Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, November 26, 2012

77. Religions Should Work With Believing Scientists.

In my last two blogs, I am saying that Christianity has developed a major error. Christianity made this error when it says that God will be found 'in' humans. This teaching is an error because God is One and thus has no parts. So, I say that God makes the the best relationship with all humans with a functional relation.

Religions can make scientifically errors easily because they do not interact their thoughts with the field of science and its method of scientific proofs. I believe that religions do not work with science  because many scientists reject God and have become atheists. But some scientists do believe in God and would be willing to work with religions.

Today's atheistic scientists say that predictions determine  scientific theories and facts. But predictions can be useful only with theories that can be completed. For example, CERN can predict the completed crash of two photons to determine what is 'in' the photons. But CERN cannot predict the end of the universe.

So, religions and believing scientists should work together at all times because only one God and only one religion exist.


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