Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, July 23, 2010

Containers and Safety in the Workplace.

The purpose of profits in businesses is to increase the wealth of the profit-taker. But profits do not always improve the safety of workers because God is not considered in the production of profits. God is not considered in the productions of profits and improving safety anymore because Americans have been forced to keep God to themselves by the Supreme Court. For instance, ever since 1967, when the Supreme Court removed prayers from public schools, God was forced out of workplaces by atheists and materialists. So, the safety of workplaces could be decreasing, not always in order to increase profits, but also to decrease safety costs.

For example, I conclude that God was not considered in the deep water oil drilling by BP in the Gulf of Mexico. On the other hand, Massey Energy Co. in West Virginia has considered God in coal mining. While these different workplaces produced profits, both produced worker deaths. BP has not told us that its deaths could have been prevented. But Massey said yesterday that it is a 'distinct possibility that an unpreventable flood of methane gas caused the explosion that killed 29 men at the Upper Big Branch coal mine.' Massey suggests that the act of God might have caused the mine explosion.

My panentheistic God says that God creates all things out of nothing. My 'big thinkers' about a pantheistic God agree that all created things are functionally related but are not contained by God. Thus, the oil bed opened by BP was contained because BP had to drill through the stones that contained the oil. The beds of coal opened by Massey must have also been contained by stones. So, I conclude that,although God does not contain anything, all the created things are contained by each other in a functional manner. So to open beds anywhere, a science of opening beds does exist in ways so that all worker deaths can be prevented. For information on many different containers (click).


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