Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Some Thoughts and Acts of Atheists Are Dangerous

Yesterday, I gave an award to the atheists for adding the useless symbols, sequitur and non-sequitur, to the dictionary. I conclude that they would not have made this addition were they aware of two significant historical events. I discuss these events in my book. The first event was the work of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and his failure to unify the ‘facts’ of the empiricists and the ‘reasoning’ of the rationalists. The second event would discover the way to unify facts and reasoning beginning in the 1920s. After Kant, the field of philosophy was silent for 220 years.

The 1923-1939 findings are recorded by Susanne K. Langer in her book on ‘Philosophy in a New Key.’ The contributing personalities are as follows: The Meaning of Meaning by C. K. Odgen and I. A. Richards (1923); Symbolism and Truth by Ralph Munroe Eaton (1925); The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Ernst Cassirer (3 vol., USA version,1955); Language, Truth and Logic by A. J. Ayer (1936); Symbol and Existenz der Wissenschaft by H. Noack (1936); The Logical Syntax of Language by Rudolf Carnap (1935); Philosophy and Logical Syntax by Rudolf Carnap (1935); Meaning and Change by Gustav Stern (1931) Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effects by A. N. Whitehead (1927); Foundations of the Theory of Signs by Charles W. Morris (1938); Seele als Ausserung by Paul Helwig (1936); Lapensee concrete: essaisur le symbolisme intellectuel by A. Spairer (1927); Zeichen, die Fundamente des Wissens by R Gatchenberger (1932); and Language and Reality:The Philosophy of Language and the Principles of Symbolism by Wilbur M. Urban (1939).

I conclude that WWII has added about 90 more years to those 220 years that silenced the field of philosophy. However, WWII also silenced the books above because these books are currently collecting dust in our libraries. This dust prevents the development of symbols and their use in our languages. In my book, I discuss symbols and the 1920 discovery in hopes of cleaning the dust off of these books. So, when five atheists entered negative reviews on my scientific proof of God on Amazon’s Internet book store, they will also stop me from urging the USA to develop symbols. These five atheists didn’t even read my book beyond the proof of God. In my book, I show that all sciences will come to an undesirable end if symbols are not developed. The failures of many sciences today are caused by the lack of development of symbolic talk languages and symbolic science languages. The failures we are seeing today in science are really signs of undesirable future human conflicts, wars, diseases, etc.

Atheistic thoughts and acts can be dangerous. Thus, all atheists must think more deeply about the negatives that they wish to bring to the USA and the world.


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