"... in Order to form a more perfect Union, ..."

The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution opens with the following statement "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, ...." Unfortunately, some citizens and political parties reinterpret this statement for their own benefits rather than making it clearer for all of us. For instance, I can make this constitutional statement clearer with the following statement: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form 'a single nation' that becomes wiser and wiser under the direct guidance of the one, perfect, and greatest God,...." This clearer statement can be made even clearer if the phrase, direct guidance, is made clearer by adding the new statement: "The perfect God is an active God, who will guide 'the people' after they die and will even guide all living people after the sun of our planet darkens."
By making this Preamble statement clearer, I am really challenging those politicians who have rejected both God and socialism and expect to die and never live again and see the sun become darker. But these political rejections of God and socialism will never be found in the thoughts of the founders. So, these rejections are political errors.
In yesterday's blog, I show that the active God does exist. But God's existence does not mean that an infinite God can exist in our finite world where He can care for us after the sun darkens. An infinite God cannot also be finite. And, one God cannot also be many Gods. Neither can God's higher world be our lower world. And, nor can our lower world be God's higher world. God's world and our world are rational, not arbitrary.
The meaning of 'direct guidance' of God is thus clear. The direct guidance of God is through all humans, who are the only specie that is also creative. It is wiser and wiser nations that become and maintain the creativity of humans. It is wiser and wiser nations that will find a new planet on which to live for another billions of years. This wisdom is socialism, not Marxism or communism.
If 'the People' want to form a more perfect Union, they must find the true socialism and destroy atheism, materialism, evolutionary theory, and capitalism.
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