Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

God’s Warriors by Christiane Amanpour (CNN), VI

Amanpour’s report on God’s Warriors on August 21, 22, and 23, 2007 informed us that two basic religions exist in the Western world. One is fundamental and the other is reforming (or moderate). A fundamental religion will fix the teachings of a religion. These teachings are based literal interpretations of scriptures. A reforming religion allows the religious teachings to change based on new interpretations of scriptures.

However, I conclude that a third basic religion is developing now. This religion will unify Science and Scriptures. I believe that this third religion will develop properly in the USA because the US Declaration of Independence is a law and mandates two basic laws --- the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Nature’s God. These basic laws deal respectively with natural philosophy and moral philosophy. The Laws of Nature will guide the development of all scientific endeavors whereas the Laws of Nature’s God will guide moralists. The Laws of Nature reveals Gods intelligent design whereas the Laws of Nature's God will reveal man's freedom and natural rights

Since, the Laws of Nature are the same in all nations, these laws will be the same for all religions. Unfortunately, the Laws of Nature’s God are not sought the same way in all nations because morals are assumed to be originated in cultural differences rather than God. So, the Laws of Nature’s God will not be the same in all religions. Here is the major problem in the field of religion.

The completed infinity of God will bring many new members to the third religion because the completed infinity of God rejects the idea that God is ‘in’ created things. A monotheistic God cannot be divided into parts or be exhausted. So, God will not be found in any finite thing. Thus, contrary to many religious teachings, God does not inspire scribes through His Spirit. But, God is not isolated. God is very active in the world He created. There are ways that God is able to know us, help us, and save us. In Part IIc of my book, I discuss these complex ways.


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