Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, May 30, 2014

460. Private Sector Money Systems Will Not Work Forever

Yesterday, I said that the forward motion of developing nations are being limited by private sector money systems. I say that these limits are ungodly and must be corrected.

In the USA, these limits were being destroyed by President Lincoln until he was assassinated. Then,  after Lincoln was killed, U.S. lawyers interpreted the Declaration of Independence (DOI) and said that the DOI has no laws. This incorrect interpretation turned the USA into a single law, the Constitution. Thus, the States lost five laws in the DOI. One law authorizes the States to abolish the U.S. government. And the other four laws gives the States considerable power over Congress.

I say that the incorrect interpretations of the DOI by the U.S. lawyer gives excess power to private sector money owners. But the private sector owners cannot control all nations forever. The people of many nations are ready to move into the unknown parts of the universe, This motion is consistent with the reborn of every human by God after every human death. And, the life of every reborn person must be cared for.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

459. The U.S. Military Must Destroy All Inequalities For All U.S. People

Since the oneness of God and His Universe has now been found, many nations should develop new lives for their people. Because of the development of these new lives, I say that friend/enemy ground wars will not appear again on this planet.

Accordingly, military programs of nations must develop new and different war machines. Today, new war machines are serving communism nations, socialism nations, and free-world economic nations. These nations have been developing for over one hundred years. But these nations have had very little success because the forward motion of these developments are under the control of private money systems.

To develop new lives for all people in all nations, all nations must become more equal, as fast as possible. Since any inequality is a war machine against the equalities of people, the U.S. military agencies must secure all equalities for the U.S. people. For example, the U.S. CEOs have become big war machines against the people of the USA.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

458. Why Do Wars Continue? And How Wars Can Be Stopped.

In the U.S., Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May. The holiday honors members of the military who died in service for their country. This day was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war.

When WWII began, military leaders were trained to fight a war with 'a line that can separate geometrically the friends and enemies.' However, after WWII came to an end, different wars began to develop. In these different wars, the geometrical lines could no longer be made because friends and the enemies cannot be separated. For instance, a communistic person and a non-communistic person or a socialistic person and a non-socialistic person can live in the same nation and cannot be separated. So, when President Obama placed a red line in Syria to stop the use of chemical weapons, he could not separate the Syrian people into all friends and all enemies.

Today, military people are developing greater mental problems. I say that these mental problems are coming from the friend/enemy problem, which cannot be defined clearly, as the WWII fighters did. I say that the friend/enemy problem can be solved by making more and more nations equal. This solution is found in my books below. If humans do not make these nations equal, war is a continuous event in bad nations.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Monday, May 26, 2014

457B. Ben Franklin Corrected the KJV Bible When He Changed the Draft Version of the Declaration of Independence

The autobiography of Ben Franklin tells us that Ben became a member of the scientific Societies in England, France, and German 20 years before the American colonists would separate themselves from England in 1776. Thus, Ben became a real scientist in 1756 and would influence many Americans with new sciences.

These scientific honors in Europe came to Ben only 40 years after Gottfried Leibniz would correct the KJV Bible, which was made in England on 1604. Leibniz would correct the KJV Bible with his Monadology, which was finalized in 1714. However, Leibniz died in 1716 and the correction of the KJV Bible was never made by Leibniz. Was Queen Anne and Leibniz put to death too early?

Before his death in 1790, Ben added his thoughts to the Chronology of his Autobiography: (1) immortality of the human soul and (2) some doubts to the divinity of Jesus. These two thoughts of Ben connect Ben's mind to mind of Leibniz and the Monadology of Leibniz.

When I studied the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI), I recognize Ben Franklin's mind linking Leibniz's mind to the minds of all people of the USA.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages . 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

457A. My Second Book Is Correcting the KJV Bible

My second book, 'A New and Modern Holy Bible With The Intelligent Design of An Active God' was reviewed by Steve Ruis. (click) Ruis did no review of my book. Instead, he talked about the concept of hubris, which originated in Greece. Hubris consists in doing and saying things that cause shame to a victim simply for the pleasure of it.

However, Ruis made a comment about my book. he said, 'How is it that someone can place his name upon a Bible as being the author? I could not in all seriousness read such a thing.  I conclude that Ruis is unaware that the Bible can be corrected. For instance, the Bible was corrected when Pope John Paul II apologized to Galileo. However, Ruis is saying that that the Bible is perfect. This is incorrect because no written document is perfect. Although  God is perfect, God cannot communicate with us.  This communication problem tells us why all humans must learn the acts of God.

What is a Bible, by A Church Made New.
The Bible is the account of God's action in the world, and his purpose with all creation. The writing of the Bible took place over sixteen centuries and is the work of over forty human authors. It is quite an amazing collection of 66 books with very different styles, all containing the message God desired us to have. This compilation of booklets contains an astonishing variety of literary styles. It provides many stories about the lives of good and bad people, about battles and journeys, about the life of Jesus, and about early church activity. It comes to us in narratives and dialogues, in proverbs and parables, in songs and allegories, in history and prophecy. The accounts in the Bible were not generally written down as they occurred. Rather they were told over and over again and handed down through the years, before the Bible was written. Yet the same themes may be found throughout the book. Along with the diversity there is also remarkable unity throughout. (click) ,  (click)

If Ruis would have opened my book to Part I, Chapter 1,  he would have learned the scientific proof of God's existence. And, if he opened part I, Chapter 2, he would have learned that two tools, brain and vocal tract, are necessary to produce the knowledge of any Bible. He would have also learned about the development of the human vocal tract by Edmund Crelin. (click). Most importantly, Ruis would have also learned that evolutionary theory is not governed only by the desire to survive. By not reviewing my book, Ruis did not learn any new knowledge of God's acts.

By not reading new science breakthroughs, most people will eventually become atheists, religions will fall apart, and criminal life will take control.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages . 

Friday, May 23, 2014

456E More Information Against Evolution and Natural Selection Theories

After he took control of Germany in the 1930s, Hitler taught all German people that they have a natural gene and must dominate or eliminate other people from the world. This teaching by Hitler led to WWII, led to many deaths of Americans, and violated the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI), which says 'that all Men are created equal.'

With the more perfect thoughts of our human minds, the DOI statement, all Men are created equal, means that God acts in order to give equal acts to all male and female souls. The human mind cannot say that evolutionary theory and natural selection will be found in the acts of God or in the acts of our well developed human minds.

Thus, when lawyers, democrats, and republicans say that the DOI has no laws, they make a major error in their minds, accept evolutionary and natural selection, and develop economic competition among all nations. But, competition among nations will eventually lead to war and terrorism. To stop wars and terrorism, competition among nations must be eliminated eventually because at some time in the future our sun well cause nasty living problems.

In general, I see no use for the  lawyers, democrats, and republicans in the USA.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages .

Thursday, May 22, 2014

456D. Wealthy U.S. People Accept Evolution and Natural Selection Theories

After Ben Franklin died in 1790, the laws of the Declaration of Independence (DOI) would slowly fall away.  In this fall, the DOI and Constitution fell apart functionally. Then, after President Lincoln was assassinated, the laws of the DOI became only a showcase in Washington, D.C.

When the laws of the DOI were destroyed, it is clear that U.S. lawyers and Congress caused this awful fall because they were non-scientists and did not understand the scientific laws that Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, etc. put in the DOI. Even after Jefferson became President in 1881, he knew the ugliness of human inequalities saw that it was necessary to make a home for every U.S. family.

So, after the death of President Lincoln, the U.S. government became a godless and independent three-branch, non-functional government. So from 1865, the people of the U.S. have no Declaration of Independence laws. Without DOI laws, only wealthy people are governing the USA and its other people. These wealthy people also accept evolutionary theory and natural selection.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages .  Without DOI laws

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

456C. Why Evolutionary Theory and Natural Selection Must Be Rejected.

In blog 456B yesterday, I say that humans are unable to know God.  But I say that humans can know God's acts and the universe that God makes.

When humans began to write 9000 years ago,  inspired scriptures were made and gave people new information, gave people new ideas, caused people to make something new, or caused new feelings in people. (click)  However, as time passes, I say that inspired scriptures have become old or outdated. So, I say that human lives came into existence 4.4 millions years ago. These humans walked upright so they could develop their vocal system and build a symbolic language for talking and writing. Since symbols can never be perfected, human life can never be perfected. So, our knowledge of God's universe can never be completed.

Thus, we must reject evolutionary theory and natural selection.  And we can accept an active God with an endless universe.  Thus, we are able to turn all people into equal nations.  Next month, I will be 85 years old. When I pass on, I expect to be reborn on a greater planet of the kingdom of heaven because I found many acts of God.  Jesus helped me to go to my new heaven at Matt. 5:19.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages . 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

456B. Challenges of People and Organizations

My rejection of evolutionary theory and natural selection yesterday is based on my scientific proof of God in my first book, 'The First Scientific Proof of God; Reveals God's Intelligent Design and a Modern Creation Theory.' This book says that all finite things in the universe originated from a 'not-not-finite' thing, which is one thing.  Since one thing is defined by humans today as God, humans developed languages and eventually learned that one God cannot be known.

However, the first book was followed by 'A New and Modern Holy Bible With The Intelligent Design of an Active God.' Although we learned that God cannot be known, humans eventually learned that an unknown God can act by creating a universe and filling it with many things. So, in the second book, I found that God is very active and is creating the best universe.

My second book was followed by 'God and His Coexistent Relations To The Universe: Scientific Advances of The Little Gods, from Pantheism through Deism, Theism, and Atheism, to Panentheism.' In this third book, many acts of God are presented, many scientific laws are identifies, and many human moral laws are identified.

These three books are challenging the evolutionary theory, the natural selection, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. government. I say that high cost health care, cancer, etc.  can be eliminated.

Monday, May 19, 2014

456A. Evolutionary Theory and Natural Selection

Last evening Fox TV program on the 'Cosmos, a Spacetime Odyssey' would teach more about evolutionary theory. (click) This time a dandelion plant would become a sample. This plant would make a flower that would grow, die, and would produce a new dandelion plant somewhere else in the universe. Thus, Fox TV is teaching that humans, apes, and dandelion came from a common system called 'DNA.'

Natural selection defines evolutionary theory and is based on variations that persist. When we die our body parts break down. Only genes persist as sperm cells or eggs. What persists is called the allele. Allele is defined as a stretch of genetic material, which is not broken up. Instead, it is transmitted into the 'gamete' and becomes part of the next generation. If the organism lives but does not reproduce, all the alleles perish together. If there is even the slightest causal link between the failure to reproduce and a particular allele - that is, if a variant allele at the same locus in another organism enabled that organism to reproduce - then natural selection can be said to be operating on that allele. Such weak causal links can be detected by examining the reproductive outcomes of populations with slightly different phenotypic features.(click)

I reject evolutionary theory and natural selection because all finite things in any universe must be defined by before any finite thing in the universe can become a body, cell, egg, etc.. I said this statement earlier when I said that the chicken comes before the egg. So, God must exist and be a creator before anything becomes real the universe. So, I reject DNA as the identification of a person with teeth, fingerprints, etc.  Only God knows everything in the universes.  This is why no twins exist.  And this is why a man and woman cannot be reborn so they can live together in a heaven. A heaven can exist only in a universe.

Evolutionary theory and natural selection are accepted mostly by capitalists who only seek wealth and has no belief or interest in God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages . 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

455. Ben Franklin Is Still Unknon By Too Many Americans

Ben Franklin (1706-1790) was a major leader of the separation of the U.S. colonies from England.  But Franklin was also the dominant scientist of the colonies in this separation in the 18th century. Many U.S. citizens, especially lawyers, do not know that the Declaration of Independence (DOI) was made mostly by Ben Franklin. In the DOI, four scientific laws and one moral law were approved by Ben and was accepted by all colonies.

Ben became a dominant scientist because his scientific work was widely accepted by people in England, Germany, and France.  In 1756, Ben became a Fellow of the Royal Society in England. Ten yeas later, in 1766), he became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Science in Germany. And in 1772 Ben became a Fellow of the French Academy of Sciences in France.

On Mother's Day (May 11, 2014), the 'Cosmos, a Spacetime Odyssey' by Fox TV, did not give any credit to Ben Franklin for his work on electricity in the 18th century.  If Fox TV would have examined Ben's work on electricity, this Fox TV program might have learned that electricity is both positive and negative and works together and are not related logically. Since electricity is both positive and negative, it can form things such as a car battery.

If Fox TV studied Ben Franklin, it would have learned that Ben's electricity might be related (1) to Ben's statements on the immortality of humans and (2) to Ben's doubts about the divinity of Jesus.   Ben's statement and doubt are seen on page 322 of Ben's Autobiography.

Instead, Fox TV seems to be teaching England's science.  For example, Fox TV discussed the electrical work of Michael Faraday (1791-1867) in the 19th century. Ben's work on electricity was not discussed. In other programs, Fox TV seems to be teachings only England's science and England's evolutionary theory to the American audience.  Thus, Fox TV continues to say that humans are made from apes.  This is not widely accepted in America.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages . 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

454. Nothing Is a False Concept.

Based on my research on God, I say that God exists, is one, creates a universe with finite things, and is perceived eternally. I also say that infinity , spacetime (or four dimensional space and time), and nothing cannot coexist.

Essentially, my research is confirming the point of view of Bernhard Riemann: that all measure-relations can only be empirically determined. Thus, in the field of physics, atheism is wrong. Accordingly, colleges and universities must change the chairs of physics.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

453. Infinity Is An Attribute of God And Is Not the Meaning of 'Nothing.'

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam teach a God, which is false and physical scientists accept no  God.  Thus, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam say that God's universe comes to an end and physical scientists says that God never had a beginning.  But I reject Judaism, Christianity, Islam and physical scientists because I say that God always was, that God was always building the best universe, and that God has no end.

In my last blog, I say that all things in the universe are finite and that all finite things are different and come from a different infinite (or not-finite) thing, which is in God.

Physical scientists say that a universe begins with nothing(click)  They say that nothing  implies infinity. This implication eliminates God from the universe because physical scientists link time = 0 and infinity to the notion of nothing. I say that mathematics cannot define the beginning and ending times of the universe. I also say that the infinity of God is absolute whereas the infinity of the universe is variable and is never maximum.

See the thoughts of Andrew  M. Ryan below.  (click)

The first thing to notice is that infinity is an inherently irrational concept. Though we may understand in a strictly formal sense what the word infinity means, it is not possible to conjure up an accurate representation of the idea in our minds. The best we can do is acknowledge that, however far we go, we can always go farther. But man can’t wrap his head around anything truly boundless. Moreover, the machinery of logical and mathematical reasoning also breaks down when applied to infinity. The crux of this breakdown comes from the observation that the cardinality (size) of all infinite sets is the same, regardless of how those sets are defined. For example, the set of all integers is the same size as the set of all odd numbers, even though, intuitively, it seems like there should be twice as many of the former as the latter. The even numbers are missing from the set of odd numbers, but not missing from the set of integers. Therefore, the set of integers must, in some sense, be the larger of the two, even if we concede that both are infinite. But how could one infinite set be any larger than another? They both go on forever.
Any number of paradoxes can be formulated by applying the above observation to hypothetical situations. David Hilbert’s paradox of the Infinite Hotel is one example. In it, we are to imagine a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, and then wrestle with various notions of vacancy and occupancy. Specifically, would an infinite number of guests result in full occupancy? The answer appears to be no. If a new guest arrives, we simply move the guest in room one to room two, the guest in room two to room three, and so on, making room for the new guest. Since there is no end to the number of rooms, even an infinite number of guests cannot fill them all. In this and every other paradox of infinity, the issue revolves around treating infinity simultaneously as a number and as the concept ofunboundedness. A number is a discrete, definable entity, while unboundedness is exactly the opposite. All numbers are unique, their values rigorously determined, whereas all unboundedness, qua infinity, is the same. But because we can define infinite sets in much the same way that we define particular numbers, it appears as though different infinities are equal and unequal at the same time.
These sorts of paradoxes are interesting, but they are only relevant outside of pure mathematics if there are, in fact, genuine infinities in the physical world. Currently, infinities are rejected by physicists as meaningless, and none of the accepted laws of nature require them. On the contrary, an infinite answer to an equation describing a physical phenomenon is regarded as evidence of a mistake. Consider, if there were any infinite physical quantities, they would, by definition, take over the entire cosmos. Infinite gravity would pull everything in with an infinite force. An infinite force would generate an infinite quantity of energy. Infinite energy, in turn, would impart an infinite expansive or implosive velocity to everything in the universe. Nothing in our experience justifies these crazy conclusions, hence infinity is never relevant or even possible in the real world.
Yet infinite nothingness appears inescapable. And, as with the paradoxes discussed above, it is easy to construct a contradiction between the finite character of any discrete region of the void, and its infinite character, taken as a whole. Imagine, for example, an infinite spherical region of the void (fig. 1); being infinite, the void can contain any number of infinite sub-regions, just as we can define any number of infinite sets using only a subset of the integers (odd numbers, for example). Now, any discrete point selected anywhere inside of this infinite sphere is, by definition, an infinite distance from the perimeter. And because all infinite quantities are equal (equally boundless), every point in the sphere is also an equal distance from the perimeter. However, the only point in a sphere that is equidistant from every point on the perimeter is the very center of the sphere. Therefore, the line connecting any point inside the sphere to its perimeter is a radius of that sphere. That is, every point in the sphere, no matter where it is, is the same point, namely, the center. The paradox is obvious—every point in an infinite sphere is the center of the sphere, the same point. There is a clear logical contradiction between infinite geometry and Euclidean geometry. Indeed, there is a contradiction between infinity and every variety of math and logic, because every infinity must be treated both as a particular number as well as an equally unbounded quantity. Or again, infinity can be defined in many different (and mutually exclusive) ways, but always ends up equally infinite just the same.

Infinite Versus Euclidean Sphere

Figure 1—While only one point (the center) is equidistant from every point on the perimeter of a finite, Euclidean sphere (a) every point in the interior of an infinite sphere (b) is equidistant from the perimeter. Hence, every point in an infinite sphere can be thought of as its center.

The above paradox is even clearer if we create a simple isosceles triangle (fig. 2) and vary the height. As the height increases, the angle at a decreases, and if the height becomes infinite, the angle becomes zero. However, if this angle becomes zero, oints b and cbecome the same point. This is true regardless of how far apart, in absolute terms, b and creally are. That is, b and c, from the standpoint of infinity, are the same point, even though they aren’t really the same point. Under normal, finite conditions, these sorts of paradoxes are no more than interesting intellectual observations, having no relationship to reality. But, if we are agreed that the void is genuinely and unavoidably infinite, we can’t simply leave this problem unaddressed. The points in an infinite sphere are either all in the center or they’re not. Points b and c either have a particular separation or they don’t. The void is either infinite or it isn’t. In none of these examples can we have it both ways.

Infinite Versus Euclidean Triangle
Figure 2—As long as the height of the triangle is finite, the angle at a is greater than zero and the points b and c have a positive separation. But when the height becomes infinite, the angle goes to zero and points b and c become the same point.
From an intuitive perspective, we might try to resolve this matter by pointing out that, with infinite distances at our disposal, it is always possible to stand back from an object, however big it might be, far enough to reduce it to a pin point. Venus, for example, looks to the naked eye like a point, but only because it is so far away. If we launch a space probe to get a closer look, its true size becomes evident. There is no paradox to unravel. But though this might seem to resolve the issue, it ignores the categorical difference between really, really big, on the one hand, and infinite, on the other. As we increase the height of our triangle, the distance of a from b and c is not merely great enough to make b and c look the same, it is great enough to render them, mathematically, as the exact same point. The angle at a, from an infinite distance, is not just very, very small, it is exactly zero. And this is true whether we initially choose the base to be an inch or a light year wide. This results in a real, intractable mathematical contradiction. There appears to be a kind of tension between the Euclidean and infinite characters of the points b and c. The question now is, do we treat this tension as entirely theoretical, or is it, in some sense, real.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

452. Going Beyond Logic With Your Mind

After I was born and opened my eyes, I looked around and saw many different things in my home. When I became older, I looked up at the evening sky and saw many stars and dark skies. As my life went forward, my mind went beyond my eyes.

Thus, I say that only different things exist in the world.  Plato made the same statement. In his Sophist at 257b Plato says, When we speak of ‘that which is not,’ it seems that we do not mean something contrary to what exists but only something that is different. With these words Plato and I rejected the use of 'not' in the field of logic.

If one follows the thoughts of Plato, all different things in the world are 'finite' and the meaning of the word 'not-finite' means that a different thing exists and cannot be compared with any finite thing in the world. When the word 'infinite' was made, the makers gave it the same meaning, 'not-finite.'

When one brings the modern concepts 'finite and infinite' together, one cannot use either/or logic.  Instead, one must unify finite and infinite with both/and logic, which is a higher level of thought in our minds. This higher level of thought brings God together with a universe, which is imperfect but is endless. Thus, the togetherness of finite and infinite reveals God to me. And many other pair of opposite concepts will also reveal God to our minds. Bringing God and the Universe together as one world will produce a beautiful world if nations become equal.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Saturday, May 10, 2014

451. God Is Partless. But God Also Makes Parts

In the New Testament at Chapter 14, I say that Jesus is neither God nor the Son of God. Jesus confirms my saying at John 14 28. At this verse. Jesus says, 'I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.'  Since Jesus says that the Father is greater than Jesus, I add this fact in my three books.

When I was searching for the origin of all things in the universe, I concluded that God is One and must be partless and is inactive because God is All.  But I also concluded that God is perfect and can be the origin of each thing in any universe. So, if God creates and did, I say that God will create all parts that are necessary to make the best universe.

God's partless and inactive concepts prove that God is perfect and cannot be exhausted. And God's parts and God's activity in the universe proves that the universe is continuous forever. The parts that God makes for the universe are coexistent opposite concepts. (See my third book.) Buddhism might agree with my thinking on the subjects of partless particles and the parts of particles. (click) It is clear that a universe can be created only by God.  The Bib Bang theory is poorly developed.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Friday, May 09, 2014

450. Correcting and Updating Our Languages With New Books and Music

Jesus in not the Son of God as Christians say. Christianity must change and must become more scientific in thoughts. I say that scriptures must be corrected and updated. And  Gospel Music must also be corrected and updated. The world is moving forward because our languages are in motion. New books and music are also needed

At John 14:6, Jesus says the he is 'the way, the truth and the life'. In this verse, Jesus also says that 'no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.'  The phrase, but by me, does not mean that Jesus is the 'Son of God.' This phrase means that all humans are 'the way, the truth, and the life.'  In Chapter 14 of the New Testament by John, Jesus teaches that God is the Father and that Jesus and all other humans 'come from' the Father.  Thus all humans are Sons of God and should be called  'Little Gods.'

At John's verse at 14:20, Jesus said that 'ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.'  However, this statement of Jesus' was not improved until the 17th century when the word 'in' was trashed. Today, Jesus' more perfect statement would be 'ye shall know that I am functionally related to my Father, and ye are functionally related to me, and I am functionally related to you.' As seen, Jesus was a scientist and psychologist. Although Jesus did not know about functional relation at his time, he knew that the universe will never end or be completed.  He also knew that humans will come to the Father after each death before they are reborn.

This blogging correction and update is only one.  Many corrections and updates are necessary in science and morals. Without changes, criminals will rise and nations will fall.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Thursday, May 08, 2014

449. God and Science Were Born In the Mind of Jesus

My research says that the field of science and its truths were hidden for three thousands years by dictators, scriptures, and the field of religion. Science was not wanted by religions because religious leaders were saying that scriptures are inspired by God. Today, we know that our national languages and written scriptures are imperfect

When modern science appeared in the 17th century, religions fought against science. For example, Christians imprisoned Galileo for his belief that Earth is not at the center of the universe.  Christianity apologized only in 1992.

I studied the Life of Jesus in my only year at Gettysburg College before I went to Johns Hopkins University.  When I studied the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus after I retired from the U.S. Department of Justice, I was amazed at the number of scientific teachings that Jesus taught to his disciples, which were students and were not scientists. As a scientist, I conclude that Jesus knew that he was not the Son of God because he knew that God is One, which has no parts. So, I say that a Trinitarian God is not possible. Since many teachings of Jesus are scientific, I concluded that Jesus lived in Greece for a long time and became a Platonist. Since a Platonist must become a lover of philosophy, I say that Jesus had to work hard to extract sciences from the philosophy he learned before he could go home to teach his Jewish culture.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

448. Only One God and One Universe Exist

As I said yesterday, allegiances can be improved by believers as time passes. But these believers have only two choices of God. One choice is the God, who creates the universe, rests, and creates a universe that had a beginning and has an end. The second choice is the God who creates the universe, never rests, and creates a universe that has no end.

Historically, the first God was developed when Abraham rejected idolatry and the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Qur'an were made by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. This God and its scriptures were taught until the 13th century. In the 13th century, a different God was found and had been found long ago in China and moved into Greece.

The second God was found by Confucius in China. In Greece, Anaxagoras confirmed it in 500 B.C.. In Greece, Plato built a universe of God with a scientist called Timaeus Jesus might have lived in Greece for eighteen years as a Platonist. When he came home, the teachings of Jesus were mostly scientific. These scientific teachings caused his death on the Cross. When Irenaeus rejected Gnosticism, many scientific teachings of Jesus were never taught by Christian churches. But in the 13th century, logic began to fail in the Christian courts. In the 14th century, Plato's dialogues reappeared. With the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo, the endless universe is right. However, when Gottfried Leibniz studied the Chinese God in the 17th century, Leibniz developed his Modadology. When Ben Franklin went to Europe in 1766 to learn about the work of Leibniz, Ben came home to tell many Americans that the first God is false and that the second God is true. Based on Franklin's visit to Germany and France, the USA would separate the colonists quickly from England in 1776.

The Declaration of Independence (DOI) is not being followed by the three branches of the U.S. government. Yet, the DOI has four scientific laws and one moral law. The DOI says that the 'Laws of Nature and of Nature's God' entitle us the second God. The major world problem is that lawyers can make moral laws but cannot make scientific laws. More scientists must be added to  Congress, to the White House, and to the Supreme Court

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

447. Growing Atheists Will Become Criminals

Last Sunday evening, on the 9th program of the Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Fox TV continue to tell people that God does not exist and that the universe is coming to an end. If this message continues, I say that most people on this planet will become atheists and will become criminals. So, crime must be stopped before it can never be stopped.

A recent NBC poll says that 86 % of the people today agree with the latest allegiance..
1. I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands: one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.(1892).
2. I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it stands: one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all (1892- 1923)
3. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the republic for which it stands: one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. (1923 to 1924)
4. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. (1924-1954)
5. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America , and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (1954- Present)

The above allegiances are saying that people can believe in God. While these allegiances can believe in God, they cannot know God because God in one and has no parts. However, a believer is able to learn about God's acts.> To define God's acts, one can investigate the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) first. In the DOI, one can learn about four scientific and a moral law, which allows the U.S. States to abolish the U.S. government. The four scientific laws are (1) one People,  (2) laws of nature and of nature's God,  (3) self-evident truths, and (4) all Men are created equal.

To define the acts of God, one can study China's God, Confucius' God, Plato's God, Jesus'  God, Leibniz' God, Riemann's geometry, Cantor's transfinite numbers, my God and the universe, etc.. There is no end to God and the Universe, as these big thinkers say.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Sunday, May 04, 2014

446.Races Form Contests, Not Different People

Race and racism does not define different groups of people around the world.  Yet, people still say that humans are racists and are colored differently (black, white, red, etc.). Below is the way that a race is must be run.

In the Old Testament, at Ps. 19.5, race is a contest among humans and their knowledge about God.  And, at Eccles. 9.11, race is a contest of time and chance for all human.  In the New Testament, at 1 Cor. 9.24, race is a contest for receiving a prize and at Heb.12.1, race is a run with patient that is set before us.

On races, the Old and New Testaments above are consistent with my books below ---  that God and the Universe had no beginning and has no end.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Friday, May 02, 2014

445. Nations Must Develop Equal Children Or Ugly Nations Will Become More Ugly

Apparently, Magic Johnson and his billionaire backers, the Guggenheim Partners, want to purchase the Los Angeles Clippers. (click)  In order to make this purchase happen, did Magic Johnson say that Donald Sterling is a believers in racism and is Magic Johnson forcing Sterling to sell his basketball investment?  This is only one question about how the world wide investors operate and use the free enterprise  economy of the USA, which can never make equal nations and equal humans under God.

As I said yesterday, racism does not exist.  Only dominate entelechies (or species ) exist. They are indivisible souls, which has no matter, but forms a divisible body with lower and lower dominant species. Since these divisible bodies eventually die, the indivisible human souls will be reborn through different fathers and mothers. To reborn indivisible human souls, all fathers and all mothers must be equal in every nation. Otherwise the developing minds of reborn children will become a moral and scientific disaster.

Accordingly, the USA must develop equal humans in all States. NBA is not developing equal humans.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Thursday, May 01, 2014

444. Donald Sterling and His Basketball Team

I don't believe that Donald Sterling created a problem only by himself and his basketball team when he made statements on the subject of racism. I believe that the word 'racism' has no proof of its existence.  Instead, I believe that the U.S. language must be improved by all Americans if we want the American mind to be improved properly.

When I worked at the U.S. Department of Justice, I heard Republicans said that black humans are born as criminals. So, Republicans said that these criminals should be caught, locked up, and the  keys should be thrown away.  I also learned that the meanings of scientific symbols are very poor by lawyers. I also learned that symbols can get many meanings.  For instance, the symbol 'duck' has two different meanings. For example, a young boy in a ghetto home learned how to duck when his Mother's boyfriend swings at him.  But a young boy in a suburban home learned how play with his duck in a pond. So, how long has the Republicans shared their terrible thoughts with Sterling.

In his book on, 'The Seven Mysteries of Life (at page 351),' Guy Murche says that there is no such thing as a pure race. (click) According, there is no race in the universe that is not related to other races. Thus, the word 'race' should be eliminated because the word 'race' is identical to the word 'species.' If the word 'race' is eliminated, Sterling and the basketball players of his team can only use the word 'species.' This could lead Sterling and the NBA to a fast friendship,

Unfortunately, the meaning of new word, species, is viewed wrongly today by many Americans, who do not know God and are becoming atheists.  They believe that species have came from the stars that we see in the evening sky. But Americans have not proven that species came from the stars. I say that species are souls that come from God.

In his Monadology (click), Gottfried Leibniz says that every species is a dominant entelechy. (click)  Leibniz also says the dominant entelechy is a soul, which has no matter. Every soul thus forms a body of specie, which enter and leave our bodies continually.

If evolutionists had rejected the 'races' that come from stars, they would have seen that  'species' are souls and Sterling and his basketball players would become very close friends.  Instead, evolutionists are destroying human friendships. So, the owners committee agrees to move quickly to oust Sterling is too fast.

Below is a terrible definition of Racism in the Google website.
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages