Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, February 02, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea X (Creating Degenerated Cultures Within a Developing Nation)

A developing nation can create degenerated cultures when resources for the nation changes. For example, when the supply of coal increased in the early 1800s in the USA, the demand for wood decreased. Then, when the supply of oil increased in WWII, the demand for coal decreased.

A degenerated culture was not created when the coal supply increased because families father chopped and stocked wood. But a degenerated culture was created when oil increased and the demand for coal decreased.

I was born in a coal region of Pennsylvania. Our fathers dug for coal and moved it from the mountains to people far away. As long as the demand for coal existed, many men died to keep distant families warm. But such deaths produced many prostitutes, low income families, and uneducated children. Then, when the demand for coal diminished, whole towns of people degenerated morally and economically. These degenerated towns still exist today. This human situation in the USA is the result of an immoral economy known as a free market economy.

In the examples above, the concepts, supply and demand, are used to explain how U.S. free market economists view human life. This is a major error in the thoughts of these economists. The truth is that these concepts apply only to the lower animals. A popular example is the supply/demand of the wolf and caribou who live in the same region in harmony.

Evolutionary theory, which is false, is being applied to humans wrongly by our economists. Many people in the coal regions of USA are thus being treated unfairly by the economists who accept Darwinism and reject God. I believe that people in many other regions of the USA are also being treated unfairly by these atheistic economists. The free market economy has been ill-defined by these economists.

A roundup of editorial comments will be found in my town newspaper. One says, ‘Reduce the size of government.’ This specific comment is from Republicans. Obviously, they do not understand our nation’s problems.


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