the Double Belief System. One newness was 'spiritual atoms.' These irreducible and immortal spiritual atoms indicate that the universe cannot be reduced to matter. The spiritual atoms also indicate that Isaac Newton billiard-ball mechanical universe is false. Spiritualists are thus saying that God created only purposive things, which are not contained.
Today, two world theories exist. The Double Belief system has an active/panentheistic God and a universe that has no end. . On the other hand, the Mechanical Universe has split the materialists. In one camp, we find atheists. In the other camp, we find the deists, who are mostly Jews. Both camps say that the Mechanical Universe can be known completely. This means that the universe of the materialists has an end.
I urge President Obama to ask the U.S. National Academy of Science for a report on the facts about the 'Double Belief System' and the 'Mechanical Universe.' I also urge President Obama to give this report to Congress for review and debate so that the Academy's report and Congress' review can be given to citizens. When most spiritualists of the Western and Far East worlds learn the Double Belief System, a very large common religion could develop. I say that such a religion is the only way that a world peace can be developed.
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