Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God

The title of this blog is found on the reverse side of the seal of the United States of America. This seal was ordered by the founders on July 4, 1776, the same day that the Declaration of Independence was signed, printed, and issued. These words mean that the USA will obey God, will not be ruled by any human, and will be self-governed. This self-government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The USA founding was guided by the first self-government, which was created by Moses. See "The Origin Of Republican Form of Government In The United States Of America" (1926) by Oscar S. Straus (Kessinger Publisher. (click) This work of Moses is known today as the Hebrew Commonwealth and is described in the first five books of the Old Testament. The Jews made a major error in developing this self-government by allowing kings to rule them.

The USA is also making errors in the development of its self-government. The first error by government was to authorize slavery. I argue that other errors are occurring. These errors of government are atheism, abortion, political parties, laissez-faire economics, free trade, wealth accumulations, land management, and debt management. Other major government errors today are found in government funding of godless sciences such as medical research, big bang theory, string theory and Darwin’s evolution. Government is also funding godless mathematics. Government is also making errors because it does not consider God, and new knowledge of God, in any of its agencies.

Since the USA is a nation under God, atheism is an inappropriate philosophy. Thus, atheism cannot be practiced. Further, in the USA, State and Religion are separated. This means that governmnet cannot establish a State religion. But separation also means that government, and
all citizens, must tolerate all religions. Accordingly, the activities for atheism by the atheist, Sam Harris, seems illegal. His idea of building a foundation for the Darwinist and atheist, Richard Dawkins, also seems illegal. Further, Harris' book on a "Letter to a Christian Nation' also seems unconstitutionsl because he is not tolerating Christianity. He says, on p. ix, that he wants to demolish the intellectual and morals pretensions of Christianity.


  • At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am honored to be part of an ecumenical group that joins faithfully for the purpose of prayer and discussion. A few weeks we discussed your book. All of us were quite doubtful about your very flexible use of logic, so we turned to your weblog looking for answers. That was something of a let down. It turned out that many people have been asking you the same kind of questions and that you have failed to answer them properly.

    Of course, some of these people are aggressive atheists, but the fact remains that, in spite of their ungodly thoughts, their questions are highly relevant.

    So allow me to repeat the question of another poster that I think deserves an honest answer: when you leave the realm of logic behind you, when you � in your own words � rise above logic, according to what criteria can you decide that the result of 2+2 isn't 5 or that the earth isn't sustained by three enormous turtles?

    We will discuss your answer in our next gathering, which will take place this very morning. God bless you, Mister Shollenberger,

    Rev.Pike, Worcester MA

  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Rev. Pike,

    When my mind leaves the universe, it enters God's world. My mind can work this way because all things in the universe have a common attribute. The common attribute is the symbol "finite."
    To enter God's world, I begin my thinking about God by thinking about this symbol.

    Plato taught us how to use the symbol 'not' correctly in his Sophist at 257b. To use the symbol 'not,' Plato says that 'not' takes our mind to something different, not to something contrary. If "not" moved the mind to something contrary, a logical relation would be created. Logic cannot lead our minds to God.

    I use the symbols "not" as Plato teaches because the symbol "not" leads the mind to positive things rather than contrary things.

    So, when I use the symbol "not", I am using a process that God wants us to use in our minds. This process in our mind is known as "negation."

    So, when I bring the symbol "not" and the symbol "finite" together, I create a third symbol. It is written as not-finite. Here is the origin of the new word we write as "infinite." Since this new word is something positive, we can create logical thoughts. For instance, the symbol infinite and finite allow us to form a pair of logically related opposites. As seen, the process of negation must precede all logical thinking. Atheists think about logic first and do not think about God at all.

    The third symbol is a completed infinity. Since it is a positive thing, it is an attribute of God. This third symbol is not identical to the infinity used by scientists and mathematics. The infinity they use is a bad or mathematical infinity. Scientists and mathematicians use uncompleted infinities and should be called 'finite infinities."

    To reveal God, my mind must rise to the highest level of thought. I rise to this level by negating all finite and all infinite things. This second or double negation reveals God. Nicholas of Cusa, Hegel, and I thus see God as "the coincidence of all opposites."

    As you see, God creates the universe out of nothing. Also notice that the universe consists of a set of positive wholes. This set of wholes and the nature of its changes is the intelligent design of God. My modern creation theory is thus our best knowledge of God's intelligent design at this time.


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