Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Thing-In-Itself (e.g., Kant’s Ding an sich)

When the mind imposes its own structure upon the sensual data of experience, a thing-in-itself can be formed in which all sensual data are one. I sought a thing-in-itself when I took all finite things-in-themselves and found that their oneness (or origin) is one infinite thing-in-itself. And when I made a higher structure consisting of this infinite thing-in-itself and all finite things-in-themselves, a higher thing-in-itself emerged as a oneness that unifies all real opposites. This higher structure reveals God.

Because Karl Marx says that man cannot know the essences of things, Marx says that man can transform unknown things-in-themselves into known things-in-themselves. According to Marx, the known things-in-themselves are a necessity-for -us. To bring these known things-in-themselves into existence, Marx recommended social capitalism for the economy of the Soviet Union but rejected Ayn Rand’s laissez-faire capitalism.

Since an infinite God creates the universe with spiritual atoms, I say that we cannot know the essences of the things that are formed by the spiritual atoms, so I agree with Marx that man must transform unknown things-in-themselves into known things-in-themselves. I also agree with Marx on his social capitalism. Unfortunately, Alan Greenspan agreed with Ayn Rand. But, Greenspan’s theory of a laissez-faire capital economy has worked only for the rich class.

Things-in-themselves are abstractions made by the structure of the mind. Since all created things are uncompleted (or bad) infinities, all things-in-themselves in the universe will never be completed realities. Hegel also views a thing-in-itself as an abstraction of the mind's structure. Thus, it turns out that the only real thing-in-itself is God.


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