Although Aristotle is known as the Father of logic, today’s logicians do not seem to recognize that Aristotle was a logician and a dialectician.
Against the belief of Heraclitus, who says that the concepts, permanence and change, do not coexist, Aristotle believes that something permanent underlies all changes. He called this permanent thing ‘substance.’ Today, the symbol, substance, is used to explain God, the universe, and life.
When U.S. physicists rejected God in the 1970s and became atheists, they viewed ‘substance’ as ‘matter.’ However, they have never found any permanent ‘matter.’ Without permanent matter, these physicists became logical thinkers because they had to reject the coexisting symbols ‘permanence’ and ‘change.’ With this rejection, the mind of these physicists became aligned immediately to thoughts of the ancient, Heraclitus, and the modernist, Karl Marx. This atheistic alignment will cause physicists to produce many chimeras. One is known as spacetime.
Theological science accepts many coexisting symbols such as permanence and change because many opposing symbols explain how a panentheistic God and our created universe are connected with a particular intelligent design. In my book, for instance, I connect God to our universe with an intelligent design using opposites such as permanent/change, infinite/finite, one/many, identity/difference, union/relation, and indivisible/divisible. Man’s endless life will find that these opposites will also be endless.
Since God’s intelligent design of our universe produces the best world of all possible worlds, theological science says that God had to place a plurality of finite substances in the universe. This finite infinity of substances can be known only by an infinite God. As Aristotle says, every substance has predicates. In my book, I call these subject/predicate things ‘spiritual atoms.’ These spiritual atoms, which are completed things created by God, are permanent things that underlie all bodies ever to found in the universes by man. All spiritual atoms are thus immortal. However, all bodies are mortal. So, all spiritual atoms must shed their bodies from time to time by passing on. So, there is life after death in a best world.
In a best world, theological science gives very different meanings to space and time compared to the meanings given by physicists. These meanings were developed by Leibniz. He defines space as the order of coexistencies and time as the order of suceessions. So when a spiritual atom is embodied, space becomes an attribute of that body. And time is the sequence of each spiritual atom. So, the universe has no physical atoms and no vacuums.
As seen, theological science is very different compared to all current sciences. But, the failures of the school of physics to prove its theories since the 1970s has become a serious world economic problem.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.