Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The General Theory and Practice of God: By Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The theories and practices of God by Jews, Christians, and Muslims are very different. Their theories and practices of God differ because their theories and practices come from their different scriptures, the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur'an. Then, when their three scriptures are interpreted by their followers, different interpretations become greater. Then,when their scriptures are translated into other languages, different interpretations become even greater.

Thus, scriptures are telling us why Jews, Christians, and Muslims are always ready to go to war among themselves and never try to live together. However, the development of such great differences between any two or more religions are either arbitrary or false. These differences are not even possible if one God exists and only one God can be practiced.

When I developed my first scientific proof of God in 2006, I did not find such a proof in any scripture because scientific proofs will not be found in any scripture. In the next four years, I found more scientific proofs of God. Since 2006, I also found hundreds of scientific practices of God. Some, but not many, of these practices were found in scriptures. My theories and practices of God led to the conclusion that scriptures are not the Word of God.

Thus, I conclude that all scriptures are history books that cannot be proven. They are about those ancient persons who sought theories and practices of God. So, I conclude that the Old Testament, New Testament, and Qur'an are history books about specific persons. These ancient people can be thanked by modernists but should not be worshipped, as if the writer is God or a Son of God.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Theory and Practice vs. Theory and Proof

The relations between the concepts, theory and practice, are covered nicely in a Google search. (click) Look deeper and you will find scholarly articles on theory and practice. (click) In these articles, you will find that many different 'theories and practices' exist. For instance, music is a theory that can be practiced or insurance is a theory that can be practiced. But practices cannot be proven.

The relations between the concepts, theory and proof, are also covered nicely in a Google search. (click) Look deeper and you will also find scholarly articles on theory and proof. (click) In these articles you will also find that many different 'theories and proofs' exist. For instance, particles with half-integral spin can be proven. Such other things can be proven but only if the parts of things are orderly and functional.

Based on my Google search, I conclude that 'theory and practice' applies only to the life of humans. Since I have proven the existence of God scientifically, I conclude that 'theory and proof'' applies only to the development of human knowledge of things. So do not try to prove your love for another person. Love can only be practiced. But, as I have said before, the practice of atheism is illegal in the USA because the USA is a nation under God.

Thus, I reject secular morals and say that all morals come from God The international work on human rights must thus confirmed with the laws of nature's God, a mandate of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Morals and a Book by Greg M. Epstein

On October 26, 2010, a paperback was published by Greg Epsetin on the subject of secular morals. He teaches these morals as a humanistic chaplain at Harvard University. His hardcover was published last year and became aligned to Project Reason, which was founded by Sam Harris, (click). The title, "Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe," is being promoted worldwide by (click)

His book is developing secular morals. (click) (click) Thus, instead of developing the morals of God, as the Declaration of Independence (DOI) mandates with the laws of nature and nature's God, the purpose of his book is to control all nations worldwide and destroy all religions. Since Epstein is a Jew, I assume that he is a deist, who accepts an inactive God, the Old Testament, atheism, materialism, evolution. and the Big Bang theory. Since any book on secular morals must accept all human rights as arbitrary rights, all secular rights are determined only by political powers. Thus, the theistic God (or panentheism) is eliminated.

Epstein did not take time to learn the following U.S. laws and truths: (1) two founding documents exist in the USA (DOI and Constitution); (2) the USA has a social contract, which was made by John Locke and was mandated by the founders; (3) the USA has laws of nature and nature's God (see the DOI); (4) all citizens are equal (see the DOI); (5) scientific proofs of God exist (see my book on 'The First Scientific Proof of God') (click) ; (6) God and the universe form a single world (see blogs dated 9/04/10); and (7) the loss of the 'private sector' of the USA (see the five blogs dated 11/7/10 to 11/20/10).

Since secular morals began to move into the world in the 1800 after Lincoln was assassinated, I conclude that the developers of secular morals in the USA helped to destroy the private sector of the USA. Are political criminals appearing in the USA? Should Epstein's books also be removed from the USA?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Expansion of George Shollenberger's Work

After I published my book on "The First Scientific Proof of God' in 206, my work expanded to the work of other people. Below, I list this expansion.

(1) Brginning this teaching website in June 2006.

(2) Scientific God Inc. (click)

(3) Scientific God Journal. (click)

(4) Developing a theological science in a Worldwide Google Knol. (click)

(5) Comments in the HuffPost Social News. (click)

(6) Dissussions.

.....Creationists Help Us (click) and go to newest

.....Intelligent Design As Scientific Theory (click) and go to newest

....The Truth About Evolution and Religion (click) and go to newest

....I Am an Atheist. Why is That So hard to Say? (click) and go to newest

My work says that the USA is a nation under God. So, I say that atheists can think atheism but cannot practice it. Accordingly, the atheistic billboards violate U.S. laws. (click)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

J. Craig Venter

On Nov. 21, 2010 , 60 Minutes presented the scientific work of a microbiologist, J. Craig Venter. He is the man whose team mapped the human genome and created "synthetic life" The idea of creating new forms of life in the laboratory is here. This summer Venter and his scientists made a synthetic bacteria with a computer. This bacteria was made with man-made DNA. This work led to praise, skepticism and rancor.

When Venter judges himself scientifically, he says that the record is pretty clear: (1) the first genome in history, (2) the first draft of the human genome, (3) the first complete version of the human genome, and (4) having the first synthetic cells. He thinks unusually and has no visual memory. Thus, his work is conceptual and sees things in Nature differently.

He has scuba-dived with sharks to gather microbes in the Pacific, and spent much of the past summer sailing through the Greek isles on his 95-foot research vessel, plucking new genetic material from the sea. When removing a Petri dish from an incubator in his lab and holding it up to the light, he reveals small dark specks of bacteria saying that this is the first synthetic species. It took 15 years to develop at a cost of about $40 million. He runs a biotech company called Synthetic Genomics and a t research lab, the J. Craig Venter Institute. (click)

What did Venter really make? He did not make something out of nothing, as God does.. To help you answer this question, I suggest that you read the 15 comments to this CBS interview of Venter. (click) I suggest that you focus on the comment by krazy56, who wonders whether we lose our DNA but hold our soul after death. Any volunteer?

In my blogs and book. 'The First Scientific Proof of God,' you will find that I suggest what happens after death. I believe in, and develop, a panentheistic God. This God is active and made our universe. Thus, I believe in God's Intelligent Design but reject atheism, deism, materialism and evolution.

At John 14:12, Jesus say that we will do greater works. So Venter's work might be greater than today's knowledge of microbiologists. Since Venter's thoughts are primarily conceptual, he should turn his thoughts to God because I connected God and the Uuniverse with my new theological science. (click) He might become even more productive. However, if Venter never turns toward the work of Galileo on bodies and their infinite number of indivisibles, his research will come to an end quickly.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Private Sector and Public Sector Differences

Before retiring, I worked in the public sector for about twenty-four years. Before that work, I worked in the private sector for about fifteen years. And before that work, I spent three years in the military. I found that the private and public sectors are very different. But some business people say that the public sector must be managed like a business. However, I disagree with these people because the U.S. government is a self-government whose purpose is to form a more perfect Union.

In 1971, I entered the public sector when I accepted a research position at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) , U.S. Department of Justice. My job was to apply high technologies, which I learned in the private sector on the space program, to the U. S. increasing crime problem. In 1977, because I was a physical scientist, the agency leader asked, 'How do we measure the performance of the NIJ?' To answer this question, I went to the book, 'Foundations of Measurement' by Krantz, David H., Luce, R. Duncan, Suppes, Patrick, and Tversky, Amos; New York: Academic Press (1971). This book tells us that physical concepts are measurable because they function in the dimensionally invariant equations of the laws of physics, which govern all nonliving things. Basic laws that govern living things have not been found by nonphysical scientists. Nor have laws of physics been connected to living things by physical and nonphysical scientists. So measuring the performance of any public agency might be impossible only over time periods.

When I compare a business with a self-government, they can be viewed as boxes that have 'inputs' and 'outputs.' The business box has an 'input' when it receives investments. A self-government box also has an 'input' when it receives taxes. The business box also has an 'output.' This output can be compared with its input because the dimension of the input and output is identical--- money. On the other hand, the output of a self-government cannot be compared with its input because the input dimension of taxes is money whereas the output dimension is 'a more perfect Union.' This dimension can be measured only over time periods.

If the private and public sector co-exist, how did God create them so they would function together? I believe that this answer lies everywhere in the geometry of spiral cones. See them in the infinitely large (in cosmology) in the pic above and the infinitely small (in the atoms). To see smaller spiral conesI,(click).

Unless the people of the USA turn their interests toward God, I expect that the current oligarchy will continue to grow.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Politics and Political Science: Their Differences

Politics is a process in which a group of people can develop an ideology and make decisions. It is generally applied to a group of people and their governments. (click) On the other hand, political science is a social science concerned with the theory and practice of 'politics.' Political science is taught at many colleges and universities. There, political scientists must study and interact with many different fields of thought such as public policy, national politics, economics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, sociology history, law, and political theory.(click)

As one can see, the people who belong to a political group and the people who belong to the field of political science, have many problems because many people in a political group are not trained scientists. The biggest problem between 'politicians' and 'political scientists' is that these two groups of people are not able to communicate properly with each other. Today's political scientists are becoming highly educated. So, more and more uneducated politicians will not bee able to participate in today's new sciences such as my new 'theological science.'

The Internet is amplifying the above linguistic problem because an increasing number of uneducated people (or virtual thugs) are beginning to change the ideologies and decisions of well-developed and scientific political parties. An example is today's teaparties. Can we really allow teaparties to control the USA? I say that this linguistic problem has caused new problems that well established parties and and political scientists did not expect.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Strengthening the Founding Documents of the USA

My letter to Senator John Rockefeller on November 12, 2010 below shows that the private sector of the USA has been destroyed by U.S. lawyers after Abe Lincoln was assassinated and the Declaration of Independence (DOI) was interpreted as a single authority to go to war with England. So, after the War of 1812 with England started and came to an end, the DOI became a history. As history, the DOI lost its functional social contract relation with the Constitution. Only Abe Lincoln would use the DOI again with the Constitutional.

However, after the assassination of Lincoln, the DOI became a permanent historical document and the social contract of John Locke was destroyed and the the private sector was eliminated. Without the private sector, the USA became an oligarchy controlled by moneyed people. As an oligarchy, the People of the USA began to lose rights that they would be revealed in the 'laws of Nature and Nature's God,' which are found only in the DOI. When the 20th century came, one-third of the wealth of the USA would be owned by 1%, 9%, and 90% of the households. The 20th century also brought atheism to the USA. Atheists believe that God does not exist and that the world is coming to an end. Clearly, the loss of Locke's social contract, which is found in 'The Second Treatise of Government' by Thomas Peardon (click) has caused negatives rather than positives in the private and public sectors of the USA. We must strengthen the U.S. founding documents.

Locke's social contract requires two founding documents. The DOI must identify the Society, which is called 'the private sector.' Society also develops rights , which are revealed in the DOI as the 'laws of Nature and Nature's God.' A Constitution must identify Government, which is called 'the public sector.' (Thus, the new IRAQ was not created properly by the U.S. State Department.). Locke's Government is a self-government (of, by, and for the People). The self-govern meet is neither socialistic nor communistic government. Nor is self-government equated to capitalism. Capitalism is part of self-government. Self-government forms a more perfect Union. Since God is the only perfect thing, a self-government must seek and develop the best theories of God and God's Creation without establishing any religion.

To strengthen the founding documents, Congress must changed so that political parties and moneyed people cannot guide or control Congress. Members of Congress must thus be limited to one three-year term. An equal number of technical members must come from (1) State and local governments and (2) business, industrial, educational, health care, and non-profit organizations. The major emphasis of all three branches is to achieve a more perfect nation every yea..

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Letter to Senator John Rockefeller IV

November 12, 2010

John D. Rockefeller IV
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-4802

Dear Senator Rockefeller:

In your March 26, 20089 letter to me you said,"While the Declaration of Independence is not considered law in the same sense that the Constitution is considered as law, ..... " In this letter, I want to discuss your statement again about the Declaration of Independence and my new research on the Declaration of Independence (DOI). My new research tells us that our lawyers have made interpretation errors related to the founding documents. These errors have taken our nation off of the path of freedom sought by our founders. These errors are also moving the USA away from the paths of the colonist’s original experiment.

I say that the laws of the DOI and the Constitution function together must be treated equally as laws. If this does not occur, the U.S. private sector and U. S. public sector cannot be unified so that their natural harmony develops and works.

My new research is reported in my website at, The date of this report is 11/7/10. Its title is "The Private Sector of the USA Has Been Destroyed." My research uses the book by John Locke on "The Second Treatise of Government." My research shows that the U.S. ‘private sector’ of the USA was destroyed some time after President Abe Lincoln was assassinated. Below, I present the report on my research.

Reseasrch Report

Information on the subjects of 'private sector' and 'public sector' can be found in a Google search. In the Google information, people try to define and distinguish these two sectors. However, the private and public sector of the USA were well defined and distinguished by our founders in the Declaration of Independence (DOI) and the Constitution. Below, I discuss the private and public sector as defined by our founders.

The private sector and public sector became a reality in 1776 when our colonists decided to separate themselves from England. The founders identified the private sector as the 'Society,' which had been identified by John Locke in his social contract theory. The Lockean Society was defined generally by the founders in the first two paragraphs of the DOI in 1776. Then, the founders identified the public sector as the 'Government,' which had also been identified by John Locke in his social contract theory. The initial 'Government' was the Second Continental Congress in 1776. The second Government became the Articles of Confederation and struggled, beginning in 1781. Then, to form a more perfect Union and strengthen the national government, the third Government was identified by the Constitution in 1778.

Locke's social contract is an agreement between Society and Government. This agreement was very clear in the minds of the founders and the colonists because the Lockean social contract was studied widely before 1776. Thus it is clear that the founders built a nation that would have a private sector, called Society, and a public sector, called Government. In this agreement, the People of public sector hold all rights, which are received from God. Since Government has no rights until it receives rights from the public sector, the Constitution and amendments define all rights that Government receives from the public sector.

The harmony between the private and public sector in the USA depends heavily on the continuous development by Congress the 'laws of nature and nature's God.' Those two different laws were included in the DOI. Since development of the USA would not occur immediately, the Bill of Rights were included in the Constitution in 1701.

The anti-federalists would warn against ‘development.’ To save the public sector and Locke's social contract, President Lincoln defended the DOI and the human right---all Men are created equal.

However, the public sector was eventually destroyed by today's lawyers. They say that the DOI was merely an authority to go to war against England. Essentially, these lawyers destroyed the first two paragraphs of the DOI. They also destroyed the Society and its social contract. However, by destroying the DOI, only Government remained in the USA. With only Government, the Congress changes from 'representatives of the public sector' to 'political parties with lobbyists.' Essentially, Government became a power over the people. So these lawyers transformed the USA into an oligarchy headed by rich classes. This transformation led to disharmonious work in Congress in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Today, lawyers, who reject God also reject the DOI, support the American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU). The ACLU impede the development of private sector land for educational purposes of our children. Further other lawyers in the Supreme Court help to destroy God when they supported Madelyn Murray O'Hair on removing prayers from public schools in 1967. Removing prayers anywhere will weakens the private sector because communications with God will develop the minds of our children properly.

The private sector was weakened by McCarthyism, which changed the TV/movie industry from, an educational organization for our children and good entertainment for the aging, to a huge and ugly national drug, sex, and crime culture. Furthermore, the poor ideologies of liberalism and conservationism are weakening the private sector. So are abortions, same sex marriages, and anti-socialists.

If Government is without a Society (or private sector), the USA is sitting on a see-saw that is swinging two ways. One has political power and the other has services. The power establishes nasty potentials with political divisions and wars. The service has many beauties for you.


This research shows that the USA was founded as a Society and a self-Government under God. The Society separated itself logically from the self- Government so that Society is identified as the ‘private sector’ and the self-Government is identified as the ‘public sector.’

I sent this research report to President Obama on 11/7/10.

Sincerely yours,
George Shollenberger

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Private Sector of the USA Has Been Destroyed

Information on the subjects of 'private sector' and 'public sector' can be found in the Google search. (private); (public) In the Google information, people are trying to define and distinguish these two sectors. However, the private and public sector of the USA were well defined and distinguished by our founders in the Declaration of Independence (DOI) and the Constitution. Below, I discuss the private and public sector as defined by our founders.

The private sector and public sector became a reality in 1776 when our colonists decided to separate themselves from England. The founders identified the private sector as the 'Society,' which had been identified by John Locke in his social contract theory. The Lockean Society was defined generally by the founders in the first two paragraphs of the DOI in 1776. Then, the founders identified the public sector as the 'Government,' which had also been identified by John Locke in his social contract theory. The initial 'Government' was the Second Continental Congress in 1776. The second Government became the Articles of Confederation and struggled, beginning in 1781. Then, to form a more perfect Union and strengthen the national government, the third Government was identified by the Constitution in 1778.

Locke's social contract is an agreement between Society and Government. This agreement was very clear in the minds of the founders and the colonists because the Lockean social contract was studied widely before 1776. Thus it is clear that the founders built a nation that would have a private sector, called Society, and a public sector, called Government. In this agreement, the People of public sector hold all rights, which are received from God. Since Government has no rights until it receives rights from the public sector, the Constitution and amendments define all rights that Government receives from the public sector.

The harmony between the private and public sector in the USA depends heavily on the continuous development by Congress the 'laws of nature and nature's God.' Those two different laws were included in the DOI. Since development of the USA would not occur immediately, the Bill of Rights were included in the Constitution in 1701. The anti-federalists would warn against 'development.' To save the public sector and Locke's social contract, President Lincoln defended the DOI and the human right---all Men are created equal.

However, the public sector was eventually destroyed by today's lawyers. They say that the DOI was merely an authority to go to war against England. Essentially, these lawyers destroyed the first two paragraphs of the DOI. They also destroyed the Society and its social contract. However, by destroying the DOI, only Government remained in the USA. With only Government, the Congress changes from 'representatives of the public sector' to 'political parties with lobbyists.' Essentially, Government became a power over the people. So these lawyers transformed the USA into an oligarchy headed by rich classes. This transformation led to disharmonious work in Congress in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Today, lawyers, who reject God also reject the DOI, support the American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU). The ACLU impede the development of private sector land for educational purposes of our children. Further other lawyers in the Supreme Court help to destroy God when they supported Madelyn Murray O'Hair in removing prayers from public schools in 1967. Removing prayers anywhere will weakens the private sector because communications with God will develop the minds of our children properly.

The private sector was weakened by McCarthyism (Click), which changed the TV/movie industry from, an educational organization for our children and good entertainment for the aging, to a huge and ugly national drug, sex, and crime culture. Furthermore, the poor ideologies of liberalism and conservationism are weakening the private sector. So are abortions, same sex marriages, and anti-socialists.

If Government is without a Society (or private sector), the USA is sitting on a see-saw that is swinging two ways. One has political power and the other has services. The power establishes nasty potentials with political divisions and wars. The service has many beauties for you.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Stephen Hawking Says: God Did Not Create the Universe. I Disagree.

In my last blog, I show that God and the Universe form a single world. I show that this single world is organized with coexisting and opposing concepts. But Stephen Hawking says that God in not needed to create the universe. So, either I am wrong or Hawking is wrong. In this blog, I will show that I am right and Hawking is wrong.

As the author of the book "The First Scientific Proof of God." I teach this scientific proof with ontology, which is the study of 'beings' or 'things.' I teach the following statement about things: "When a person looks into the evening sky, many different finite things are seen." Then, when we seek the cause of these many different finite things, we must say that all finite things must come from an opposed infinite thing. We can thus say that all of these finite things were not caused by a finite Big Bang thing because a finite Big Bang thing would have to create itself and all other finite things. So, only an infinite thing can be the cause of all finite things, which we name 'universe. ' Since an infinite thing has no cause, the infinite thing is named 'God.' God is thus necessary.

Hawking and other mathematicians overstate the purpose of mathematics. Mathematics can be applied only to the dynamics of finite things. Thus, mathematics cannot be applied to an absolute thing or a greatest thing because both identify the same God different ways.

If Galileo's work on bodies is studied, one will learn that all finite things have an infinite number of indivisible parts. One of these indivisibles is the basic principle. All other indivisible parts function for this basic principle. Since an infinite number of parts cannot be counted, mathematicians have problems in explaining the finite things in the universe.

Hawking and other mathematicians do not seem to understand that God and the universe is one world that has a higher world (of God) and a lower world (of Creatures) and that these two different worlds function in beautiful ways.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Our Knowledge of God and the Universe is Increasing

When I published my book on "The First Scientific Proof of God' in 2006, I said that an infinite thing is God, who is the origin of all finite things in the Universe. I also said that God and the Universe are connected by opposing concepts. This connection is necessary, if atheism and deism are rejected, and God is active in His creation of the Universe. At that time, I identified these five opposing conceps: (1) One/many, (2) Equality/inequalities, (3) Union/relatives, (4) Infinite/finites, and (5) Indivisible/divisibles.

The capitalized concepts will be found in God whereas the uncapitalized concepts will be found in the Universe. Accordingly, capitalized concepts are attributes of God whereas the uncapitalized concepts are attributes of the plurality of created things.

After I opened this website, I identified other opposing concepts: (6) Independence/dependences (7) Perfect/imperfects, (8) Eternal/reincartnations, (9) Greatest/variables, (10) Same/dofferences and (11) Permanence/changes. As seen, the mind senses an attribute of a created things first because it is visible as So. Paul suggested at Rom. 1:20. Then, the opposing attribute of God is identified, which issought with metaphysical thinking. .

Recently, I received a movie from Larry Hawkins in Florida. We were both born in Pine Grove, PA. He saved the life of Ted Williams. This movie will explain the opposing concepts, Permance/changes. (click) Interestingly, former Senator John Glenn was in Hawkins' wing. I worked at Lockheed Martin with Glenn on his spacecraft and his first orbit around earth.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Physical Science Vs. Theological Science (Detailed Information)

Those mathematical physicists who reject God say that they will eventually discover a complete and consistent theory of the universe. They make this statement even though they are discovering limits that affect their thoughts. For instance, in 1927 the ‘uncertainty principle’ was introduced. This principle says that the position and momentum of an electron cannot be measured simultaneously. Today, many physicists are relying only on probability theories. Although such theories are useful, they should not replace our exact sciences.

When the new century was coming, I came to the conclusion that relations do exist between an infinite God and the finite things that God creates. But I concluded that these relations do not use excluded middle (either/or) opposites. Otherwise, an infinite God would be pantheistic and would develop idolatry. So, I concluded that an infinite God must be active; must create functional things; and must create the universe with coexisting opposing concepts.

Since I was developing a science about God and the universe, a single world was developing. This world would have one infinite God and many different finite things. This single world would have to unify the field of theology with the field of science.’ I call this togetherness‘theological science.’ But theological science was emerging long ago, after Anaxagoras said that ‘each thing is in each thing.’ Plato went in more detail in his Parmenides dialogue to show that One and Many coexist.

In 2000, Science & Theology News had been started by the Templeton Foundation Press. (Click) It closed in 2006. I believe that the News failed because submissions did not consider God as active and did not consider the 15th century work on Nicholas of Cusa ‘On Learned Ignorance.’(Click) . I conclude that physical scientists must become theological scientists.