Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, November 14, 2011

Connecting Galileo to the Works of Nicholas of Cusa

In the 15th century, Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) anticipated the Copernican Revolution. He anticipated this revolution because he had found that the God is beyond all opposites (e.g., rest and motion) and thus that God has the two following attributes: absolute maximum and absolute minimum.(Bk.I, Ch.4 of 'On Learned Ignorance') 

Cusa also anticipated the Two New Sciences of Galileo because some kind of progressive motions of the universe were admissible by Cusa. For instance,  Cusa shows shows that the center and circumference of the universe is in motion.  Thus the center and circumference of the universe are found nowhere. (Bk. II, Ch 11 of 'On Learned Ignorance') So, the motions of the universe have no end. This endlessness implies that the life of a person is a continuum filled with different dramas.

Since all created things have imperceptible motions, I say that Galileo learned about the motion of indivisibles and divisibles from Cusa. I say this because Cusa attended at Pudua University in Italy and Galileo taught there and had access to Cusa's work. My saying is confirmed in first two pages of Ch. II of Giorgio de Santillana's 1955 book on 'The Crime of Galileo.' (click)

Because of the above connections between Nicholas of Cusa and Galileo, I say that modern science really began in the 15th century with the thoughts of Cusa.

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