Making My First Scientific Proof of God Clearer, I
In order to develop a scientific proof of God, I sought universal attributes of things in the universe as taught by Paul at Rom. 1:20. Then, by using negative thinking, I connect each universal attribute of the universe logically to the attributes of God because only some attributes of God will participate in God's intelligent design of the universe. I identify four pairs of coexisting opposites as follows: finite/Infinite, many/One, inequality/Equality, and relation/Union. The capitalized words are attributes of God whereas the others are not capitalized because they are effects and are found only in the universe. Since all coexisting opposites can prove that God must exist, I placed the coexisting opposites, finite/Infinite, on page 6,7 and called it the 'first scientific ' and placed the other coexisting opposites in Part IIb, Ch. 1 where I wanted introduce a scientific Trinity to the reader.
I refer to Nicholas of Cusa as the first modern scientist because he allowed me to help him become a modern scientist. He was unable to do it himself because the meaning of the word 'infinite' was vague and the word 'relation' did not even exist yet. Relations appear with Galileo, Leibniz, and the early appearances of functional relations. Further, scientific proofs did not exist in the 15th century. So, my long study of Nicholas of Cusa allowed me to bring new proofs to science.
So there is no question that man has a god. In my book, the proof of God is offered in four different ways. The atheists and logicians reject God because their minds cannot cope with coexisting opposites.