Three Different Sciences: Atheism, Deism, and Panentheism

The first science is atheistic (godless) and is simply called physical sciences. Science and theology are not unified in this physical science. This science has the largest number of scientists.. Since this science is godless, ore or more things had to be chosen as the cause the universe. The Big Bang thing and the strings were chosen This science has bodies that are either hard or elastic. So, the forces on bodies vary. The universe is expected to end when entropy becomes maximum, that is, when all forms of energy are reduced to heat energy.
The second science is a deistic science and is used mostly by Jews, who are guided also by the Old Testament. This science has a Creator who caused the universe. Since God came to rest after humans appeared, this God becomes inactive. So this science searches laws of nature developed by the 18 century Enlightenment. This science must also search for final causes. Final causes are laws that judge people and define how the universe ends.
The third science began to develop in the 17th century by Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) and Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupetuis (1698-1759). This panentheistic science has a continuous and active God. Since God is the greatest thing, God is 'omnipotent' and 'omniscient. With this power and wisdom, a panentheistic God can creates the universe by filling it forever with nonliving and living things. This God can also form an infinite number of different indivisible things. When all of these indivisible things exist, this God can also relates and energizes these indivisible things with permanent least action energy. These relations cause all divisible bodies, which form different space-time objects. These objects form the universe. The third science is very different compared to the other two sciences because a panentheistic God and His universe exist eternally. But one fact is clear. Since a panentheistic God creates everything, evelotion theory must be false. But one fact is clear. Since a panentheistic God creates everything, evelotion theory must be false.
In support of the panentheistic science, Leibniz presented his Monadology and New System. (See 'Leibniz Philosophical Writings' by G.H.R. Parkinson.) Leibniz also sought a debate on (1) Newton's ' billiard ball' (hard body) theory and (2) Leibniz's new meaning of space and time. Unfortunately, this debate was limited to correspondences with Samuel Clarke, a disciple of Newton. After leibniz’s death, four hundred years passed before Albert Einstein would confirm Leibniz's relativity of space. This confirmation occurred after Einstein found Riemann's paper ‘On the Hypotheses Which Lie At The Foundations of Geometry.' (See ‘A Source Book In Mathematics' by David Smith).
Which science is the winner? In my book,‘The First Scientific Proof of God’ I eliminate the first science of atheism. My book also eliminates the deistic science because finite things cannot live in an infinite world where God exists. So, the winner is the panentheistic science. Why then isn’t the panentheistic science developing? I believe that this answer will be found in the fields of religions, economics, and politics
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