Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXI (U.S. science has become a science of atheism.)
This phrase was applied by our founders before 1776 because Ben Franklin’s visits to Europe brought home a new science that was developed in Germany and France by Leibniz and his association with Descartes, et al. But Leibniz, Descartes, et al would never admit that they are rationalists because they did not oppose British empiricism. They merely viewed sense-experience as an inferior kind of knowledge. The new science requires metaphysical reasoning and seeks two forms of knowledge. One form seeks natural laws with logical thinking. The other form seeks ‘moral laws of God’ with dialectical thinking. Nonliving things will thus contain logical necessities. On the other hand, living things will not contain logical necessities because they are free.
This new science did not develop in the USA because our lawyers say, and the U.S. Supreme Court rule, that the Declaration of Independence is only an authority to go to war against England, if England opens a war. As I continue to say on my website, the Declaration of Independence has many other authorities.
The above Supreme Court ruling has a huge impact because it turned the USA into a godless nation where arbitrary laws are appearing frequently. This ruling has also turned science in the USA into British empiricism, which is a godless science promoted by atheists.
To me, remaking America will not be possible unless the Supreme Court changes its ruling on the Declaration of Independence so that a godly science can be applied. Further, I believe that the struggles between the Democrats and Republicans exist only because the other authorities in the Declaration of Independence were never considered by our self-government.