Saturday, November 30, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
338.Living Correctly
Physical scientists and atheists are quiet about their rejection of God. They challenged my first book, 'The First Scientific Proof of God' for more than a year. I never heard them again. A debate between Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton on the meaning of 'space' was also avoided by the empiricists of England. (click) But,when 'space' was united with 'time' by physical scientists, these godless scientists say that the universe had a beginning and will have an end.
I have rejected the godless universe of the physical scientists in all of my books because I found that all created souls became functionally related and were moved by the least action of of God. But Gottfried Leibniz also rejected the space that was defined by the physical scientists and the atheists. To Leibniz, space is not a substance, which has parts. Thus, Leibniz says that space orders all things that coexist. Thus, all things depend on God every moment. So, Leibniz says that the universe has a pre-established harmony.
If physical scientists, atheists, and other Americans do not become godly, I say that very big wars will come into existence before the sun darkens, as Jesus spoke at Matt. 24. Since God is absolutely perfect, I say that our heaven and earth is always perfect even when the sun darkens. So, we must learn how to live correctly rather than learning how to live only on wealth.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
337. China and Many Other Nations Are Far Apart
Accordingly, China does not accept the Big Bang theory. Nor does China accept the billiard ball universe of Albert Einstein, the physical atoms of England, the materialism of the USA and Russia, and the deism and religion of Judaism and Islam. Outside of China, Li agrees mostly with Christianity.
In China, the Supreme is called the Supreme Unity because as the number series. Unity is the basis but is not a number series. So, the Supreme Unity cannot be divided into parts. Yet, all finite things in the universe can be divided. This is where U.S. mathematicians become confused because they do not understand the differences between the uncountable infinities that God makes and the countable infinities that we make. I accepted God only after I concluded that the word 'not' will not move my mind to God. I had to use the 'not-not finite' in order to find God. I still lose God with bad words when I say wrongly that God's perfection does not exist in our world.. The truth is that God has made a perfect universe.
Unless physical scientists and mathematicians do not begin to hunt for God, the gap between China and the USA will continue to grow. To bring China and the USA together, the U.S. Congress must sit down and think deeply about this world of God. My books will open their minds.
Monday, November 25, 2013
336. Spirits and Bodies
My books say that spirits are infinite in number and exist in dark matter. This form of matter is seen by our astronauts when they go into space. I also say that a Spirit becomes an Angel when God causes a functional relation between the Spirit and the sexual activity of a male and female human. If a relation develops, the Spirit is given a body. Since only God is bodiless, Leibniz says that a Spirit is never entirely stripped of all of its matter. I agree because I say that body death will cause the Spirit to fall into the dark matter.
I conclude that the God of the people of China is very similar to the God I develop in my three books. The God of China also agrees with Leibniz's writings on Christianity. The physical science in the USA, England, Russia, etc. is mostly atheistic and is not like China, my science, Leibniz's. science or the thoughts of Ben Franklin's immortal souls. So, the politics of the USA will not work well with China.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
335. Fixing the USA With the God of China, Christianity, and Gottfried Leibniz
When Leibniz died, he was so out of favor with England that neither George I, nor any fellow courtier other than his personal secretary, attended the funeral. Even though Leibniz was a life member of the Royal Society and the Berlin Academy of Sciences, these organizations did not honor his passing. Thus, Leibniz's grave went unmarked for more than 50 years. But the angels of God can go to work on fallen leaders such as Leibniz.
For example, did Ben Franklin help to mark Leibniz's grave in 1766? In Ben autobiography, I see that Ben went to Germany in 1766. In June 14 through August 13, Ben became a member of the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen. As a member of this Society, Ben learned about Leibniz's writings on the immorality of the human soul. Ben also learned some doubts about the divinity of Jesus. Thus, when the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) was made in 1776, Ben made sure that the God of China, the God of Christianity, and the thoughts of Leibniz, Ben's thoughts would lead the new Americans into a God that cannot be found in England. So, the separation of America from England was caused by China, Leibniz, Christianity, and Ben..
Unfortunately, this 1776 action was stopped after the assassination of Lincoln. It was stopped by a group of Americans. Some of these Americans are keen investors. Others are people who say that the DOI has no laws. In many blogs, I have said that the DOI has scientific and government laws. Senator Rockefeller is one person who says that the DOI has no laws. The coding of laws by lawyers might also be saying that the DOI has no laws. When the DOI was interpreted incorrectly, the USA lost its God. With the loss of God, human freedom becomes absolute and ugly. It is time to bring God back to America and fix it with the God of China, Christianity, and Leibniz. With my three books, the USA can change quickly.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
334. The Binary Math of the Chinise
My major interest at this time is China's binary mathematics. I used this binary math for the first time in the field of telemetry in Baltimore in the early 1960s. This binary math would replace many analog systems with digital math. With my binary math telemetry system, John Glenn would be launched and float around the earth safely. In about 15 years, my binary math telemetry system would find its way into Microsoft Corp., the work of Bill Gates, and many computer systems.
Leibniz says that the binary math of China was developed 4500 years ago. During this ancient period, the binary math would be used by China to develop theological and scientific truths. I conclude that Leibniz learned about the life of humans in China. So, I say that Leibniz's Monadology and Leibniz's history of China must be studied by many intelligent American so that China and the USA can be compared.
Based on Leibniz's study of China, I say that many people of the USA have lost God completely. I am also saying that the God of the people of China is the God that I have found scientifically.
Friday, November 22, 2013
333. U.S. Astronomers Are Incorrect
These U.S. astronomers are atheists, godless, and are trying to weaken the minds of humans who believe in God.
The proof of God by me says that all things in the universe are finite and come from God. Thus. finite things can be sensed better and better as time passes but can never be sensed completed. My dialectical mind says that all sensed things originate only from an infinite God, who is one and cannot be sensed or reasoned. Thus, the Big Bang, which was never sensed, never existed because, if it had existed, God had to be its origin.
So, the minds of these astronomers and the astronomers of NASA are incorrect about the universe and its creation by God. These astronomers are misleading the people of many nations.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
332. China and Its Yin Yang Principles
So, when Gottfried Leibniz studied China in the late years of the 17th century, he found that the God and universe of the Chinese was identical to the God and universe, which was proposed by Anaxagoras in 500 B.C., confirmed by Plato, and was taught first by Jesus
But the Chinese went further than other nations on science. China moved forward with the yin and yang principles. For example, the yin principle denotes female, passivity, receiving, descent, darkness, valleys, earth, etc.. And the yang principle denotes male, active, giving, ascending, light, mountains, sun, etc.. Two lines (__ ___) is the sign of female. And one line (____) is the sign of male.
In my books, I develop many yin/yang opposing concepts with dialectical thinking. So, I expect China to move into the future faster than the USA and other nations. I don't expect the USA to move forward at all because most U.S. politicians do not seek knowledge of God or the universe. Their minds do not use scientific thinking.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
331. Natural Social Relations Are Unknown
When a very wealthy person dies, our minds are not able to know that this person has been given a new body by God. Nor can our minds determine that our souls have become wealthy or has became poor.
So, I say that natural social relations are still unknown by all nations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
320. Response to Billionaises
A project that will not fail is my third book on a new active God and a new science of the endless universe that God created. This book can change the future life of all people on this planet. This change will happen because new truths of God and the universe have been found. Furthermore, this new change will also produce other important projects that become necessary from this change.
George D. Shollenberger
329. A CommonThought of Hegel and Lenin
I say that Lenin meant that 'the natural intellectual life is all 'infrastructure', which is functionally related to the spiritual intellectual life.'
Accordingly, the natural intellectual life forms an infrastructure, such as planets, suns, and the bodies of humans. And the spiritual intellectual life is only the souls of all humans.
If my interpretations of Lenin are correct, Russia, China, and the USA would becoming the first large nations under a true and active God.
Monday, November 18, 2013
328. The Goodness or Badness of Socialism
Sunday, November 17, 2013
327. My Third Book
My third book says that scriptures are not coming from God because we cannot know God. If God is one and is not finite, we know that God unites all opposites. For example, many different opposites are taught in schools by teachers. And God creates the universe with many opposites. Since this universe is seen in the evening sky, we also know that God is active and never rests. Thus, we know that the universe is continuous, never comes to an end, and will exist forever. It is with God's activities that humans are able to develop new understandings of God forever. It is with dialectical thinking that we find cause/effect relations and learn the way God is making the universe.
Accordingly, I must reject Albert Einstein's general theory of the universe because he said that the universe has a beginning and end. In the Parmenides dialogue, Plato shows that the oneness of God always has 'other' things like us. Thus, God and universe is one.
Many people follow Einstein. But these people split and form two different groups. The first group says that all things in the universe are mechanical or nonliving things. The second group says that nonliving and living things coexist and form social relations. In these two groups, logic guides the first group whereas logic and dialectics guide the second group.
My third book says that these two groups are ungodly because economists do not include God's activities into their thoughts. In the USA. economists have brought the opposites rich/poor into the universe in which God made all humans equal. And in Europe, economists have brought the opposites bourgeois/proletarian into the universe. My third book says that all nations, all families, all Little Gods. all animals, and all plants can be made very equal. Since God gives us a new body after we die, it is not natural to make these economic opposites.
Finally, my third books also says that dialectical thinking leads to true and false concepts and right and wrong concepts. So the religious leaders must expand their teachings to science and morals. Political parties must also develop dialectical thinking. But atheism is in trouble because God exists and will act forever.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
326. Dishonest Statements
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
325. Souls and Socialism.
"Barrack Hussein Obama is determined to turn America into a Marxist-socialist society. We all need to pull together or watch the demise of a free democratic society. We need to seek the truth and take action for it will keep us FREE. Our biggest enemy is not China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran."
These words are made by a person who does not seem to have a God, is a sensual thinker, and does not know the history of the monads and socialism. Note. The monads are known today as souls.
The Marxist-socialist society originated in China's Yin-Yang empirical/rational science and China;s moderate socialism. [Note. Moderate means average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.] Gottfried Leibniz studied China's God and science for the Vatican and found that China and Christianity have the same God and builds China with the moderation of Yin-Yang concepts. The Yin-Yang science and socialism of China was brought to Germany by Gottfried Leibniz, where Leibniz expanded China's science and socialism with an popular paper called 'Monadology.'
At Leibniz's time, England was developing the science of empiricism and rejected rationalism, When Ben Franklin learned about the work of Leibniz, Ben brought Leibniz's science and socialism to America. Thus, Ben caused the separation of America from England.
Karl Marx developed Leibniz's monads and socialism for Germany. And Hegel developed German Idealism based on Leibniz's monads and socialism. Then, Lenin used Hegel's work to build the monads and socialism of Leibniz in Russia.
If the USA rejects the monads and socialism of Leibniz, many people of the USA will again become slaves. Unfortunately, the people of the USA are not learning about moderation. Their teachers only talk about 'money.' Furthermore, the statement about Obama is incorrect because the development of socialism is well beyond the period of Marx.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
324. Making a Nation More Perfect.
So, the U.S. Congress work is very clear on all new service programs such as Obama care. These problems will be solved only by functionally related mathematics. Obama care has problems because only a finite number insurance companies exist for all U.S. citizens. To make a more perfect Obama care system, Congress must go to work to make functional related insurance companies. These different companies must learn the needed care of each patient..
If governments do not develop programs with functional related programs, the development of programs will follow the ignorance of scriptures but will also create absolute freedom in the mind of every human. Only God's freedom is absolute.
Monday, November 11, 2013
323. The History of My First Book, My Second Book, and My Third Book
To conduct more research on God and the universe, I started to develop blogs on Google on June 9, 2006 after my first book, The Fist Scientific Proof of God, was published by AuthorHouse. Thist book proved the existence of God. The physical scientists and atheists debated my proof of God but failed because science cannot prove nonexistent things. On June 2010, my proof of God’s existence was gaining support and was published by Scientific God Journal in Volume 1 Issue 4.
I continued research after making my first book and started to learn more about God and the Universe. Since my first book informed me that God cannot be known. I concluded that God must be one. If God is one, I conclude that God has no parts, like the parts we have. So, I distinguished God from us and all other created things. When I learned that God is one and cannot be known, I concluded that God is unknown but must act because God created the universe. So, although we cannot develop knowledge of God, I found that we can develop knowledge of the acts of God.
With science, I can say that God is ‘inactive and unknowable.’ I also say that God is ‘active and knowable.’ With these four scientific concepts. I am able to understand God better. Technically, these four concept use dialectical opposites (or both/and opposites) rather than logical opposites (or either/or opposites). This way of understanding God led to my second book, ‘A New and Modern Holy Bible With The Intelligent Design of An Active God.' It was published by AuthorHouse in June 2012.
However, my second book will also say that Abraham rejected pantheism, developed monotheism, and said that God is one. But my second book will also show that the Old Testament was being challenged by Greeks after Anaxagoras said that God and the universe is one. Thus, the Greeks were saying that God and the universe had no beginning and has no end. Further, in his Parmenides dialogue, Plato was also saying that ‘one thing’ always has ‘other things.’ Furthermore, when I researched the Old and New Testaments, I learned that the Old Testament teaches deism. On the other hand, the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus are aligned to the Greek panentheism rather than deism. So, I conclude that the Jews had Jesus killed after he came home from Greece to teach panentheism.
Today, humans speak mostly about deism, theism, and atheism. But soon after I made my second book, I began to conduct research on a panentheistic God and His universe that has no end. After eighteen months of research, I produced hundreds of blogs and will make a third book. This book will change every nation and every Little God.
I unify science with theology and capitalism with socialism. As the founder of ‘The Panenthistic Church of Jesus,’ I say that this church will become the greatest scientific and moral teaching organization in the world.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
322. Learning God and His Universe
To tear apart the tight controls of empiricism and rationalism, I say that scientists and religions must open their minds to learn the panentheistic God and the endless life of the universe.
Saturday, November 09, 2013
321. Empirical Thinking and Reasoning
Thus, the empiricists also say that knowledge can be completed because the universe comes to an end. So, some religions follow empiricism because they expect to go to Heaven after death. However, rationalists also say that knowledge can not-be-completed because God is eternal and created a universe that has no end. So,other religions follow rationalism because they expect to be reborn by God after death.
The two theories cannot be true. So it is time for all humans to polish their minds to find the only theory above.
Friday, November 08, 2013
320. Atheism Is Guiding the U.S. Senate
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
319. My Research and NASA's' Space Work Are Coming Together
For this last eighteen months, I also learned how this panentheistic God works and how this universe works. I am in agreement with the recent findings of NASA's work with Kepler' spacecraft. Our timing might be good because I am now working fast to record my latest blogs on this new God and His very different universe.