Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A World of Things: As Expressed by Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716)

In the early 1770s, Gottfried Leibniz, the founder of the infinitesimal calculus, prepared for a debate with England’s John Locke on the subject of rationalism and empiricism. At the same time, Leibniz prepared for a debate with England’s Isaac Newton on the nature of the universe. Leibniz would defend rationalism against the empiricism of Locke and defend spiritualism against Newton’s mechanical universe. However, Locke died in 1704. Since Newton feared Leibniz, Samuel Clark acted as a spokesman for Newton. Clark was neither a scientist nor a philosopher. These debates became failures. After Leibniz died, Leibniz’s thoughts were propagated by his student, Christian Wolff (1679-1754).

It is clear that Leibniz’s thoughts were known by Ben Franklin and other key founders of the USA. However, today’s Americans do not know the connection between Leibniz and the founding of the USA. Without knowledge of this connection, today’s US believers do not recognize that an infinite God creates only finite things, as my scientific proof of God in my book says in Part I, Ch. 1. (click).

Many people who believe in God also do not know the scientific nature of a monotheistic God and how God creates ‘things.’ Since this kind of information is either unclear or not available in scriptural material, I provide such information in my book. In my book, I also teach Leibniz’s thoughts on how God creates ‘a world of things’ out of spiritual atoms. He called these atoms ‘monads.’ Since books on Leibniz are hard to find, I discussed Leibniz’s Monadology in detail in Part IV of my book. The idea of a world of things is new to American scientists.

Unfortunately, Americans lost Leibniz when Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) went against Leibniz’s universe and accepted Newton’s Universe. But, Newton’s Universe was false as Albert Einstein would learn in the 20th century. So, with Kant’s negation of Leibniz’s ‘world of things,’ thinking Americans lost a great thinker.


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