Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXIX (Economies for the USA, I)
Since Government has no rights, it must receive rights from the Society before it is able to secure the Society. Since all rights of humans come from the morals of God, the rights of Government must come from God through the Society. To build Locke’s social contract, the founders defined the Society in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration also gave Government the right to conduct war with England, if England began it. On 1776, the Continental Congress was Government until the founders defined Government with the Constitution in 1787. A Bill of Rights was then added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. Thus, on 1776, U.S. economic activities began officially. However, building the U.S. economy became a highly confused political activity.
U.S. economic activities became confused immediately because Locke’s social contract has never been understood by economists and most U.S. citizens. Yet, Locke’s social contract is the key to establishing right economic activities and economic activities that secure the Union. Today, most political discussions and university arguments on the subject of economics are without any unification of rational thinking and Locke’s social contract.