Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why My New Christianity Is the Truest Religion in the World Today, VI

I noticed that the field of physics shifted its efforts away from the two-step scientific method of proof in the 1970s. This shift caused this field of thought to develop knowledge, not with the two-step scientific method, with empirical sciences, such as Darwin’s evolutionary theory, or ultimate theories of everything, such as the big bang and string theories. This shift away from the two-step scientific method seems to correlate with the following events: (1) the increasing rejection of God by many scientists and (2) the US Supreme Court ruling in 1967 to remove prayers in public schools. However, in my 10/11/07 blog, I prove scientifically that the USA was founded as a nation under God.

The shift of the field of physics away from the two-step scientific method of proof should have never occurred for three reasons. First, the shift should not have been made because such a shift in the USA is both undeclarational and unconstitutional. Second, the shift should not have been made because the finding of hundreds of laws of physics was an important sign of real scientific progress. Third, the shift should not have been made because it caused the USA to reduce its world leadership drastically, reduce its security of the USA against international conflicts, and reduce its power of diplomacy. The side-effects of this shift might have also caused the 9/11 event in NYC.

So, I conclude that the US government must study this scientific change in the 1970s. Actions are necessary now.


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