Physical Science Vs. Theological Science (Detailed Information)

When the new century was coming, I came to the conclusion that relations do exist between an infinite God and the finite things that God creates. But I concluded that these relations do not use excluded middle (either/or) opposites. Otherwise, an infinite God would be pantheistic and would develop idolatry. So, I concluded that an infinite God must be active; must create functional things; and must create the universe with coexisting opposing concepts.
Since I was developing a science about God and the universe, a single world was developing. This world would have one infinite God and many different finite things. This single world would have to unify the field of theology with the field of science.’ I call this togetherness‘theological science.’ But theological science was emerging long ago, after Anaxagoras said that ‘each thing is in each thing.’ Plato went in more detail in his Parmenides dialogue to show that One and Many coexist.
In 2000, Science & Theology News had been started by the Templeton Foundation Press. (Click) It closed in 2006. I believe that the News failed because submissions did not consider God as active and did not consider the 15th century work on Nicholas of Cusa ‘On Learned Ignorance.’(Click) . I conclude that physical scientists must become theological scientists.
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