Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, July 19, 2010

Unnatural and Natural Economies

Economists do not consider God in their thoughts. This behavior can be seen in Wikipedia because it does not talk about natural economies (click), such as the natural economy of Lyndon LaRouche. Further, Wikipedia talks only about economic theories that are based on money, which are valued by rare resources such as gold.

Apparently, the natural economy of Lyndon LaRouche and the teaching of Jesus Christ about the end of the sun in Ch. 24 of Matthew are not of interest to Wikipedia, and today's colleges, universities, economists, and governments.

In the USA, at all times, the economists must consider God because the USA is a nation under God. When God is considered, God must be viewed as absolute being. Thus, the Creatures that God made cannot be viewed as absolute beings. To distinguish God from all Creatures, all national languages must thus become perfect or natural. For instance, if we want to naturalize the word 'free,' we must say (1) "that God's freedom is 'absolute' (or maximum and minimum)" and (2) "that the freedom of Creatures are 'relative' (or more or less)." To God, His freedom is absolutely maximum and absolutely minimum. And to us, our freedom can never become maximum and our freedom can never become minimum or become a slave. God's freedom is thus unchanging whereas the freedom of Creatures can change (or vary).

When an economist proposes the 'free market economy,' is this economy natural? Does this economists consider God and the relativistic freedom of all Creatures?


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