Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

817. When Do We Challenge the Early Writings Of Humans?

4.4 million years ago, male and female soul-bodies appeared on this planet. These soul-bodies co-exist and can produce other soul-bodies, who can also produce an endless number of these soul-bodies. Since these soul-bodies are not animals, they walk upwardly and are able to develop the vocal tracts in their mouths and produces sounds of signals and symbols. As time passed, these signals and symbols became orderly and humans have developed knowledge and human cultures. (click)

When humans began to trade animal body parts, 'counting tokens' were developed with marks on bones. By 9000 B.C., arts were made on the walls of the caves. These pictures were about humans, animals, plants. and other trading things appear. When cultures were made, humans identified leaders and teachers of God. Since all trading things became possible, all things became idols. Here was the origin of pantheism, the belief that God no longer exists.

Then, in 4000 BC, humans began to write signals and symbols. When Abraham (click)appeared in 2000 B.C., the writing of Abraham and the Old Testament of Judaism destroyed pantheism and its idols. (On Abraham's thoughts , see Genesis Chs. 11 to 25). The Old Testament says that God created the universe and then rested. (See Gen, 2:1). Thus, the Jews say that that the universe had a beginning and has an end. This end comes when Albert Einstein says that universe will loose all of its energy. On the other hand, Christians say that the universe had a beginning and has an end, which is determined by a goal determined by Jesus Christ. Islam merely says that our universe ends. But, Muslims say that God has a new Heaven somewhere for them. These three religions are not seeking truths.

Today, many humans are saying that the early writings were from God. I say that words are not coming from God. However, many humans are seeking truths of a God who created a universe that has no end. For example, I learned that many Chinese humans and Gottfried Leibniz sought these truths. Anaxagoras also sought these truths.  Plato sought these truths.  Galileo sought these truths. Kepler sought these truths. And Georg Cantor sought these truths.  I have also sought these truths. I even say that Jesus Christ was seeking these truths for 18 years in Greece.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

816. The Developments Of My Three Books

The Reviews of My Three Books book review of my first book on The First Scientific Proof of God. (click)

43 comments, Says, No proof, no science, no logic.
37 comments. Says, Not Even Wrong.
34 comments  Says, Badly written pseudoscience.
12 comments. Says, Garbage, mull and more mull.

20 comments. Says, His message is accurate

This book is now in the Scientific God Journal (click)) book review of my second book on A New and Modern Holy Bible.(click)

2 comments  Says, One mam's opinion

1 comment.  Says, Talk about hubris  (Reviewer Says: How is it that someone can place his name upon a Bible as being the author? I could not in all seriousness read such a thing.) book review of my third book on God and His Coexistent Relations to the Universe (click)

No reviews or comments yet.

The proof of God's existence in book one caused the atheists to attack my first book for  a year and a half.  In 2009 the philosopher, Stephen Smith, agreed with my proof of God. Unfortunately, does not allow the authors to comment on comments.

 When I concluded that God is one and, as Nicholas of Cusa says, God is the maximum and minimum, So I reject the belief that the universe is continuous forever and has no goal. So, I say that Jesus Christ is not God but that he was a great scientist.  Thus, I wrote the second book and prove that God and the universe form a continuous world that never ends. In my third book, I learned that God creates coexistent concepts, 

After my last book, in the last year and half, I have conducting more research on the work of God on the universes.  One finding is the rebirth o humans after they die.  Thus, nations and humans either will become equal or cause lots of wars, terrorism, and crime..


Friday, July 24, 2015

815. Competition Among Nations Is Ungodly

Adam Smith said that his economic theory produces free markets, wealth of nations, self-interest, nature, competition, profits for capitalists, and other economic subjects. (click)

However, Smith never united his economics with godly subjects such as (1) the immortality of human souls, (2) the unity of souls and bodies, (3) the new scientific teachings of Jesus Christ, (4) the birth and the development of children through Men and Women, (5) the rebirth of humans, the acts of God, (6) and the harmonies of things in the universe.

Gottfried Leibniz, Ben Franklin, me, and many other humans have written and spoken of godly subjects. The American colonists have also spoken of godly subjects and decided to became separated from England. When the Americans made this separation, the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) says that the USA is 'one People' and that 'all Men are created equal.' Thus, the DOI says that the economic theory of Adam Smith cannot be installed in the USA.

But, Adam Smith's economy was installed in the USA after President Lincoln was assassinated. Today, Smith's competition among nations is very active. For instance, England became larger by uniting nations to England. In the 20th century, Hitler decided to make Germany larger by taking France and trying to get England. So, Americans, France and England stopped Hitler's competition and war.

Thus, I reject Smith's competition because all humans are reborn and will be reborn by any Man and Women. So, when an American dies, that person will be reborn in any nation on any planet. Thus, all nations must be equal and all religions must be equal. TI conclude that Smith's economy is ungodly and does not consider the work of God.

When I went to the National Institute of Justice at the Department of Justice in 1971, in the 1960s drug use and crime were increasing. While developing a bullet proof vest and other things for police, I sought the origin of drugs and crime. To find these origins, I studied the work of many good thinkers and filled my home with hundreds of books. After I retired, I concluded that the competition of nations lead to rich capitalists.

However, I concluded that competition also leads to many poor Americans, many drug uses, and many crimes. In the 1980s of the USA, I learned that 90% of Americans receive about one-third the U.S. wealth, whereas 9% of Americans receive one-third of the U.S. wealth, and 1% of Americans receive one-third of the U.S. wealth. So, Adam Smith's competition of nations create many profits for capitalists but also create a nation of many poor Americans who use drugs and commit crimes. I say that any science, religion  theory, etc. can not be determined properly without building truths about God and the universe.

After I retired from Justice on 1994, I went to work on the DOI laws: (1) one People, 2) all Men are created equal, and (3) Laws of Nature and of Nature's of God. My three books below show the progress I have made.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

814. Adam' Smith's Economy Is Ungodly

I conclude that Adam Smith's economy was implemented in England around the time that Ben Franklin was traveling to Europe, from 1766 to 1776, in order to learn the New God and the New universe of Gottfried Leibniz. I say that Smith's economy has been installed in the USA and must be removed because the American Economic System must be installed, as required by the Declaration of Independence.(DOI) Further, I say that all nations should install the American Economic System because a New God and a New universe has been found.

When Christians studied China, they asked Leibniz to define China's God and the universe. Leibniz told them that China has a different God and universe. Leibniz found that the Chinese use Yin-Yang concepts to develop mental human thoughts and understandings of the universe. Thus, I conclude that Adam Smith's economy is not installed in China and should not be installed in the USA or in any other nation.

Adam Smith's economy is stated as an invisible-hand that guides the free markets and capitalism in the direction of efficiency, through supply and demand, and with competition. The meanings of these words are general and are not being updated. Smith was born in 1723 and became a teacher of economics. He died in 1790. Of interest, Ben Franklin was born in 1706 and also died in 1790.

In Germany, Ben Franklin learned that God and the universe had no beginning and has no end. Thus, God and the universe are different than the teachings of today's religions. These religions teach that God exists. They also say that the universe had a beginning and has an end. So, religions say that humans have only one life in the universe, but can receive a second life in the Heaven of God. However, in his Parmenides dialogue, Plato says, if God exists, created things must also exist. Thus, if the universe comes to an end, the existence of God no longer exists and God's Heaven does not exist. So, religious teachings are making errors. In the 15th century, these beliefs began to be challenged by sciences.

On July 4, 1776, the American colonists separated themselves from England. To make the people of the American colonists equal, the thirteen States made a government in order to form the equality of its people.  So, delegates were sent to Congress to unify the States. All Men were created equal in the DOI because the women must develop equal families so that all families are happy. Then, when Frederic List came from Germany to America in the 1820s, lots of hard coal was moving out of Pennsylvania and into all other States. Then, in 1832, Henry Clay presented the American Economic System. This System would serve all States and their people. The first major action of the American Economic System was installed by President Lincoln in the South and West. To make all American people equal, Lincoln rejected slavery. And Lincoln began to send homesteaders and ranchers into the West in order to produce food for Americans with sheep and cattle.

So, I ask, 'Who installed Adam Smith's invisible-hand in the USA after Lincoln was killed?' One cause is the people of religions who believe wrongly that they have only one life on this universe. Another cause are religious teachers who use outdated scriptures and do not know about the 'tyranny of words' in scriptures and languages. Another cause are people who accept the invisible-hand, become rich, become atheists, and develop many poor Americans. A fourth cause are people who do not develop better understandings of God and the universe.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

813. Destroying The Economy Of Adam Smith In All Nations

When Ben Franklin was in Europe, from 1766 to 1776, he learned about Gottfried Leibniz's work on the Reflcctions On Knowledge, Truth, and Ideas. (See Leibniz: Monadology and Other Philosophical Essays by Paul and Martin Schrecher) This work of Leibniz was brought to the USA and was developed by many Americans. The human knowledge, truth and ideas will also be found on page 8 and 9 of Henry C. Carey's book on The Unity Of Law. Essentiallyy, Carey presents the scientific problems when words are used. (click)  The 'tyranny of words' of social science became a major effort in the 20th century by Symbolic Interaction. (click). Carey presents the problems of scientific 'words' below:

First among the requisite of any and every branch of science is a clear and understanding among the teachers of the precise value of the terms in use: the indispensable preliminary to making others comprehend them being that they themselves comprehend each other.

I say that the tyranny of words also exist in religions. I make this statement because the words in scriptures or texts are not presented by God. Thus, all scriptures and all texts are imperfect. (click)  Thus, all scriptures and texts must be updated continually. For example, in my second book, I updated the New Testament of Christianity.

In 1872, Carey said that the defect of Adam Smith's economy (click) is the want of proven definitions by distinguished teachers on economic words such as value, wealth, labor capital, rent, wages, profits, debt, etc.. Since Adam's Smith's economic theory was installed in the USA after President Lincoln was assassinated, the U.S. economy has developed many problems and a big debt. For example, Dr. Ron Paul says that a major economic problem is coming.(click)

It is time in all nations to destroy Adam Smith's economy that the capitalists made. The new alternative economy would be the American Economic System of Henry Clay. This alternative economy would become related to the New God and the New universe of Leibniz that Ben Franklin brought to the USA in 1776.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page.

Friday, July 17, 2015

812. When Are Americans Going To Understand The Declaration Of Independence

It is very clear to me that the American colonists were separated from England on July 4, 1776 not only because a New God and a New universe was found in Europe by Benjamin Franklin in 1766 and brought these two new things to the USA. The separation of the American colonists from England also occurred because Ben Franklin said that the Declaration of Independence (DOI)was going to make a new nation of 'one People' rather than a nation of capitalism.

However, after the American colonists and their people were separated from England, U.S. political parties and Congress worked in order to change the USA of 'one People' to a nation of capitalism. This change was made by U.S. politicians, Congress, the Supreme Court, and capitalists, who say that the DOI has no laws. For example, recently former U.S. Rep. Michael Grimm got eight months in prison only for tax evasion. So, we can see why ghettos and crime in all U.S. cities and towns began to develop n the 1970, as England did long ago in London. Thus, capitalism only produces ungodly nations.

So, when Donald Trump builds golf country clubs for capitalists in order to earn billions of dollars, how can he become president of the USA? Or how can Bill Clinton' and his wife become president of the USA when lawyers do not understand the scientific statements in the DOI? Or how can President Barack Obama be president of the USA when he accepts Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and makes a deal with the Muslim's of Iran. Certainly, President Obama went to work on the healthcare for all humans. But he had no reasons to develop healthcare with insurance capitalists. Obama could have developed healthcare with the American Economic System of Henry Clay.

When are the Americans going to understand the DOI?  And, when are the Americans going to understand that the all nations are under God and have only 'one people' that  He made? I suggest that you watch TV movies of ENCORE on 'Going West' to learn how the 'one People of the USA was changing to a nation under capitalism.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

811. Bring the 'one People' of the USA Back

When President Abe Lincoln was assassinated, the 'one People of the USA by Benjamin Franklin' and the 'American Economic System of the USA by Henry Clay' became vulnerable to capitalism. Capitalism means the trading and industrial functions of a nation by private owners for profit.

One vulnerability of the USA was Darwin's book on evolution, which appeared in 1859. However, many Americans would become evolutionists and became medical doctors in the 19th century. But, when cancer began to increase, these doctors could defeat only a few. Another vulnerability was the 1929 depression. President Hoover said that a depression is natural and will correct itself. Another vulnerability was generated by President Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy rejected J.P. Morgan's suggestion to make trading and industries a function of government, like the military security system becomes a part of government in the Constitution. However, the U.S. government is not perfect. For example, some congressional persons say that some humans are born as criminals. This statement is false because God creates all humans. And all reborn people never know that they lived before.

When Ronald Reagan became president, I believe that he was aware of the American Economic System of Henry Clay. In one article that I read, President Reagan was distinguishing 'needs' (click) from 'unnecessary things.'  Some unnecessary things are:  nonessential, comfort, fortune, have, luxury. plenty, riches, and wealth.

From 1933 to 1969, the needs of Americans did increase. And, President Franklin Roosevelt and President Truman reduced unnecessary things from 1933 to1953. For eight years, President Eisenhower increased the bridges and highways throughout the USA. And, from 1961 to 1969 President Kennedy and President Johnson sent American astronauts to the moon. Their work produced many necessary technologies in the USA. However, for the last 48 years, the unnecessary things have been increasing by capitalists and the needs for Americans have been reduced. As a result of this reduction, our prisons are being filled and the drugs use of Americans are increasing..

Today, rich and ungodly Americans are fighting for the U.S. presidency in 2017. If they are successful, they will eventually destroy the 'one People of the USA that Ben Franklin found in Germany. I say that it is time to abolish the U.S. government and reinstitute a new government by installing 'needs' for all American. At the same time, all unnecessary needs must be removed. If Ronald Reagan is still sleeping, I hope that God brings him into life again soon. Since 90% of the people of the USA are poor only because capitalism creates a class of people who become filled with unnecessary things. Perhaps, this fact will become known widely soon.

Thus, all nations and its people must become equal so that all people are producing the needs of all people.  If all nations produce these needs, no wars and no crimes will exist. And, God will be very happy.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

810. The 'one People' of the USA Has Become Divided

In the USA, the development of rich and poor people and the development of inheritances did not occur immediately after President Lincoln was assassinated. These developments occurred quietly in the U.S. Congress with silent laws that do not work properly.

Before these developments appeared, Mathew Carey (click) of Dublin, Ireland emigrated to Philadelphia in 1784.  With Ben Franklin, Carey developed a publishing firm. Further, after the peace with England, the American Economic System began to develop and, in 1832, Henry Clay presented this System to Congress. This System was expected to build a nation of one People, as Ben said and corrected in the Declaration of Independence (DOI). Note. This nation of one People is like the nations that Alexander the Great produced. (click) However, this nation of one People is opposed to all nations of rich capitalists, who develop inheritances for their children but also develop many poor people.

Mathew Carey had a son, Henry C. Carey (1793-1879) (click). Henry worked with Abe Lincoln on the American Economic System with greenbacks. In 1872, Henry also wrote a book on The Unity of Law: As Exhibited in The Relations Of Physical, Social, Mental, Moral Science. On page 9 of his book, Henry Carey destroys Adam Smith's economic language because the meanings of the symbols in England are not being defined properly.

Thus, it is clear that from 1776 to today, Ben Franklin and many other Americans have learned that the English language is troublesome. So, I say that Henry's book should have been installed in a class in every high school after the English became the U.S. language. But, Henry's social science did develop in the USA by the Symbolic Interaction program. (click) But this science has not been successful. Henry's physical science has also been developed. But, this science is divided. Henry's mental science has also been developed. But this science is also divided. Finally, Henry's moral science has also been developed. But this science is also divided. These divisions exist because atheism, rich and poor people, and inheritances in the USA are growing.

Unless the people of all nations do not develop the 'one People of the USA,' wars, terrorism, and crime will grow.  This potential is just around the corner.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, July 12, 2015

809. Proving That Benjamin Franklin Is The Only Founder Of The USA

In this blog, I prove scientifically that Benjamin Franklin is the only founder of the USA. Thus, other Americans were not founders of the USA because the separation of the USA from England and Ben brought the New God and the New universe of Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) to the American colonists. Ben was also the only founder of the USA because he became the only scientist who learned the New God and the New Universe in Europe from 1766 to 1776. Below I present this detailed proof.

The scientific proof of the New God and the New universe begins with Galileo (1564 to 1642) and his book on the Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences. One new science was dynamics and the other science was the unity of the bodies of the universe. Since Galileo was imprisoned by the Pope, his book was not published until 1665. But, when his book was published in England, his books were burned in a London fire. Thus, Galileo's book did not reach the European scientists until 1730. In 1766, Ben would begin to learn the work of Galileo and Leibniz in Europe. In his book, Galileo says that all bodies in the universe are built with indivisibles. In 1966, the book Galileo Galilei his life and his works by Raymond J. Seeger of the National Science Foundation informed American scientists about Galileo's indivisibles. But American scientists still do not know Galileo's indivisibles.

Leibniz became known as a walking encyclopedia. But, I do not believe that Leibniz equated the indivisibles of Galileo with his infinitesimal calculus. click) Instead, I say that the work of Leibniz's infinitesimal calculus will be used to unify the parts of all bodies of the universe.

So, I say that the 'indivisible bodies of Galileo' and the 'parts of varying wholes of Leibniz' are not the same concepts. So, I conclude that the indivisible bodies of Galileo apply only to all non-living things and mathematics whereas the parts of varying wholes of Leibniz apply only to all living things and symbols.

When Ben Franklin revised Thomas Jefferson's draft version of the Declaration of Independence (DOI), Ben changed 'the people' to 'one People.' Jefferson's words said, '... it becomes necessary for the people to dissolve Political Bands' ... But, Ben's words said, '... it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve Political Bands' .... Essentially, Ben changed the USA to 'one People.' This act creates a scientific nation, which is a whole that has parts. These equal parts of the USA are equal humans, who God created in order to think and develop knowledge. So, the development of rich and poor people in the USA and inheritance are congressional violations of the DOI.

When Ben Franklin designed a new stove (click), a patent was not made. This was an act of Franklin to build a nation of equal people. The work of Ben, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, and Abe Lincoln continued to build the USA nation of one People. Then, after Lincoln was assassinated, Congress changed the USA to a rich and poor people. This change is violating the DOI.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, July 09, 2015

808. Only Benjamin Franklin Is A Founder Of The USA

When Ben Franklin went to Germany in 1766, Ben and John Pringle went on a long journey and went to a meeting of literary and scientific interests. Then, on July 19, Ben and Pringle were elected as members of the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen University. Thus, it was in Germany and  Berlin that Ben learned Leibniz's New God and New universe.

This motion of Ben was the first major step to separate Americans from England and reject England's theory of evolution, the tree of kings and queens, the theory of time and space in the universe, and the theory of a Big Bang atom.

Then, in 1767, from August 28 to Oct0ber 8, Ben Franklin meet many French scientists such as Dubourg, the Le Roys, Mirabeau, and Quesnay. And, on August 16, 1772, Ben was elected to the French Academy of Sciences, one of only eight foreign members. Then, on September 30, 1774, Ben recommended Thomas Paine. (click) Paine came to America in 1774, with the help of Ben, just in time to participate in the American Revolution. Paine's Common Sense document helped Ben's effort to bring the New God and the New universe of Gottfried Leibniz to America

In 1973, historian, Richard B. Morris identified the following seven figures as the key Founding Fathers (click) John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. Three of these (Hamilton, Madison and Jay) were authors of The Federalist Papers. I say that Ben Franklin was the only founder of the USA because only Ben originated the knowledge the New God and the New universe of Leibniz

In the USA, July 4 should become a story of Ben Franklin. It should also develop a history of the forward motion of the USA and its people. Further, I say the thee U.S. Congress should learn more about the New God and the New Universe of Leibniz. Furthermore, colleges and universities should open a class on the New God and New universe of Leibniz.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

807.In the 20th Century, The U.S. Congress Became Ungodly

Ernst Cassirer not only brought general thoughts of Leibniz into the USA in 1941. Cassirer also brought detailed thoughts of Leibniz into the USA on three important subjects as follows: (1) development of the minds of early humans; (2) development of the universal language of all humans; and (3) development of human knowledge with phenomena.

In my three books, I teach the work of Cassirer. Then, I inform readers about the Philosophy In A New Key by Susanne K. Langer. The 'New Key' solves the problem of reason because Langer tells us that our sense-data are primarily symbols. Accordingly, materialism is false and socialism must be developed in every nation. In the USA, the system of  Symbolic Interactionism would grow. (click)

When the USA became separated from England, I say that Ben Franklin brought to the USA a New God, a New universe, and the socialism of Leibniz. After the war with England, the first step of socialism was to make the colonies equal. In 1832, Henry Clay presented the American Economic System to Congress. And, when Abe Lincoln became president, he made all humans equal by eliminating slavery. Even Congress identified the national language.

However, after Lincoln was assassinated, socialism would be destroyed by politicians and the Congress. Instead of making Americans equal, these politicians and the Congress made Americans free. This change created a nation of very rich and very poor people. With this change the USA lost the God, universe, and socialism of Leibniz.

If the members of the U.S. Congress do not change the USA to a social nation, crime will continue to expand.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, July 06, 2015

806. A New God and a New Universe Is Clearly Known

Many thoughts of Gottfried Leibniz will not be found in the USA. So, I hope that publishers go to work so that Americans can increase their knowledge of Leibniz's work on God and the universe. In the interim, I suggest that you go to Google and type 'Leibniz.' Then, add a comma and enter the name of any important America, such as JFK, Herder, Franklin, Kant, etc. and your day will be filled with the information about Leibniz.

Two books on Leibniz are in the USA. One book is on Leibniz: Philosophical Writings by G.H..R. Parkinson and appeared in 1973. The other book is Leibniz: Monadology and Othre Philosophical Essavs by Paul and Anne Schrecker and appeared in 1965. These books show the oppositions between Leibniz and Descartes. Descartes says that a universal language depends on the true philosophy. But, Leibniz said that the universal language does not depend upon its completion. So Leibniz says that the universe has a God, is continuous, and is never completed. On the other hand, Descartes says that the universe has a God, had a beginning, and has an end.

As seen, Descartes' thoughts are developing human atheists, materialists, evolutionists, and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I conclude that Chinese, Anaxagoras. Plato, Jesus Christ, Galileo, Kepler, Ben Franklin, the U.S. founders, and many other humans have supported the thoughts of Leibniz that have developed one God and a universe that has no end.

I say that the U.S. colonists and the founders of the USA accepted the thoughts of Leibniz and sent Ben Franklin to Europe to learn Leibniz's new work on God and the universe. Ben became respected by German and French followers of Leibniz thoughts.

Many thoughts of Leibniz were brought to the USA by Ernst Cassirer. His book on The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms has three volumes: Vol. 1. Language; Vol. 2. Mythical Thought; and Vol. 3. The Phenomenology of Knowledge. In general, Cassirer's thoughts say that the minds of humans must go to work on the universe that God is making. Since the minds of many Americans are currently falling downward, major changes in the USA must be made now. In all nations, wars, terrorism, and crime must be eliminated.

Thus, it is time for the U.S. Congress to develop the God and universe that Ben Franklin learned in Germany and France and brought to the people of the USA.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, July 03, 2015

805. Judaism, Christianity, And Islam Must Make Major Decisions In the USA

In the U.S. government, all U.S. laws exist only in the Constitution. Thus, Congress says that the Declaration of Independence (DOI) has statements but has no laws. So, when Congress uses the symbols, public and private, Congress says that public means the government and private means the people. I disagree the meanings of these symbols.

To correct Congress, I say that public controls the Constitution by government and private controls the Declaration of Independence DOI) by the States. Since the meaning of private in the DOI authorizes the States of the USA to abolish the Constitution and institute a new government, I say that private can also make changes to the DOI.

I say that the current U.S. Declaration of Independence authorizes the 'Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.' I also say that on July 4, 1776, the founders of the USA authorized the 'Laws of Nature and of Nature's God' or the New God and New universe of Gottfried Leibniz', which Ben Franklin brought to the colonists from Europe, from 1766 to 1776.

The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God is not equal to the religions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. These three religions say that the universe had a beginning and has an end. However, on July 7, 1776, the founders of the USA said that the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God had no beginning and has no end. So, many people in the USA must make major decisions. I say that the U.S. politicians and the U.S. government have been developing awful laws of the USA for over 100 years.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, July 02, 2015

804. The USA Is A Lost Nation

When the U.S. colonists separated themselves from England, the new European thoughts that Ben Franklin learned, from 1766 to 1776, would enter into the minds of many U.S. people until Ben died in 1790. These European thoughts are about the New God and the New universe of Leibniz, which is written in the Declaration of Independence (DOI) as the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.'

If one concludes that Ben brought the New God and the New universe of Leibniz to the USA and that Ben revised the draft version of Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence to give the DOI laws, one must also conclude that only one religion should now exist in the USA.

In a response to my letter on the subject of the Declaration of Independence (DOI), Senator John D. Rockefeller said that the DOI is not considered law as the same sense that the Constitution is considered law. But,I say that the DOI has the same sense as the Constitution.

The New God and New universe of Leibniz was brought to the USA by Ben in order to reject Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which have a beginning and an end. Ben brought to the USA a world that has no end and had no beginning.

My books below about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 page