Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Hidden Power of the Human Mind

People use the power of their mind differently. One group of people uses only a small portion of their mind’s power. They are atheists and use this minimal power to maintain an average atheistic life. A second group of people also uses only a small portion of their mind’s power. They are believers in God and use this minimal power to maintain an average religious life.

However, a third group of people has emerged. This group of people uses an increasing portion of their mind’s power. They are believers in God and use this increasing portion to maintain an advancing religious life and find this advanced life by developing ‘hard to find’ knowledge about God and the creation. In the USA, the first group might be represented by around 15% of the population. The second group might be represented by around 60% of the population. And the third group might be represented by around 25% of the population.

The three groups of people above have clear causes. The first group came into existence as an opposition to the widely accepted teachings of Jesus Christ in the Western world. The second group came into existence about 2000 years ago immediately after the teachings of Jesus Christ. The third group came into existence with the Renaissance, with personalities such as Nicholas of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, and Galileo, with the modern science, and with the New Thought and New Age movements.

The first group developed an opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ on the human mind by developing godless theories such as the Big Bang theory and Darwin’s evolutionary theory. The second group became a non advancing religion because the people in this group do not understand the teachings of Jesus Christ on the human mind. The third group became an advancing religion because they developed a clear understanding of the teaching of Jesus Christ on the human mind.

Over time, and because of sound scientific knowledge, I predict that the third group will attract the people in the second group and then the people in first group, before this century closes. This attraction could occur faster in the USA because the USA is a nation under God, as I show in my 10/11/07 blog. I discuss the hidden power of the mind on the subject of energy on p. 12.


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