Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea 100 + IV (A Nation Under God, XXX)

In yesterday’s blog, I show that the world consists only of things and their relations. Our senses give us these relations. However, the things cannot be known through these relations. In the Preface to Second Edition of his 'Critique of Pure Reason,' Kant says that we must think of things as things in themselves, otherwise there can be appearance without anything that appears. A thing thus has two senses, as appearance and as thing in itself.

In the first book of Nicholas of Cusa, "On Learned Ignorance,’ one finds that humans cannot know the whole knowledge of the world and that we must learn our ignorance. (Click) In his writing on ‘God as Not-Other’(Click) Cusa expands his work on the subject of human ignorance with Plato’s negative in the Sophist Dialogue (at 257b). (See Hamilton, Edith and Huntington Cairns, Editors (1961) ‘Plato -The Collected Dialogues,’ Princeton: Princeton University Press.) In Cusa’s writing on God as Not-Other, at Proposition 15, he says, ‘in something hot What-is-not-hot is the hot thing.’ In this statement ‘something hot’ is an appearance. And ‘What-is-not-hot’ is a thing in itself.

Atheists say that man has only one sense, the sense of appearance. And all things are thought to have an environment. The function of a thing is of interest only if the thing is a mechanism or one of its parts. To the atheist, a thing does not have a spiritual life. Thus, the thoughts of our atheists and scientists can be challenged.


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