Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea 100 + II (A Nation Under God, XXVIII)

Some teachings of Jesus Christ are not understood by most people but are also not understood by many religious leaders, theologians, and scientists. This is because the words of man’s symbolic languages can have vague and multiple meanings. For instance, the phrase ‘living water’ is not understood as a means for developing self-knowledge. In this blog I discuss the symbol ‘in’ and the symbol ‘within.’Jesus uses the symbol ‘in’ at John 14:20. And he uses the symbol ‘within’ at Mark 7:23.

Words, such as living water, in, and within, are evidence that Jesus Christ studied the work of Greek philosophers such as Anaxagoras, Aristotle, and Plato. So we cannot say that nothing is known about Jesus for the first thirty years of his life. This kind of evidence also tells us that Jesus is not ‘the Only Son of God,’ as some Christians say. I say that all humans are Sons of God. I conclude that the teachings of Jesus are new, turbulent, and excellent for his time. I expect history to eventually say that Jesus was one of man’s ‘big thinkers.’ Thus, other ‘big thinkers’ can be expected to appear.

When Jesus studied in Greece he brought to all Jews the idea that ‘things’ are not containers in which other things will be found. A thing can only have ‘relations’ with other things. At John 14:20 Jesus is really saying that ‘We have relations with God, ye have relations with me, and I have relations with you.’ Unfortunately the idea of ‘relations’ did not appear to man until modern science emerged. At first, philosophers thought that relations are physical things. But physical relations have never been found.

At Mark 7:23 Jesus says, ’All these evil things come from within and defile the man.’ Thus, he is saying that a defiling thing relates to man. This defiling thing is the human mind, which is developed by symbolic languages. So, the defiling thing is the national language of a nation. Jesus was thus telling us long ago how to eliminate crime in any nation.

Only if religions and scientists work together with our symbolic languages, can a nation become ‘A Nation Under God.’


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