Self-government vs. Self-government Under God

When I searched Google on 'self government' I found the following ungodly paragraph below. These words show that our lawyers do not consider God in their work: But I do not understand why the Supreme Court in Texas can say that the States can consent secessions. How can a State consent secessions when the States have no rights at all? Only humans have any rights, which come from God. The founders gave some our rights to form a self-government under God in order to secure us. What is changing the USA!!!!
"In liberal constitutional democracies the principle of majority rule has dictated whether a minority can secede. In the United States Abraham Lincoln acknowledged that secession might be possible through amending the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court in Texas v White, held secession could occur "through revolution, or through consent of the States."
I conclude that the U.S. self-government is no longer a government (of, by, and for' the 'one People.') The concept, 'one People; was identified in the Declaration of Independence. In the Constitution, the definition of 'one People' was then extended in the Preamble where it says 'We the People of The United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, ...' Unfortunately, many people and voters (e.g., Tea Party) do not understand this social mandate of the Constitution.
The above constitutional statement is very clear to believers in God. But the three branches of the US government seem to be confused by such a statement because they are not following the founding principles of the USA. However, I conclude that the confusion of our self- government has been caused by lawyers, who are not trained in linguistics, theology, and science, but who are asked to prepare many documents for our self-government under God. I think that the work of these lawyers need to be checked by skilled linguists, theologians, and scientists.
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