Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

719. All Spirits, All Languages, and All Nations Must Come Together

After the incompleteness of mathematics was found by Kurt Gödel in 1931 (click), physicists had to reject the belief that the universe comes to an end. Since many humans say that living and non-living things exist, physicists must also prove that living things do not exist before they can say that the universe had a beginning and has an end.

However, many scientists reject the end of the universe because symbols of our spiritual minds are never completed. Many logical symbols were used in the Roman courts by Cicero. These flawed logical symbols were eventually found by Nicholas of Cusa in the 15th century. (See Idiota de Mente). Since the meanings of symbols cannot be completed, scriptures and all books and human thoughts are uncompleted and flawed..

Thus, a completed mathematics and a completed symbolic system can not be determined whether the universe had a beginning and has an end. Since mathematics and symbols can never be completed, all spirits, all languages, and all nations must become equal. To maintain evolution, absolute freedom, and a free market economic is to reject God and developing more and more criminals and war machines.

Mathematics and coexistent symbols must come together in order to understand God.

Project Reason Must Be Closed. (click)

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Sunday, December 28, 2014

718. Physicists Must Distinguish Living and Non-living Things

Lawrence Krauss, the physicist from Arizona State University, is a believer that the universe had a beginning, has an end, and is a completed mathematical system. (click) However, many other believer, including me, say that the universe had no beginning, has no end, and is an uncompleted system. (click)

But, in 1931, Kurt Gödel said that theorems of mathematical logic cannot be completed. (click) (Example) Thus, no matter how many new things are added to the universe prior to or after the Big Bang, the universe had no beginning and has no end because God and the universe has always been a unified existing thing.

However, incompleteness applies also to words. Words cannot be completed because they are symbols that can be defined only by our minds.(click) Socrates defined the symbols long ago by saying that the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. Plato followed Socrates with many dialogues. I concluded that Jesus followed many Greeks after he was twelve years old and taught new Greek information until he was killed.

After Jesus was killed, the meanings of symbols were defined mostly by logic and scriptures until the 14th century Renaissance came. In the USA, the meaning of symbols became a major problem in the 20th century. But two wars came and the meanings of symbols were not important. Life scientists were still debating the difference between a sign and a symbol at the Thirteenth Symposium of the Conference of Science, Philosophy, and Religion in 1952. In the late 1980's, Houston University submitted a grant on the subject of symbols and criminal causes to the National Institute of Justice. It was not funded. After I retired in 1994, I produced three books. In these books, I discuss many symbols and their best meanings. In my books, logic and atheism is falling apart because my symbols are becoming true symbols of God and His universe.

The physicists should not make religions obsolete. God is real and the universe has no end because it had no beginning..Furthermore, physicists must reject the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Friday, December 26, 2014

717. Physicists Are Trying To Make Religions Obsolete

On January 10, 2012, Lawrence Krauss, a physicist in the USA at Arizona State University, wrote a book on, A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing. (click)  If this book is accepted widely, all religions will become obsolete.

In his book, Krauss says that the entire universe has emerged from nothing. This statement is related to the quantum field theory. Krauss says that the unknown things in 'nothing' of time and place have existed before the Big Bang thing exploded, made the universe, and comes to the end after all high energies of the universe are reduced to dark energy. On April 23, 2012 Ross Anderson of California talked to Krauss. (click) Today, over seven hundred physicists have reviewed and accepted this new book at (click)

In all of my books below, I say that God is making our universe greater and greater. I conclude that God must make our universe this way because He is the maximum and the minimum, is absolute, and can never become a finite being. Thus, greatest things of God cannot become the greatest things of the universe. Thus, an infinite God and our finite things of the universe coexist forever. Accordingly, nothing outside of God and our universe can exist. Thus, Krauss and other physical scientists are defining the word 'nothing' wrong.

Since physicists also accept Darwin's evolutionary theory, the minds of the physicists are becoming troublesome.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

716. A Message To Christianity

On December 25, 2014 the Trinitarian God will be worshipped again by Christianity. The Trinitarian God unifies Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The Father is a person who creates; the Son is a person who is Jesus and makes a goal that ends the universe; and the Holy Ghost, who is a person that brings all things into the universe from the Father and Son. The Trinitarian God says that Jesus was born unnaturally (without the male seed) by Virgin Mary, who was his Mother

The Trinitarian God was challenged immediately in the 4th century by Nestorius, Muhammad and the new Muslims.  In the 14th century, the Trinitarian God was challenged by many renaissance thinkers. In the 17 century, the Trinitarian God was challenged by Galileo. In the 18th century the Trinitarian God was challenged by Gottfried Leibniz, Ben Franklin, and many Americans. In the 20th century, Christianity failed. (click) In the 20th I began to challenge the Trinitarian God. I finally rejected the Trinitarian God with three books in the 21st century.

I went to a Lutheran Church as a child. At the teen age, I became a member. After three years in the U.S. Army, I went to college at Gettysburg to study science.  I also took a course on the life of Jesus. I finished college at night school at Johns Hopkins University. I restudied Jesus again after I retired from the U.S. Department of Justice.  My view of Jesus was greater. But my view of Christianity changed drastically.

Christianity must turn itself into a true religion of God and His universe. My books below will help.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, December 22, 2014

715. Rebuilding Nations With New Thoughts

Atheists, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religions say that humans have only one life and that the universe eventually comes to an end. I disagree with them and say that God and the universe exists forever and that the lives of humans are endless. Accordingly, all nations must determine whether the universe ends or is continuous and whether humans have one life or have many lives.

World wide, New Religious Movements are appearing among communities in nations. (click) , (click), Instead of developing cults, these movements are developing the sociology of religions. I hope that these movements will not develop this sociology without deciding whether humans have one life or many lives and whether the universe ends or continues forever. Applying new religious movements, with new functions on national islands, would be very helpful because many women, who are born on an island, must become prostitutes for men of larger nations. Thus, the USA and Cuba must become related under God and the universe --- not only economics.

The development of nations must also determine whether humans have one life or many lives and whether the universe ends or continues forever. The development of nations on islands must also determine whether humans have one life or many lives and whether the universe ends or continues forever.

Rebuilding nations, under a God and a universe that has no end, are new thoughts of my books.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, December 21, 2014

714. The Goal of Christianity Is Wrong

In his book On Learned Ignorance, at Book I, Chapter 2, (click) Nicholas of Cusa defines God as a Maximum and a Minimum. This Maximum and Minimum was accepted by Kepler in my last blog. However, after Cusa defined God with these two opposing symbols, Cusa added a third symbol to God. This third symbol is the goal of the universe, which is produced by the inspirations of Jesus. Below, Cusa defines the Trinitarian God of Christianity. I believe that the Trinitarian God has its origin in knowledge and love and in Irenaeus and Augustine and was accepted by Aquinas.  But, I believe that Jesus also had a long life in Greece

Thirdly, a maximum of a third sort will thereafter be exhibited. For since the universe exists-in-plurality only contractedly, we shall seek among the many things the one maximum in which the universe actually exists most greatly and more perfectly as in its goal. Now, such a maximum is united with the Absolute Maximum, which is the universal end because it is a most perfect goal, which surpasses our every capability. Hence I shall add some points about this maximum, which is both contracted and absolute and which we name Jesus, blessed forever. I shall add these point according as Jesus Himself will provide inspiration.

In 1981, I became a student of Jesus, many spirits, and the universe, After I studied them, I produced three books of God and the universe. I conclude that God and the universe had no beginning and has no end or goal. We must only develop happy spirits to live continuously. But we cannot become happy until the real God is known and all nations and spirits become equal.  It is time for studies because I found that co-existent opposites get us to know God better and better, even though we cannot know God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, December 19, 2014

713. Determining Life On Other Planets

In his book on the  Mysterium Cosmographicum The Secret of the Universe (click), Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) agreed with Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) on his work On Learned Ignorance (click). Kepler said that an infinite God exists and is the maximum and minimum. (Read page two in On Learned Ignorance (click).)

In general, the maximum and minimum of God can be shown with a circle that has a center and a circumference The circle can become larger and larger.  But this circle cannot become so large that the circumference has becomes a straight line because God is one and infinite and cannot be known by us. We only know that God has acted and created a universe.
Thus, if God exists, God is the maximum and the minimum and God is the center and circumference of the above circle. All other things in the circle are finite things. However, in his Monadology at statement 78, Gottfried Leibniz says that all finite things in this circle is determined by things that pre-establish a harmony. Thus, all finite things in the circle are being filled by God with living spirits and non-living geometrical things. One geometry is a spiral that is winding upwardly on a cone. One geometrical growth is shown below. Since many other spiral cones coexist, many spirits could exist on other spiral cones. We must learn these spiral cones because non-living things and living things have not been distinguished by the atheists. To atheists only non-living things exist.
When a machine was sent to planet Mars by the USA to determine whether life had been there, the machine found many different compounds but did not find life. I say that we will not find life beyond planet earth until we accept God and an endless universe and determine whether spirits exist on other spiral cones. Thus, the development of rich and poor people in a nation is wrong because we do not know whether life has one purpose of human life on one planet or whether life has many purposes of human life on many planets.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

712. Equalities Of Nations and Spirits Are Necessary

For million of years, nations were unknown and did not exist for a long time. Then, groups of families came into existence. These groups became unequal because natural and geographical differences existed. As time passed, these groups became very different because leaders began to teach different theories of God and the universe.

Eventually, the new subject of eschatology appeared. Some religions and some sciences concluded that the universe had a beginning and has an end. In time, information about the beginning and the end became a part of theology. These theologians started to identify final events of history and the destiny of humans.

However, Plato learned that the teaching of eschatology is false. In his Parmenides Dialogue, Plato shows us that if one is, one being it is always making a better universe. Thus, if God is one, God is making a universe that continues to grow forever. However, physical scientists and atheists say that a Big Bang exploded and caused the universe. The universe of the physical scientists and the atheists say that the universe had a beginning and has an end. So, who is right?

On the universe in general, physical scientists and atheists say that the geometry of space. time, and matter in the universe depend only on the science of physics because God does not exist. On the other hand, godly people throughout our planet say that space, time, and matter depend only on the principle of the greater and least action of God. These actions were applied by Kepler.

It is time to make all nations a and spirits equal as possible because physical scientists and atheists will never be able to prove their belief that God does not exist

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, December 15, 2014

711. All Nationa Must Become Godly

In the writings of James in the New Testament, I found a new co-existent pair of opposites that relate God and the universe contractedly.(clivk)  This pair of opposites is --- invariable and variable. Invariable is an attribute of God and variable is an attribute of all things in the universe.

In my first book, The First Scientific Proof of God, I had found the very first co-existent pair of opposites that related God and the universe contractedly. This first pair of opposites is --- infinite and finite. Infinite is an attribute of God and finite is an attribute of all things in the universe.

I found the first pair of opposites after I learned that Plato corrected the meaning of the word 'not' in his Sophist dialogue. At 257b Plato says, When we speak of ‘that which is not,’ it seems that we do not mean something contrary to what exists but only something that is different. With Plato's correction, I prove that God is not-not-finite or not-infinite. When I published my first book, atheists, physical scientists, logicians, religions, and many other people challenged my proof of God. Eventually, these challenges stopped after a highly respected philosopher reviewed and agreed with my proof of God. My proof of God is now found in the Scientific God Journal, Volume 1 Issue 4, June 2010.(click)

In my second book, A New and Modern Holy Bible, I found six more co-existents of God and the universe. But, in my third book, God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe, I began to inform all nations that my new proof of God says that all nations are ungodly.  Nations are ungodly because humans are reborn by God after they die and are reborn in any nation. So, I have been informing nations that they must become equal. If nations do not become equal, I say that wars. terrorism, and crime will grow and become normal in all nations.

Thus, all nations must act together in order to become godly The alternative is terrible lives for all spirits...

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, December 13, 2014

710. Working With Invariables and Variables

At James 1:17 of the New Testament, James used the word variableness in order to teach readers that God has attributes, which come down from God, never change, and becomes functionally related to its opposing variable in space and time.

At Matt. 5:19, Jesus taught an opposing variable. The variable he taught is the concept, the least-to-a-great kingdom of heaven. Thus, a person, who lives with least commandments, will be reborn in a least developing planet of heaven. And, a person, who lives with great commandments, will be reborn in a great developing planet of heaven.

One can evaluate his or her least-to-great behavior by studying the Bible, my books, and books of other writers.(click) The Bible tells me about the use of money, etc. (click).

One can find invariables of God and variables of the universe.  By finding them, reborn humans can move upward in the heaven that God made. Since many politicians and religions are not hunting for the variables of God's invariable, they will not be reborn in a higher planet. It is becoming clear that my theory is leading the other theories of God and the universe.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, December 12, 2014

709. The Attributes of God and Their Coexistents In the Universe

Yesterday, at James 1:17 of the New Testament, I learned that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Based on this verse by James, I say that good gifts cannot be communicated to us with words or statements by God.

In my first book, The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), I identify the problem of God and man communications and identify three ways that God and man communicate. I conclude that only 'information' brings God and man closer and closer. Here again, I say that God and the universe is continuous and has no end

Thus, the good and perfect gifts from the Father of lights are never variables. All lights from God are different attributes from the same God. All of God's different attributes relate and coexist with all of the created things that God has made, is making, or will make in the universe

I conclude that either/or logic is small compared to the opposing co-existents that reveal God and His universe.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, December 11, 2014

708. God's Attributes and The Workers of Nations Must Come Together

The mind of G.W.F. Hegel is based on opposing concepts such as rights and duties, identity and difference, individuality and community. Today, the opposites nationalism and cosmopolitan are being considered in Europe. (Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's nation. And, cosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on the same moralities).
It is clear that the opposing concepts of Hegel and his followers are generating problems instead of completing Hegel s System.

To prove that Hegel's opposites and logic are wrong, I read again the New Testament, There, I reviewed The General Epistle of James. At James 1:17, James says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. The important part of this verse is that a light from God does not vary. James says that we will hear these gifts fast but speak them slowly. (James 1:19) To find gifts James also said that we should be doers of work rather than hearers. (James 1:25).

In order to prove God's existence in my first book, I looked into evening sky and found many finite things. After looking at the sky, I came to the conclusion that this gift came from one light of God. This light is an infinite attribute of God. I conclude that God's scientific name is the word 'not-not-finite.' Thus, I did not use Hegel's logic to find God.

I now conclude that the languages of all nations must work with God's attributes and the things in the universes, as I did.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

707. The Continuum of the Universe

The dialectical thoughts and logic of Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) says that the world has reached the perfection. Thus, in America, the Young Hegelians in St. Louis and other American Christians are following a strange form of Christianity that Hegel found and that Jesus would reject. (click) I reject Hegel's religion because I say that a perfect universe can never be completed--- because God is One and Infinite and is perfect.

However, I believe that Hegel was aware of the Monadology that Gottfried Leibniz wrote in 1714. In statement 78 of his Monadology, Leibniz says that a harmony is pre-established among all things in the universe. And, in statement 80, Leibniz says that animals and souls begin with the world and do not come to an end any more than the world comes to an end. Thus, I say that the Young Hegelians and other Christians should not expect to enter a second life is a heaven of God when they die because the world that God made is a continuum that never ends. This continuum is why President Lincoln stopped U.S. slavery. And this continuum is why President Kennedy sent astronauts to the moon. Unfortunately, many Americans do not recognize God and live with a different and ungodly form of freedom.

My three books below, many other Americans, and many people in other nations are building knowledge of the continuum of the universe. The transfinite numbers by Georg Cantor; the symphony of life by Donald Hatch Andrews; the unity of law by Henry Carey; the human feelings by Susanne Langer; the symbolic forms by Ernst Cassirer; and the indivisibles by Galileo are just a few samples of the development of the continuum.

To walk away from the continuum is to walk into wars, richness, sickness, crime, and into a poor life.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

706.Challenging the Mind of Friedrich Hegel

In my last  blog, I spoke of Friedrich Hegel, who lived from1770 to 1831.  Hegel was born 20 years before Ben Franklin died and 56 years after Leibniz said that God is a monad, who has no parts. Hegel's work was supported by the Young Hegelians in America. (click)

In general, Hegel's mind has became focused on logic, the philosophy of nature, and the philosophy of spirit. These three thoughts lead to his System and the belief that the world has already essentially reached perfection. Ten examples of Hegel's opposing concepts, (which are dialectical parts of Hegel's System) are presented below:

1.   subject and object,
2.   mind and nature,
3.   self and other,
4.   freedom and authority,
5.   knowledge and faith,
6.   enlightenment and reason,
7.   reality and order of self-consciousness,
8.   mind and spirit,
9.   mind and other-than-mind,
10. macro-community of the state and the micro- community of the family.

Hegel's concepts of macro and micro communities were developed, for instance, by Russia and the USA. Russia was influenced by Karl Marx to develop a macro-community with a state economy. This macro-community became known as communism and is know by people as the political left. Hegel's micro-community of the family with a free world economy was developed in the USA by the political right after Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated.

Unfortunately, the macro/micro-communities of Hegel were developed mostly by economists in Russia and the USA. These economists, many philosophers, physical scientists, and atheists believe that they have only one life and that the universe will come to an end. Some of these people also say that they are able to receive a new life, after death, in God's heaven.

I say that Hegel's System and his dialectical thinking will send some people to God's heaven. I say that Hegel is wrong because the meanings of symbols in all nation's languages and all scriptures are imperfect.

God is eternal and creates godly things forever. There is no other heaven that God makes. Thus, the development of macro/micro-communities by Russia and the USA are ungodly and ignorant because their economies cannot last forever under God...

In my books, all nations will learn what God has made, what God is making, and what God will make in the future.  There is no end to God's work and our works. Since all people are reborn after death, all nations must become equal. If nations do not become equal, wars will be developing continuously. The college and universities must change many schools.

Since many Americans do not believe in God, they do not know that the Declaration of Independence (DOI) is saying that all Americans are created equal  (by God).  So, an internal war might be just around the corner in the USA because the U.S. crime rate is already high.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, December 07, 2014

705. Correcting the Theophanies of Religions

Theophany, which is a concept primarily used by Christians and Jews, is said to involve communications from God to man with symbols and signs. (click)  I reject these communications and accept only one theophany, the existence of God and His acts..

However, I accept the self-consciousness of all humans. Thus, if a person increases his or her consciousness. I say that these increases are immediately known by God. You might want to read Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, even though Friedrich Hegel believed in a 'System' and the Nicene Creed of Christianity. (click) , (click)

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, December 05, 2014

704. Correcting Christianity

Sorry, I also have holidays and had to study in more detail the Trinitarian God vs. One God. To continue my thoughts on God, I say that I became a member of the Lutheran Church when I was young. My interest in Jesus increased when I began to work on the U.S. crime problem at the U.S. Department of Justice in the National Institute of Justice. When I retired, I became very interested in the scientific and moral teachings of Jesus at Chapter 24 of Matthew and the verse at Matt. 5:19. On these teachings, I concluded that God and the universe had no beginning and has no end, that I have an immortal soul, and that I will be reborn after each death.

In my studies of the history of Christianity, I concluded that the heresies of Irenaeus are troublesome because they destroy Gnosticism (click) and destroys the important fields of philosophy, metaphysics, culture, and knowledge. Based on Irenaeus heresies, the Nicene Creed and the Trinitarian God were developed in the 4th century (325 A.D.) and divided Christianity into a Western and Eastern religion. But in the 4th and 5th century the Roman Empire began to fall. In the East, Justinian I closed the Platonic Academy in 529 A.D. and imposed the early Roman language known as Latin. But the West, from the 9th to 17th century, imposed scholasticism under Augustine and Aristotle.(click) However. in the 14th century the Renaissance came (click) and the concept 'infinite' could not be defined by any scholastics, such as Thomas Aquinas. (click) Thus, the Nicene Creed was in trouble for fifteen (too many) centuries.

However, in 1442, Nicholas of Cusa says that an 'infinite' thing cannot be known because the knowledge of it escapes all comparative relations. (click)  In my first book, I prove scientifically that God is (or exists), is one, and is infinite. However, Cusa says that God is unknown but that our desires are not in vain because we can attain knowledge of our ignorance. I agree with Cusa but say that our ignorance can grow only when we learn that an infinite God is contracted to all finite things in the universe. In general, I say that the symbol 'contracted' means an agreement of work between God and all humans.(click) So, if all humans work properly, we will learn our ignorance. Thus,  falsities are the path to truths.

In Chapter Two of his book, Cusa deals with the maximum of our learned ignorance. He says that maximum cannot be anything greater. But, he also says that fullness befits what is one and that oneness, which is also being, coincides with the maximum. Thus, all believers will agree that the maximum and its oneness define God. But Cusa says that the universe also has a maximum that comes to an end because the universe has a most greatly and most perfectly goal. Cusa  says that this goal is achieved by Jesus. I disagree with Cusa because I disagree with the Nicene Creed. An example is as follows: Take a yardstick into your hand and divide its parts into smaller and smaller halves. The last half of the yardstick never comes. So, goals are never achieved. For the same reason, the universe has no end. But I can also say that the infinite number of the attributes of God can never become known by us. So, life in our universe can never be completed.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, December 01, 2014

703. The Christian Trinitarian God vs.The One God

Irenaeus was a Christian. He become a disciple of John, who was one of the four gospel writers of The New Testament. Irenaeus found heresies and wrote about them in the early second century Below, I see some of his heresies..

In Ch. I, he said, The Apostles did not commence to preach the gospel, or to place anything on record, until they were endowed with the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit.
In Ch. V, he said, One God, the Father, was the founder of all things.
In Ch. VI, he said, The Holy Ghost made no mention of no other God or lord, save him who is the true God.
In Ch. VIII, he said, God alone is to be really called God and lord, for he is without beginning and end.  
In Ch. XVI, he said, Jesus was one and the same, the only begotten son of God, perfect God, and perfect man..
In Ch. XVII, he said, The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus.
In Ch. XV, he said, Christ and Jesus cannot be considered as distinct being: neither can it be alleged that the Son of God became man merely in appearance but that he did truly and actually.
In Ch. XIX, he said, Jesus  was not a mere man, begotten from Joseph in the ordinary  of nature, but was very God, begotten of the father most high, and very man, born of the virgin.

The heresies of Irenaeus eventually led to the Nicene Creed in the fourth century. In the Nicene Creed, God became a Trinitarian God --- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (click) This Trinitarian God provides information from God, through the Son, and to us  through the Holy Spirit.

The Trinitarian God was rejected by Nestorius and Muhammad, who was a follower of Nestorius. I conclude that the Trinitarian God was rejected by Nestorius and Muhammad, which was based on Plato's Parmenides dialogue. (click)  In Plato's dialogue, God's one and God's act is the act to create  co-existents. Thus, Plato says that we find Ideas and that we don't receive information from God. But we do send information to God through our souls.

I rejected the Trinitarian God in my second book below.  I can't understand why Christianity did not trashed the Nicene Creed, especially after Vatican asked Gottfried Leibniz to evaluate the God of China and found that China had no Trinitarian God.  Before he died, Leibniz' wrote his Monadology, which rejects the Trinitarian God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages