Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Negatives of Friedrich Hegel

In my June 5, 2007 blog, I discuss my scientific proof of God. In this proof I use the double negation, which reveals God. Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) was a dialectician and follower of Plato, who was the first dialectician. Hegel’s work appears in the book titled, Hegel: The Essential Writings by Frederick G. Weiss. On p. 8, we see how Hegel uses Plato’s negatives. Hegel uses three negatives. Since all finite things have positivity and negativity, these oppositions struggle with each other in all things. Since this struggle occurs also in our bodies, one must manage the struggles, which we are able to manage, in order to maintain good health. So, take heed medical researchers.

Hegel’s first negativity is the negativity found in every thing in the universe. His second negativity is a process of canceling or abrogating the first negativity. This process reveals the second negativity with its positivity. Since the second negativity is a new positive thing that must be given a meaning. Weiss says that Hegel speaks of ‘absolute negativity.’ This absolute negativity, which is Hegel’s third negativity, is also a new positive thing. The third negation is thus God, who unifies all negative and positive things. Together, the second and third negation is called the ‘double negation’ or the ‘negation of negation.’ The double negation, who is God, is self-affirming. My scientific proof of God is consistent with Hegel’s dialectical thoughts.

Hegel also says, ‘The finite is not, i.e., is not the truth, but merely a transition and emergence to something higher. On p. 11, we see that Hegel denies the ultimate or universal validity of the principles of formal logic. Karl Marx rejected Hegel’s double negative because he rejected God. But, Marx does use the ‘negation of negation’ by saying that Nature negates its own negative. His use of negation of negation leads to his concept of ‘development.’ Mark’s concept of development led the Marxists to change Russia politically to the Soviet Union, industrialism, and socialism.

The negation of negation can also be applied to human life. For instance, to stop smoking, a person can negate all thoughts that are promoting a smoking habit. If they are negated, a new person with new positives and negatives will emerge. So the double negative is found everywhere in life. It even finds God.


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