Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Spiritual Atoms in More Detail

The first scientific proof of God states that God is the origin of all things in the universe. Since the things change continually, all things are divisible and must come from indivisible things. Centuries upon centuries ago, the indivisible things became known as atoms. But, atoms have never been found. In my book on the proof of God, I discuss the history of atoms and today’s attempt by physicists to find atomic strings. Since our physicists are trying to identify a universe that has no God, I sought a universe that has a God. As an alternative to the physicists, my book discusses the 18th century atomic theory of Gottfried Leibniz in detail. His theory supports my world theory and the first scientific proof of God. Leibniz called his atoms ‘monads.’ I call them ‘spiritual atoms.’ He viewed his atoms as similar to the purposive entelechies of the ancient Greeks. Today, the system of spiritual atoms will replace th evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin.

In God, the spiritual atoms are one. All of them could thus exist on the sharpest pin point. In God, they can be modeled as geometrical points that have no geometry. Since all spiritual atoms originate in God, they can be created or destroyed only by God. A universe of spiritual atoms thus has no end unless God decides to end it. I see no reason for God to ever end any spiritual atom. Since God is a creator, God creates spiritual atoms continuously and endlessly. God also distinguishes them, relates them functionally, and energizes them. A typical spiritual atom with functional relations can be modeled by the two-dimension, geometrical point of an infinite number of intersections.

God’s continued creation of spiritual atoms causes the existence of a plurality of finite geometrical things. These geometries form all nonliving things, all living things, and all functional relations among them. Thus, the universe has things and no vacuums. A human being is one special living thing. A human being has a spirit (or mind) and a body filled with a unique set of functionally related spiritual atoms. The human spirit functions as the human mind. It is a dominant spiritual atom that guides the other spiritual atoms to form the human body. The dominant spiritual atom of a human also causes a human being to act, think, etc. It is the only dominant spiritual atom and living thing that can build libraries of knowledge. Clearly, living things have no mechanisms whereas nonliving things are formed only of mechanisms.

We can thus know God’s Intelligent Design of the universe better by identifying functional relations. I believe that a creation theory with spiritual atoms can also take us one step closer to God’s Design. This is a new developmental opportunity for our mathematicians, scientists, and medical researchers.


  • At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why do you feel it necessary to replace the theory of evolution? It does not make any assertions about God's existence or nonexistence. It simply makes observations about how life evolves over time. There is really no question that this happens. There are many theists who believe that evolution is the mechanism god used.
    Why is your theory incompatible with evolution?

  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    o anonymous. Good question.

    One cannot believe in God and also believe in evolutionary theory without filling one’s mind with contradictions. To believe in God, one accepts the belief that all things in the universe come from God. Spiritual atoms explain how God creates all things in the universe. To believe in God and evolution, one must accept the belief that all nonliving things come from physical atoms and one must believe that all living things come from nonliving things. No physical atom has ever been found. And, a process that transforms nonliving things into living things has never been found. .I don’t believe that a physical atom will be found. And, I don’t believe that a nonliving thing will ever produce a living thing. So, the evolutionary tree is only an imagination of the evolutionists.. With spiritual atoms, there is no way to change an ape into a human being, a cat unto a dog, or a human being into a cow or flower.

  • At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Evolution does not change apes into cows or any other such nonsense. You are either deliberately misstating evolution's premise or you do not understand it. I suspect the former as you are clearly well read.

    If the latter is the case, then I suggest you read Origin of Species. Evolution clearly shows the development of animals over time. You may not agree with how scientists believe it began, but there is no question that it does work over time. Ever buy a purebred animal? How do you suppose those changes occur? Ever buy a hybrid rose? That is evolution in action, under man's direction. Those same changes occur in nature. You may wish to say God directed those changes or you may say it is random.

    BTW, how do explain the fact that 99% of all species that have ever lived on the Earth are now extinct? Do you believe that God "planted" the fossil record to misdirect us?

  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    To anonymous.

    No, I did not diliberately misstete evolutionists. I merely expanded the current theory to point out how evolutionary theorists might expand their thoughts to lure Far East ereligions into the evolutionary theory. More votes, ya know, are better than fewer votes.

    I do not trust any field of science that does not use the scientific proof to determine truths.

    The development of the species over time could be explained by God's possible/actual science. This science is still unknown. I would never use the word 'evolution', as the last two POpes have, to say that creation and evolution are compatible.

    God's Intelligent Design is backed by God's infinite wisdom and the creation is backed by God's Intelligent Desogn. God's wisdom means that human knowledge can not be maximized. So, we live is a world that has no end. Somehow God gives us reincarnation forever and my spiritual atoms wotk for this end and our endless lives. Expect to see the beauty of the sun as it darken while God takes us elsewhere, to a new planet. You will never know that you have always existed or that you existed on planet earth.

    God is perfect and completed. he does not play little games of thought. Enjoy yourself and family.

    The purity or mixture of species are explained by the contingent laws of God.

    I include a theory of the extinction of species in my book. it is based on spiritual atoms.

  • At 6:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Could atoms have diiferent levels of light ( awareness ) and sound ( movement ). The an atom would be on different levels according to its field of light and sound. The physical atom contianing less light and sound ( proton activty ). Along with increase of protons activity comed a greater field of consciousness. Energy being a by product according to proton activity. Matter being the lowest level of proton activity...God, being the highest. Then God Consciousness would produce a byproduct ( energy ) that contains a facsimily of this consciousness. Then all space contains this life force on different levels. Energy, destoys matter. Therefore, on the physical level, God itself can't exist in its pure form. We are Soul, a Unit of Awarenelss. As we increase the proton activity within this Unit Of Awareness...Consciousness increases to that level of.production. To lower these fields of consciousness...or step down the proton activity, a Spiritual Heriarchy was formed. There is on atom working on different levels. With an increase of light and sound comes an increase in control or power. The Master Atom is pure positive energy, while physical atoms are neutral...this allows Soul ( Master Atom ) the control of physical atoms. Since energy can't be destroyed, it must remain in the level in which it.resides in. This is refered to as the Harmonic Universe. When the physical dies...the Consciousness and energy traslates to the Field Of Harmonics according to the atoms make up. This is what was meant by dust to dust. Those in the physical consciousness will reincarnate because that is their level of light and sound. Above the physical level are higher fields of consciousness - the Astral, Causual, Etheric Energy Fields referred to as Pyschic Energy Fields. Here the proton is more active and so is awareness, energy, creation. Here the atom has been split in two fields of energy - positve and negative. Once these two fields reunite they become one or Spiritual Atoms. Some refer to this as Twin Flames or Soul Mates. This is a movement of the.positive and negative streams of energy on the Harminic Universal Scale. This usuallt comes about by meeting a Living Spiritual Master or.Soul on any plane. it's like a microwave oven that stimuales the production of proton activity. It takes time for our Consciousness to handle this increase of control. The above is correct in only God can create or destroy Soul or Spiritual Atoms. This is one, not even Jesus can become God Itself. Son of God or State of God...yes. God, is not a person, place, or thing. We experience God, through Light and Sound. Although, there is only one Sorce, it seems as many because of the Harmonic Universeal Scale of Beingness. As Soul, is created out of these Supreme Source interacting on Itself...Soul is not aware of Itself. This causes it to enter into sn unaware state of beingness...a minersl state. Best leave off here... To soon.

  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Could atoms have diiferent levels of light ( awareness ) and sound ( movement ). The an atom would be on different levels according to its field of light and sound. The physical atom contianing less light and sound ( proton activty ). Along with increase of protons activity comed a greater field of consciousness. Energy being a by product according to proton activity. Matter being the lowest level of proton activity...God, being the highest. Then God Consciousness would produce a byproduct ( energy ) that contains a facsimily of this consciousness. Then all space contains this life force on different levels. Energy, destoys matter. Therefore, on the physical level, God itself can't exist in its pure form. We are Soul, a Unit of Awarenelss. As we increase the proton activity within this Unit Of Awareness...Consciousness increases to that level of.production. To lower these fields of consciousness...or step down the proton activity, a Spiritual Heriarchy was formed. There is on atom working on different levels. With an increase of light and sound comes an increase in control or power. The Master Atom is pure positive energy, while physical atoms are neutral...this allows Soul ( Master Atom ) the control of physical atoms. Since energy can't be destroyed, it must remain in the level in which it.resides in. This is refered to as the Harmonic Universe. When the physical dies...the Consciousness and energy traslates to the Field Of Harmonics according to the atoms make up. This is what was meant by dust to dust. Those in the physical consciousness will reincarnate because that is their level of light and sound. Above the physical level are higher fields of consciousness - the Astral, Causual, Etheric Energy Fields referred to as Pyschic Energy Fields. Here the proton is more active and so is awareness, energy, creation. Here the atom has been split in two fields of energy - positve and negative. Once these two fields reunite they become one or Spiritual Atoms. Some refer to this as Twin Flames or Soul Mates. This is a movement of the.positive and negative streams of energy on the Harminic Universal Scale. This usuallt comes about by meeting a Living Spiritual Master or.Soul on any plane. it's like a microwave oven that stimuales the production of proton activity. It takes time for our Consciousness to handle this increase of control. The above is correct in only God can create or destroy Soul or Spiritual Atoms. This is one, not even Jesus can become God Itself. Son of God or State of God...yes. God, is not a person, place, or thing. We experience God, through Light and Sound. Although, there is only one Sorce, it seems as many because of the Harmonic Universeal Scale of Beingness. As Soul, is created out of these Supreme Source interacting on Itself...Soul is not aware of Itself. This causes it to enter into sn unaware state of beingness...a minersl state. Best leave off here... To soon.

  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Kynn Baker,

    I view spiritual atoms as indivisible things that forms dark matter and cannot be sensed. And,I view physical atoms as divisible things that forms sensible matter and can be sensed.

    So, I could agree that physical atoms cound have different levels of sensul light(awareness), sound (movement), unity/diversity(consciousness), etc. (In his monadology, Gottfried Leibniz would also say that any physical atom would be a dominant thing that forms a body (or whole). And Galileo would add by saying that this whole will have infinite number of parts.)

    Spliting the physical atom logically, into positive and negative energy, could interfer with our metaphysical thinking.

    I do not believe that God is limited or can be exhausted. So, God would never destroy any created thing. God creates the best universe and will be active forever.

    Jesus was a great scientist of his time. Jesus is not the Son of God. Jesus and all other humans are "Little Gods.' Christianity made a major error in the second century when Christian leaders rejected Gnosticism.

    We cannot know God. We are limited to understanding God.

    George Shollenberger


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