Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea 100 + I (A Nation Under God, XXVII)

In this blog I want to discuss a pair of religious errors because they are impeding the advancement of the USA as a nation under God.

These two errors emerge in the current biblical interpretations of the teaching of Jesus Christ in Ch. 24 of Matthew. One interpretation says that Jesus Christ returned to God after his death, but will return to this planet.

Since all created things are finite, all finite things must have their origin in something infinite, which we call God. But our symbolic languages say that finite things cannot exist in any infinite thing. So science says that it was impossible for Jesus to exist in God after his death. Since science and faith are not opposing concepts, faith and science must be unified. When unified, science and faith speak together and say that faith alone cannot save this false interpretation of Jesus’ teaching.

The other religious error occurs when religions interpret Matthew Ch. 24 again by saying that Jesus Christ will return to this planet and cause new major events. The second appearance of Jesus Christ will lead to the following events: (1) life will end as we know life today; (2) judgments will be made of all humans; (3) judged people will find a new life either in Heaven or Hell; and (4) an apocalyptic event will end the universe.

However, if the universe ends, there is no place for Heaven or Hell to exist because Heaven or Hell cannot exist in God. So, where are Heaven and Hell? Further if finite things lose their reality, our linguists would say that the concept ‘infinite’ must also lose its reality. If these religious interpretations are true, these events would end the universe and God. Again, faith cannot save the teaching of this false interpretation.

Faith and science must thus be unified. I unify them and name the unity ‘theological science.’ I develop this new unity on this website with over one-hundred blogs from 6/6/08 to 1/16/09. I wrote one-hundred more blogs to apply theological science to help President Obama remake America.

I continue to give thanks to Google because some new generation will eventually wake up and learn how inconsistent the teachings of the field of religion have become.


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