Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, July 09, 2010

My Response to a Problem of the Deep Watter Oil Drilling by the BP Company in the Gulf of Mexico.

One problem with the deep water oil drilling of of the BP company in the Gulf of Mexico is that the oil mixes with the Gulf water and other substances in the the Gulf water. Since all Gulf animals, who live in the Gulf water, drink Gulf water also to get food. In each drink, these animals swallow material. In time ,some animals will die unless they move to clean water.

To help these animals stay alive, oil plumes are being encouraged to become related to a dispersant agent . This relation with such an agent will cause oil plumes to form new bodies, which are are less toxic or are not toxic at all. Unfortunately, since every oil plume is formed by an infinite number of indivisible parts, many different and effective dispersants will be needed to refresh the Gulf of Mexico to its past livable status. Without developing knowledge of the infinitely large and infinitely small of deep water oil drilling before drilling, this economic production will go down as one of man's greatest error.


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