Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Natural Rights, VII

Leo Strauss says, 'nature' would not have to be discovered, if it were not hidden.' Thus, nature is necessarily understood in contradiction to something else. that hides nature. (See page 90, in his book, 'Natural Right and History.' ) It is important to know that today's atheists, materialists, and evolutionists reject these statements of Strauss because they believe that everything is nature. Here, we see the major difference between believers and nonbelievers in God worldwide. This difference has caused a major social problem in the USA. Unless, this difference is eliminated, I predict nasty civil wars.

On this difference, Strauss says that believers cannot live without having thoughts about the first things and also cannot live without being united with other believers. But the U.S. atheists, materialists, and evolutionists do consider the first things of the ancient and modern philosophers. Their first thing is the Big Bang theory. Their other things involve a series of other Big Bangs that arise, by chance, when a Big Bang process has died. So all first things of the atheists, materialists, and evolutionists have a 'beginning' and 'end.' This is not the case for believers in God, who has no 'cause' and thus has no beginning or end.

To believers in God, first things exist always and are imperishable. The first things that have been found by the ancient philosophers are twofold. One thing is the indivisible God. The other first things are indivisable souls, which are enfolded by God and can be unfolded from God by contraction. Nicholas of Cusa found these 'enfolded' and 'unfolded' indivisible souls. And and Gottfried Leibniz confirmed them. I discuss these indivisibles in my website and in my book, 'The First Scientific Proof of God.' Yes, 'The Revelation' in the New Testament is inconsistent with the theory that God and indivisible souls have no beginning or end.

Natural rights apply only to believers in God because these kind of rights are unfolded by God and remain hidden unless natural laws are found. The removal of the Declamation of Independence (DOI) from the body of U.S. laws by the Supreme Court was wrong because the 'Laws of Nature and Nature's God,' as presented by the founders in the DOI, were also removed by the Supreme Court from the USA. Today, the USA has developed deep social problems. However, a nation whose people are divided by 'a real theology' and 'no theology' cannot be built safely by any political system.


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