The Arizona Shooter: Jared Lee Loughner
Last evening, 60 Minutes told us that the concepts nothingness, chaos, and reality were in the mind of Loughner. Interestingly, these three concepts are debated very often today in colleges, universities, bookstores, and the Internet. Loughner was also seeking the role of government from Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz..), whose brain was harmed by Lougnner. Interestingly, the role of government is a continuous debate in Congress between the Democrats and Republicans.
The debates about the concepts nothingness, chaos and realty will cause some students to turn away from education. And the role of government defined by the Republicans will also cause some students to turn away from education. So, the reporting of 60 Minutes was excellent because the cause of Loughner killings and harm had a clear deeper cause. The pics below tell us that Loughner's mind changed his body quickly.

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