Why My New Christianity Is the Truest Religion in the World Today, II
In 325 AD, Christians discussed two teachings of Jesus Christ. At John

However, in the 15th century, Nicholas of Cusa showed that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can be expressed scientifically as One-Equality-Union. Then, in my book, I connect Nicholas’ scientific Trinity logically to a created universe so that a monotheistic God is distinguished precisely from the universe. With logic, the oneness of the universe can be defined as one thing, which has many-inequality-relations. The word, many, of the universe means that many things will be found in the universe. The word, inequality, of the universe means that only differences will be found in the universe. And, the word, relations, of the universe means that the oneness of the universe will be found in the functional relations of man-different-related things.
To my knowledge, the oneness of the Christian Trinity and a created universe have never been defined scientifically before.
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